245913 CyRIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ LI�ENSE COMNLCTTEE COU IL ESOLU ON-GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE w DATF Oetoger ZL4.� 1969 RESOLYED: That application for Restaurant, Oa and Off Sale Malt Beverage ar�d Cigarette licenses applied for by Eleanor 9nn Herold at 902 Farrington Street� be ax�d the sa,ne axe hereby gra.nted on the conditian tha.t within �p v __ days of this date said Eleanor �nn Herold shall comply with all requirements of the Bureaus of Fire, Health, and Poliee� and the License Inspector puxsuant to the St. Paul Legislativ� Code and all other applicable ordinarice� and laws. OCT 14 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson OCT 14 1969 --�� Approve� 19— � �___In Favor Peterson ' Sprafk2 J Mayor � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PU�i.1SH�D �CT 1$ �96� ��� ^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesotat �e a�ti�e�t o a�`ic �a et 245 p � 9�� POLICS Tenth and Minnesota Streets $EALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEA M. CONWAY, Depaty Commla�ioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inspeetor October 14, 1969 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Eleanor Ann Herold makes application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette Licenses for 902 Farrington Street which is located at on the East side of the street at the intersection of Burgess Avenue. This location has been licensed for a similax bu$iness since 1933. The present licensee� Henry R. Kolln, has held the lieenses since September 196']. There are no other 3.2 places within two blocka. �'he closest OnSale Liquor place ie about four blocks and the closest Off Sale Liquor plaee is about eight blocks away. 2'he nearest church is abont txo blocks and the nearest school is about three blocks away. From .Tanuary 1965 to May 1965, the applicant worked for Fabricators at Seattle� Washington as a Drill Press Operator. From July 1965 to April 1967, as a cashier for Naughton's, Inc. at Kodiak, Alaska. From August 1967 as a press operator for Minnesota Plastics where she still is employed. Vexy truly yours, ` ��i o,� ��.- a��.� �`� License Inspeetor �O C ITY ffF S,A IIdT PAUI, , DEP�,RT�IENT !�' PtT$I,IC SAFETY LiCENSE DIVISION � Date �ept. 22 19 69 1. Applioat�o� ��r Yalt Beverarre. Ci�,arette., ��■� �ff �ale Be�r LiQer�e 2, Name of appliaant Zlsanor �nn Herold 3. Buainesa addreae�902 I�arrington Residen�e 1036 Bnrgees 3treet 4. Trade name, 3.f' e��{r �o N,�' ��s' l�AR I�/ 5. Retai� Beer Fedaral Tax Stamp % Retail Ziquor Federal Tax Stam.p �rill be usedo _ ._. .. _ . __ .....,�.�_ 6. t� what �'loox looated liaia Number of ro�na used` gRQ _ _ _ _ _ ,� 7. Betwgsn �at cross atreets �srria�tor� �„ raea�ich �ide of street g,�� �orrier 8. �,ra premisee no�ar Qodupied�at businese �vmrs Htmr lon.g .�.r2 Ye�y$ 9. ,Are prea�iaes noR•un000upied�Ha� lang vaaant Previoua use 1Q. Are you a new awaer zei Have you been in a similar buaineas bePore gp iRher� �Phan 11. Are you going to operate �his busin,ess peraon.ally Te� If not, vrlio will opera►te it 12. hre you in, any other business at the present tim� �o 13• Aave thsre been any Qaraplaints against your oparation of this �ype of place 1Phen ilh.ere 14. II�v� you ev�er had any licenae revolaed �o lAhat reason ar�I date 15. Are you a oitizon of the IInited Statea Yee Nati�v�e Naturalized _.....��. �_ 16. Wher�t �are you boi�a �egeat, �orth �akota Date of birth 2-18-36 . __ .,. 17. T am. ot married• �y (av�.Pe's) (huaband•s j na�a and address is � 18. (If ma rried feu�le) my ma iden name is 19. Ho�r long have 3ro� lived in St. Paul 28 Zears 20, Hav�a you ev+ar been arreated Ao qio].ation of vrYaat criminal ]aw or ordinancse . �1. Are you a regietered voter in the Ci�*jr of $t. P�u� " � Y�s � � No, . _ ..., _....,,. (ans�er fully al�d COmpletelys `.L''h�9e a �IiQation.s are thorou hl check+sd ax�d an falaifioatzon �.11 be cauae for deniala 22, Autober oP 3.Z p]aoes xithin two bloak� � 8one 23. Closeat intaaciaating liquor place. thi. Se�le Iillage BAr p� gale �omo �ale Liquora 24. �eareet �hurah go• �8�ue1 buthern Nearast Sahool Goraan 3chool 25. Number of b�otha '�wo Tablea Two Chaira Four Stoo18 Siz 26. �t occupat3,on.ha'v'e you Pollowed for the paat five y�sars. (Give names oP emplo�ars and datea �o emplosred.) �insaesota PlaBtics 8-6-� to pressat ?ress tfperator ---�`— Hanghti�ns� Ino. 7-1-65 to 4-3�-6Z, Caehier godiak. >lsklca �'abri�ators 1-6 to -6 Drill Press 0 erator 3eattle Aashingtos Z7. Givey r�smes and addreeees o� twro peraons, reaidents of S`be Aau1, Minnp, �rho can give in.Pora�at3.on eoncarning youb Name Y[rs. Corrine ltobinmoa Addreea 1036 B�raesa $� Yr. Frank ?rantaaella •�. l�ame �E���z��E����i�F���EX �ddreas 7xsia�;: 1850 Yarykaoll 1�e. , _ : . Q �na�ure of pp soan 3tate of Minnssota� C ounty of F�msey �s� h ��'AnJa/'. � ." f�E2aG/� being first duly s�rorn, clepoaea srni says upon oa t he 1�� rea e orego ng sta�a�nt bearing hi.s sign.atura and l�o�ra the aontente thereof„ and�that�the eam9 is �rue-of hia o�m lrnoavledge except aa to thoae imttera therein etated upan infozmation and belief and as to thoae mQtters he believ�ea thsm to be true. � � Signa'ture ofl �pplicant b�.ibsaribed and aworn to before me ' /2 I� �fE/rl�'/1 thi � Z 3 day of �F 19� � �� o r°y Pub i c, �ey C ounty, , e s ota 'j�/a K�j Fr GERALD E. FRISCH M� C;Orim11.88��. 9Xp12'A8 Notary �'ub�i�, Ua4cu!a Cou��ty, M�r.7:r M�r ;i7-:mi=sion E;:�,=u'�s FeN. i.5, 7-y V (Note.� �hese statement forms are in dupliaate. �Both csopies must be fully filled outa notarized, and returned to the Licenae Diviaiono�— AFF IDAV 3.T B Y ,�PPL ICANT , FOR RETAIL BEER QR LIQUOR LICENSE Re= �Sale�� Licsen�e Name of appiicant =leanor Ann Herold Busineas addz^ees 902 Farrington St. Are you the sole owner of this business?�S. If not9 is it a par�nership? � �',`/ corporatian? , o:bher? Others in�erested in buainess, include �hose by loan of money, property or otherwieea Name �� � Address t�� Ho�av � �/1 If a corporation, give its name Are you interested i.n any way in an� other Retail Beer or Liquor busineas? I�o .As sole owri.erY �To Partner? Ro Stockholder4 l�o atherwise? (Through loan of money, etc� Explain) Address of sueh buainess and nature of in'terest in same � _ ignature of applicant State of Minnasota� ss C ounty �f I�msey ) I�LI�,,�/�lpr�- �. �����-�� /� being firat duly aworn, deposea and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and 1c�ioYra the contents thereoP; that the same is true of his own lgiovsrledge9 except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief e�nd as to those zvatters he believea them to be true. Q Signature of applicant Subsoribe�l,�and sworn to bafore me thia 2-=� � day of S F�� 19 �� 1��� � %�!'��c�_ � E FR�S�Hty N11nfi° Notary ublic, �s�r County, Bdinnesota GERA�"�aKo{a COep,16,19�6 pI'`rCOT� NotaN�,ss°r�xP,res� My oarrunission expirea 19 My co�' � � STATE � �TNNESOTA� � SS COUNTY 4F RAMSEY gisa Bleanor Ann Herold being first duly aworn, doth depose and say that s he makes this affidavi� in connectior� with applica�ion for " Sale" liquor license (" ���fSalen xnalt bevera�e licenas) in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for Two year$9 �ix ���hs, and is now and has bsen for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that �he now resides at 10 6 Bur ess Street � Address St. Paul Id , Mirines ota, City or Town ���-�� C�. ��---� Subsoribed and av��rn to before me this 2 3�� aay of �'f�7` lg� �� �. ���� �'�T'y Ri1JllOy R�ifiSB� COLiT1tSTy NI111ri630't& GERALD E. FRISCH �/Cp�/� Notary Public, Dakota County, Minn: �r c20mm].88iOri explrAB MY Commission Expires Feb. 16, 1976