245816 �\ .�. OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � ���Q� /'\ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'v �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. COUNCIL O UTION E ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `✓ October � 6 COMMISSIONE R�wert F �eters�n DATF � 41HEREAS, Northwestern Betl Telephone Co�pany, a duly constituted public utility ca�pany under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota has filed several applications with the Coo�nissioner of Public Works for the installation and maintenance of public outdoor coin telephone booths ir� accordance with the provisions of Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amsnded by Ordinance No. 12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said Cc�issioner of Public Works has duly investigated said applications aad made his report recommending the granting of each; now, therefore, be tt RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul that said Ccxancil hereby finds that the subject instailations will serve public cvnvenience and �ecessity and will not constitate a substantial hindrance or hazard to public traffic; and said Council hereby gt�ants each of said appTications and authorizes the Conmissioner of Public Works to issue to the applicant company a City of St Paul permit; subject to and in coaapliance with the terms and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code , as so amended, such installations to be at the following specified locations: (1) in boulevard area, 3� feet north of the curb on University Ave. and 10 feet west of the sidewalk on N. Grotto. OCT � 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 3 »�g Carlson Dalglish � proved 19— Meredith � �n Favor �n Mayor Sprafk2 �Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUlSLISF1�t OCT 11 1969 �� . , / ' � NOF'cTHtiVEST�R2d BEiJ. TELF,PHONE COtSPAh'Y � � TO THE C01t'.�ISSI O�R O.r PUBI.IC WORitS . :�A��;n. Se�tember 18, 1969 ST. PAITI., MINN. ��n,;'•�:D u��, �.. . . ' . I.i'+:'1.,i i.T.u,;`J A;%plicati.on i� ricret7y rr;:�cc to inu v�il:� cnc� ,�,1; ��v.;�lt� cu-tdcc,-r. coin t�elo— phone boot;�. Booth to bo located boulevard area, 3 1/2 feet north of the curb on University Avenue and ten feet� west of the sidewalk on N. Grotto. � � ' � �J. G R oTTO .,; ��.. f,'; ----� ��.• 5 ER� : niSQ 5��,• 5.��q, ' Qo� S �nEv��►�iC . ; � -� E�T. TQ 4�'���v' , �� � e•w'tR�►l ��, �(. ' ' ' ' o � G�i � � � � . � ��►�os ,�43 ' � ��«� -- E ��td. .0 N►�ER,s R � a�: ' . � , S � i 5• „r. D (�, � , E L . w � A L �� K � . I � , Height 7foot, 2 inches (Fround Area Dimension� 33 1/3 " x 33 1/3" YNC OLAII8 AND ALUMINUAA OUTm00R f100TW WIIL DE INi3TALLE� IN Y•OOD WORKING, CONDIT {ON ANO �II.L OC INGP�CYEO AY FREQUEN7 INTERVAL.O. TNC COBT OF INGTALLATION ANb R�PA1�1II W��,L OC N�10F. A7 TEI:EPNONE COMPANY EXPENBE• iN TME EVENT OF TNE GRANTINC OF THI$ APPLICATION� AND TNE ISSVANCE OI TME PERMfT MEREVNOER� THE APPLICANT-PERh7�TTEE SMALL OECOtiIE ANO REGRAIPt� BOUND UNTO SAID CiTY TO • �UI.L� t0E6fNIFY� OE�END ANO MOLO MARML.ESS SAID CI7V AOAtNST ALL. LO6� AND lIABiLiTY ON : AC.COUNT OF ANV AND ALL CLA IL71i FOR THE RECOVERY OF MONBY OA�iAGE6 FOR OR 0�! ACCOUPiT 01� INJURIE8 70 PER80N OR PROPER7� RESUITANT TMEREFROq OR OCCA810NE0 BY TMC EXERCiSE OF THE PER41T� TNE INBTAL�ATION AND �IAINTENANCE Of ANV SUCH PUOLIC PAV BTATION 7ELEPHO?it BOOTH TNE AEUOVAL OR NONREINOYAl. OF THE SAYE OR TNE RESTORA710N OII NONRESTORATION OI YME ��TE 0/ THE SUBJECT 1NSYALLATIONy 8Y 7HG PBRMIYf66 HEfi6UNDER• Approved by Comr,riasionar Pub7.ic 1No�ka � Dato D/� �l �►� b A prove by ales DGanager ' � ' i � . � DUPLICaTE 70 PRINTER •�/q� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nci� N�, w 1: ��z�r OFFICE OF THE CIn CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �t�t'son Octaber 3f �9�1 COMMISSIONER �bar� �• DATE WFiE�t�AS, Northwestern 8a11 Teiephc�ne Cdn�rny! a� duly consCituted pubi ic ut i i �ty ct�nipan�r under and pursu�nt to the laNS of t�e� State of Minnesota hea ffled saveral �ppl ications wtth the Cc�nml��itan+�r vf Pubi ic Narks for the installation a�nd �aint�nance� of publ ic outdoor coin t�etephona boo�hs in accordan�� with tha provisions of Chspt�r ,�1 of the St. P'sul ` Legislativ� Code. as amsnded by ardinanee No. 12�4� approved M+�y 19� 1964; and said Comntssioner of Publ ic Vbrk� h+�s duly inveatf+gat�d �.+��td appl tcations and a,ade h i: report reco�anend 1nq the gr�nt tng of each; ncyw, thearef�are, be� i t R�SOLV�p� by the Ccwnc t 1 o�F �Cl� C i ty of St. P�u l th+�►t s+�i d Gounc i l her�sby f�nds th�r� the ,sub,�ect tnstal l��ic�r�s wi i t s�r�r+��publ t� conv�nie�ce and n�ce�atty and w111 not can�ttt�ts a �u�b�t�nt��i htndranc� or h�xsrd �a p�biic tr�fftc; �nd ��td Councfi hereby g�Firrts �eech af ��id appli��tioas and authorrzes t�e Cv�nisstaner o� p�b�ta i�Tot•k�t ta �ssue to the appl ic�n� cc�r,y a Ctty of 5r P'mai pennit; sub,��ct to �nd f� cc�l i�rr�c� with tha tera+s and conditions �af s�td C��r�!ter 51' o� �he St. Pat�i I.�tslatTv� Cod� a�c so ar�nd�d� ��h ir�stell�Ctons to ba �t th� foiiowing apeeified tocstiona: {1 j i n bpu 1�v�rd a�e�, �} fen�� nort�i of th� c�r rb +ar� Un i vers I t�r Awe. �nr� 1 fl �eet w��t of the s i de�l k o+� N. Grotta. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc��T 3 1'69 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson � ���� � ���� Dalglish � Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor ��ete�o�----- Sprafka Z� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne O