245811 C TY'CLERK w - a • CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 2458'� 1 " y 1�° � 36'79 C O U[�d C I L .R E$O L UT I ON •� �� No.--�----_ FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. __ DATE 19—_ • ��LYSD, That the Gouncil here:b�r conceaxs in the awaxd of the Coa�ract Committ�,ee therefbr and hereby aWaxds contract �'or furnishing a,ll labor, materials, equip- ment and services necessary for or rea,sonably incidenta.l to the eleetrical con- struc�ion of a Floodlight S�stem for Hockey and Skating Areas located a,t St. C1air Pleyground at St. Clair & Oneida St., Sdgenmbe Pl�yground at Jef�'erson & Griggs St., Deytons �ltaff P].ay�round at Coa�ray & Ma,ple St., Ha�.tine Playground at Snelling � & �-St., Minnehaha Playground at Minnehaha & St. Albans St., �aker Playgmt�nd at Naseca & Baker St., St. Paul, Minnesota to Rostka Flectric Gompany for the Contract price of $60,6�2.0(3 in accordance with p].ans and specifieations at3d Formal aid �3782 0� sai.d Kostka Electric Company, such bid being the loryrest and said Kostka Rlectric Company, being a reasonable arid reliable bidder a�td the Corporation �ounsel be �n.d hereby is directed to dr�t the proper form of eontraet therefor, and the pmper City off3.eials hereby axe authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City o� St. Paul. • µ�" _ — CONTRACTPRICE - - - - - - - - � - � S vO�O�FG�OO DEPT..CONT.NO. �� "� WATER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS,SOUNDINGS,ETC. - $ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: F'�NANCEDEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - � ENGINEERING - - - - - - -- - - - � S $ INSPECTION 2Q/o - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' � FORMAL BID NO. 37�� L /� TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - S �O�O�G�OO NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESEN7ING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. . � � PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIw�BUR�s ED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: � - - --- -�.k� _ _ 5�63-b05_003� �10a 1�7.00 _ _ ; � � r�inn.eha�a crr ca_:ns_009 � �,107.o� � � ; � �x��ac�- - - - -s�. csair 976�-645_006�- la,ia7.oo - _ : �� .Eagcum�e g�68-605-005- l0,�07.00 ,�. Bi,�f 9��A-6o5-00�� $lo,io7.oo � Ha,ml3.n� 9769-605-010' $18,107.00 ' ToT,w - - - - ,�,E - - - - - - a 60,6�2.00 v COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- �V CITY�CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE�STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO � COMPTROLLER R6IMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEM6NT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO . PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. �,� �� PURCHASING L;t�.�.y,.�J. _ Joseph J• l�lli- DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLE � BY p ro �- A�. COUNCILMEN OCT� � � YEAS NAYS� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� — . • Dal.. 91•sh• ��w IN FAVOR OCT � � ��tww�k 1��L A.O. I�Di1C @d@SCO ` Meredi+h � APPROVED �.� AGAINST � �'8.x'1.3013 Mr. President, Vfi�QF �Ml�.° �DLIJ��- OCT + AYOR� S00 2-65 O C TY'C ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ����� � � � �Tv 36'�9 COUf�!C1L R�ESOL_UTfON FILE No.-------- AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS � �,� /' /'�� � /� {l i . /� PRESENTED BY HON. � �,'i_/.'�'� -"-�� � _t��G��:% DATE 19— RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the award of the Contract CommitteE therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all la.bor, ma,terials, eq_uip- ment and services necessary for or reasonabl,y incidental to the electrical con- struction of a Floodlight System for Hockey and Skating Areas located at St. C1.a,i� P].a.yground at St. C1air & Oneida St., Edgcumbe Pla.yground at Jefferson & Griggs St., Daytons Bluff Playground at Conway & Maple St., Hamline Playground at Sne1L.�< � & (�-St., Minnehaha Playground at Minnehaha & St. Albans St., Ba.ker Playground at Waseca & Baker St., St. Paul, Minnesota to Kostka Electric Company for the Contract price of �60,6�+2.00 in accordance with plans and specifications and Formal Bid #3782 of said Kostka Electric Company, such bid being the lo`rest and said Kostka Electric C�mpany, being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper f�rm of contrac� therefor, a.nd the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. , / 1 I!I CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - � - - - - - S OO���2.OO . �� nro�r �nn�r w�n V���� �1 --' �' -----'--�� — WATER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS.SOUNDINGS,ETC. - - - - a ENGINEER�S ESTIMATE' F�NANCE DEPT.CHARGES - - - - - - - - - � • ENGINEERING - - - - - - - - - - - S s Q INSPECTION 2°fo ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ FORMAL BID NO. 37(J2 TOTn1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 60,6�-2.o0 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. � � � PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REINjBURsa^oED FOOOR COS �O 107.'OOROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: � p�,�- . g763-6 5= 3 - � a _ - - s �,r� _ _ $ � ,�;r.,�:, � -009 ��io7.oo ; d ' � ��� : � . _ _ _ _ _St�. C,.1.�ir �769-605=006 - �14,1C17.00 _ _ s . Edgcumbe g768-605-005- 10,107.00 c ,�. B1uff g�bg-6o5-00�+ � $lo,107.oo $ Hamline 9769-605-010� $16,107.00 ' ToT,� - - - - .�,,f - - - - - - s 60,6�+2.o0 � COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- �v CITY CLER K ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO � LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOI.VING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. 7� .�� . ��-� � PURCHASING ' '„� JOSEpiI J• i"i'a� DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED � . ,;�Y\._ .. � COM PTROLLE �"'7� � �'� ,� `� l BY -'r �/�� .� �I �'L'pj,i 37 U-i1�J�1v_��_.. COUNCILMEN . t O(�� � 'fl�`Q YEAS NAYS l ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� �� �e�/Y�/ _ Dalgish �N FAVOR � �md Sprafka �°� �Q�� � �:��� �sx Tedesco M 0�6d I�II . APPROV ED �@telYQlf--� GAINST � Ci8S1SOI1 Mr. President, VX.�768I}E �IYI@ MAYOR S00 2-65 �O �