246588 �
- 246.�8g
In the matter of CondeMniag and takiag aa easaaent in the lac�d necessary for the slopes, cdts
an� filis, includipg right of rewoYal cf later�i snpport frc� snbJect lapd or rewainder
tbereef, vccasione�i �y axcavatic�ris theroof or coe�structtc� cf slopes i� the grsding �d
serfacing �ritb bitn�inov� �aterial the E-M aliey in B1k. 3, COMO PARK 2M� A6D. frcw Churchill
St. ta Oxford St. and tHe N-S ailey ir� said Bik. 3 fraa tl�e E�1 alley to tistch Ave. (G-1528).
under Preliminarq Order 24��64 , approved �y 29� �969 ,
Intermediary Order 2'�250 , approved ���er 12, 1969 ,
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having
heard all pereone� objectione and recommendatione relative thereto,.and havimg fully considered the eame;
therefore� be it
RFSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8sint Paul that the preciee nature, e�ctent and kind of im-
• provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie
Co�de�Aiag and taking an easeNent in tlAe land �ecessary far the ale>pas, c�ts apd fills,
including right of ro�wval of laterai s�pport fraN s�bJect land or �emainder ti�ereof,
cccasione�l by excavations tbereof or co�structioc� of simpes in tk�e grading s�cl sr+rfaci�g
witb bttu�i�oe�s mst�rial the E-M aller in Blk. 3, COMO PA�K 2MD ADD. fraa Caurc�ill St. to
8xfard St. and tha N-S alley in said eik. 3, frcxa tbe E-Y atl�y to Hatch Ave. (6-1528)
and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or eaeemente therein be and the eame ere
6ereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpoee of making eaid improvementa, via.:
Coade�niag a�d takiAg an eas�nt in tbe land nece�sary for the slopes, cnts a�d fills,
including rig�t of' r�a�oval of lateral su�port fraa subject tand or remaipdar t�er�of.
occasic�aed by excavations thersof or constructior� of slopes i� the grading snd surfaci�g
with bitumi�aus material the E-Y si ley ia Blk. 3, CDIN� PARK 2110 ADD. frcm Ck�urcbi l l St, to
Oxfo�d St. and tl�e N-S alley ia said Blk. 3, frc� the E-M alley to Match Ave. (�-152�)
RESOLVED FUftTHER, That the Commiseioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby inetructed and
directed to prepare plane and epecificatione for esid improvement, and the proper city officiale ere hereby ,
suthnrised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordaace therewith.
Adopted by the CounciL�.����EC — —,
QE�: � 1,� City Clerk.
Approved__ , 19
ca r i 5°" 7 � � PUBLISHE� �EC 13 1969 �
Dalglish ,
7�OX�HdtX Sprafka
Peterson �
Mr. President� Byrne
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October 8, 19 69
To the Commissioner of Finance of tl�e City of St. Paul :
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimina�y
o�der of the Council known as Council File No. 2�+4�6�+ approved
May 29, 19 69 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land
necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from
subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned bY excavations thereof or construction of
slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the E-W alley in Bik.3, COMO
PARK 2ND ADD, from Churchill St. to Oxford St. and the N-S alley in said Blk. 3, from the
E-W alley to Hatch Ave. (G-1528) ✓
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therefn, hereby reports:
l . The estimated cost thereof is $
2. A plan, profile o� sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and �
made a part hereof. �
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X ��
4. improvement i s asked for upon pet i t ion �"�'�
Cammissioner of i ic„Wq�tt �,.,;� .
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