245836 : . 2458�6 .. � COUNCIL FILE N0. �; CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Approving A�sessment By— and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon File No. 17169-c In the matter of the assesament of benefits, cost and eacpe�:es for gra�iig and sxrfacimg �itb bitm�iaons material "E" STItEEZ frcia "C" S treet to "A" S treet aad "C" ST�BT frc� '''B" Street to iihite Bear Avenme. Also coastrt�ct a sewer for stor� water p�rpasma in "C'" S� fro� 220 feet East of "�� 3treet to "�" Street. Also ccnstruet water servic�s ia "B" STREET AbB "C" STREET, under Preliminary Order 2332�5 ,approvec� r� il 2fL, 1967 � Intermediaxy Order 2,�3��6 ,approve� 1�aq 31� 19i7 � , Final Order 23��A ,approved Ju�e 27, 19i7 f , b�r _�t rs eest asd c��ss�s f and in connection with "# The asaessment o� , or ,� �. , � :� : the above improvement having been submitte�d to the Council, and the Council having�considered same � and found the said asseasment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asaessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That a public heaxixig be had an said assessment on the gi�th day of AT�rr�ber, 141�9 , at th� hour of 10 dclock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Houee and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lat or lots of'the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN Y�CePfSOA Nay� Adopted by the Council OCT � � Mered�ttt OCT 71969 P�tterson Sprafka ap oved �Tedssco � Tn FaVOr • � Mayor � Aga��t +� uC 111969 Form R-2 2M 10-s8 8a� � fu�tsfNG� OCT