245808 ORI��'jjNAL TO CITY CLERK , �����@ • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. � OFFICE OF THE CITY LERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, contracts have been let for construction of two new fire stations, at White Bear Avenue and Highway 12, and at Payne and Woodward Avenues, per C.F. 245632, C.F. 245633, and C.F. 245634, all approved September 18, 196g; and Wf�REAS, funds in the amount of �50, 000 have been appropriated in the Capital Improvement Budget for 1970 for completing said fire stations, per C.F. 245'762, approved October 1, 1g6g, Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the payments to the contractors for the following items in such construction be deferred until the aforesaid funds are available in 19'70, since these items normally come at the end of the construction period: Retaining wall, insulation on heating pipes , outside elec- trical fixtures, paving, incinerators, flag poles, sodding� painting, and lockers . FORM APP OVED .. .� �;p�at�on Cowael pCT 3 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �T 31969 Carlson Dalglish ! Approved 19�_ Meredith � Tn Favor �Qei°se.. Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne �$1.1S�9 OCT 11 196� 0 8-26-69 F�RE STATIONS 4 d 24 Projects which can be deferred fran the construction of Fire 5tations 4 d 24 in order to start construction wfth money now evallable. / Retainiag wa].1 4,000 - 9,000 / Insulatioa on hesting pipes 3�OQ0 / Outside electxical Eixtures 4,000 (conduit and wf.ring for these would be installed) /Paving (other than aprons) 5,000 Change boiler specifications Cost of permits twould teke Couacil ection) General 6Q0 Mechanical 300 Electricel 100 / IncfneraCors 3�304 Chenge teu�erature eont*t�ls /Fleg poles 1�000 / Sodding 1,000 � PainCing S�az--�._-_.87Q0 14,S00 S.ts:-�r _ 580p � Lockers �: 4 - 6�00 9,000 St��-24 - 3000 All of these are projects which normally come at ehe end of the co��tYU�tfon pesiod and it is not intended to eliminate Ehe.a� but only to defes them vutil money is found to complete the project. �45g�g DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WIi�I�LAS, contracts have been let ior construction of two new fire stations, at `�uhite Bear ven.ue €znd Iligliway 12, and at Payne and T��oodward ,,.venue�, per C.F. 245b32, C.F. 24�633, and C.P. 245634, all ap�roved Septen�ber 18, 196y; ��,nd 1��i�;P,.��S, funde in the �mount of �50,000 have been appropriated in the Capital Im�prover�ent I3udget for 197� for completin� said �ire stat3one, �er C.F. 2�>762, approved October 1� 196��� Now, 'i'�z�re�ore , be it I��SOLVI�D, That the payn�ents ta the e�ntractora �or the �ollowin�; iteuis in suc�1 construction be de�erred until the a.fore said funds �re available in 1y�0, �ince tiiese items norm�,Zly come a,t the end of the construction period: Retaining wa1l, i�isulation on heating pipes, autside elee— trica�. �ixtures, paving, ineinerators, fla� poles, sodding, �aainta.ng, a,nd lockers. �''?�' 3 l�b�' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�"' 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson ,� ''��� � �'� Dalglish � Approve� 19—._ Meredith ,In Favor ` net�se�x— Mayor Sprafka c� A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne O