245838 . ' 2458�� � CTTY OF ST. PAUL COUNCTL FILE NO. ` �.tesolution Appmoving A�sessment By— and Fixing Time of $earing Thereon ��g In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coat and expe�ses fcr coastrnction or res- toratie� of side�alks agd work incidental thereto: Cogtract 68-l�-�32, District No. 1, Levy �io. 13, ess�ssssr�: F.O. �236747 - Front Ave., bcth sides fron 8ice St. tm Park St. F.O. #236638 - Englewood Ave., south side frmn Griggs St. to Dunlap St. F.O. #237308 - Ha�line Aoe., west sid� frcr� gniversity Ave. to Ed�nnd Ave. and on the east aide of Aas4liae A�e. frce gaiversity Ave. tv Sherbgrae Ave. N0�-ASSES3A�LE2 F.O. #236638 - Eaglelvood Ave., south si�e froa 6riggs St. to D�slap St. F.O. #2373�8 - AaaliAe Ave., weat sid� frc� nniversity Ave. to 8d�n�ad Ave. aw� �� the east side of Samli�e Ave. fr� �siversity Ave. to 3herti�rne �ve. uade��e�a�-O��e�-- - ---------- --;�rw.pr�--------- --- --- ------------- -; �er�ed�ar3�O�den------+���------------- --- nppra�a�ec�- ---- ------ ----- ------------ ; —, b�nnai-O��ia�:-------------------------------T�f►�►re�r�e�d----------------------------------- The assessment o�f b�n�fit�Tcost And �ax�en��R for and in connection with the above improvement ha.ving been submitte�d ta the Council, and the Council having considered sa,me and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asseasment be and the same is hereby in all respects-�.pproved. RESULVE�D FURTHEIZ, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the �i��� day of xm►e.ber, 1969 , at th� hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Gity Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Ch,axter, stating in said notice the time and pla.ce of heaxing, the na.ture of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lat or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice ia directed. COUNCILMEN - Ye� Carison Nays Adopted by the Council �+T 7 1�969 Meredith t Peterson �� � 1J69 $Tpt� � Ap rover� — � Tn Favor • Mayor Fo� xr2 zn� ie-sa a� —�—Against pUBLISkE�� OCT 11 1969