245802 i \ V + ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 245 0� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CO1rII�lITTEE CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �C't�t1EI' `�� 1969 COM M I551 ON E DATF W13EREAS: '!'he Ford Motor Co. �urr�ndered License No. 1455, f�r Barber �icense, �apirir�g Augt�st 11� 1970, issued in the name of Charles Stofko at 966 South Missi�sippi River Boulevard, an employe, in error� and �Ss Reqnest has been made by the Ford Metar Co. for the amendment o� the na�e of the licensee to M. Perry �ahlin� a baxber licensed by the State Boa:rd� therefor�� be it 8ES4bVE]J: That License No. 1455, �o�` barber! eapiring Aug�ust 11, 1970, b� and �he sa�e 3a ' hereby aenended to read "M. Perry Tlahlin� C�a Ford Motor Co., 966 South �+ti��issippi aiver Boulevard." 1�NDMENT TO LICENSE (HEQUEST LICENSEES) (Lie. s�arrendered and attached to City Clerk�� Copy of resolution) (In compliance with Section 276.�9 Barber St. Paul begislative Code a,nd �raiinar�ces� p�T 21969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �`� � 196� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith �n Favor ����i Q �A! Mayor Sprafku � Tedesco A gainst ���. ._ . ����Es:�ii�i� ��:��� � �' �Ni� F,�'e�dat (Petaceon) � � �O