246578 1 �.a� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���' /Q CITY OF ST. PAUL �oENCi� NO. � '�`%' • . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, That Sinclair (Atlantic Richfield Company� be and hereby is permitted to reconstruei� an existing filling stat3.on on property loeated on the northwest corner of Hamline and Grand Avenues, more partieularly descr�bed as followss South 2/3 of Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block l, Wann�s addition to St . Paul; in accordance with plans dated Received September 25, 1969; sub3ect to compliance with a11 applicable City ordinanees, state stat�tes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance . DEC 5 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays - • -- -- Carlson �EC 51's9 na��,��;Qy, � Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafku - Mayor A gainst Tedesco fQ�i� APPROVE Mr. President, Byrne � 13 1969 � PU$LISH�� �� q�t, Corporation Cc�u►�� . � r . r . � . ��OARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 November 25, 1969 ��#�Fr-.,., �,�'�� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Marshall: This is written in response to the application of Sinclair (Atlantic Richfield Company) for a permit to reconstruct an existing filling station located on the northwest corner of Hamline and Grand Avenues. This property is further described as: South 2/3 of Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block 1, Wann's Addition. This matter was considered at the November 6, 1969, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the station was last remodeled in 1961. Current plans call for a new facing on the present structure, a new pump island parallel to Hamline Avenue and a new curb cut on Hamline Avenue. Requested revised plans will meet required design standards and the proposed changes have been reviewed by the Traffic Engineer and the Traffic and Accident Section. After some discussion regarding the current operation it was the finding and recommendation of the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, that this application be approved subject to the promise of the applicant to clean up the site. Very tru,ly yours, L ,' � (t' �� � ` %�� � PETER J. MAIE TA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Z.F. ��6876 .�^°'"��`'� � , ' f'�� � � �,;�� 1 •J�. • • • •� , .� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) TO THE �NORABLE �dAY08 AND CITY COUN+CIL y6 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota r�c nstru:t Application is hereb made to ����� � existing Y (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : 2 island� Ni.tb S pnsps No. of tanks and capacity:�3,ppp ��� Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection aith: � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of pa�king area: *Location : ��d � g�� Avenue, St. Panl, Mts�aaaota Legal Description : Lot g�th tMp-thirds Block pne Additioa Appiicar�t's Name 2b, 27, 28 Waai►'s � AtZantic Richfield Caaipaay (Sinctair) Home or Office Addr@ss: 4fl18 Wast 6Sth Street, tii�+espolis, Mian. 55435 Phone Number ; 92a4b�0 FOR./BY TRB APPLICANT, ' ' .- � , � � 9-l-69 (Signature (date) �-4 � : ,�, , ��-aYl�1 4""tY41� .1�� �� �:r..WY.� Address : 4018 Wes� 65th Strest, Ki�aapalia, ldina. S343S '"`"-��ta Phone No.: 920-4650 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe prelimiaarq lay-out plaas of tbe proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Iiall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. �(�� � ' ' 2. Soutb side of Main St. between First and Seconjd' b�t. `�' X/� a �"' �� i� ° �"��st `� .�I��I�G �-iL� �t . , �, ,�. -'�'��'��� .;a:t,t i aui � i � 3 :�:.�t � �' ,.,D�A� OF ZONING REPORT A1JD ACTION November 6, 1969 '.'lat Ms� #11 � ' ' Actint? under Le�;islative Code Ch3pter 60 thru 64 ----- • ' nassA<1 Aus;ust 22� 1922 as amended to April 6� 1�3G8 f,���; �.f�_ � • �+'':'�:1�.�.�1'f'� NA'9E ; Sincl�ir (Atlantic Richfield Co.) 4587 r-�t 3502 �. C'.'�S;I c'ICA'fION s u Ainendrtwnt � Appeal 0 r'ermit LJ Other 130�t 220 •?• � ��`����7t- . Reconstruct exieting filling station 4. i, �Cf.::.�1J : Northwe�t corner of Hamline and Grand Avenues 5. ;.E!',AL DESCRIPTION : South 2/3 of Lots 26, 27� and 28, Block 1, Wann's Addition c . �':C�I:NT 7At�INC;s Cosanercial � � :''���'�A�dT 1'� ZoninF Cod� Chapt�r� 60 S�ction; .US Parap.raph: f � , STr,t'C INV6STIGATION E R�PORTs U�it�t 10/29/69 Hys ATB A. HISTORY: This property has been occupied by a filling station for many years and has been enlarged and reconatructed on two different occasions, the lat;t being in 1961. B. DESIGN STANDARDS: The existing filling station meets design standards. The remodeling of this filling station includes a new pump adjacent to Hamline Avenue and a new approach from Hamline Avenue north of the existing driveway. The existing filling station structure aill be refaced. C. FRONTAGF. AND AREA: This property h�� a frontage of 127. 12 feet alon� Grc�ncl Avenue anci 100 feet along Hamlina Avenua reiulting in an ere� af 12,7I2 sy, ft. D. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: The Traffic Engineer reconsnends approval but he cauti�ns the contractor be responsible for conduits on the west side of Hamline Avenue north of Grand Avenue. E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is occupied by an existing filling station with one approach from Hamline Avenue and two on Grand Avenue. The area adjacent tu Hamli�ie Avenue has been used as a parking lot for delivery trucks of a local retail store. F. AREA CONDITIONS: The block to the east fronting on Grand Avenue is developed with apartments; to the weat along Grand Avenue are single-family residences; north fronting on Sumuit Avenue are reeidences and semi-public uses; oci tt�e southw�st and southeast corners of Hemline Avenue snd Grand Avenue ere rerail developmc+nt.,. --._____._ __ C:ouncil Lett:��r j 9. �OARD ACTION; To Recommend t °�Appraval ❑Denial D3ted � 11/25/69 i '4oved by; Maietta Yeas P1�ys Date of iie3r•:nt� 1 X �eS 11/26/69 i Seconded by; Danna x Cohen x Danna (Alt) Council Action � x ('�adler Gauger I Secretary' s remarks: x Maietta Date Subject to promises by the applicant. hicPartlin (Alt) Mansur (Alt) LE�AL NOTICES ON THE IIACK OF TFIIS SHEET . , __ . ___ _. _.__ _ — _ -,- -,---� t� '�, � ; JMR7a�w� �vt. , � . � i . ---r--'_,' � !�.,i�.,).���� � '�}�� l,l��:������ � � '� L � � �� � -- �/ Li ) Q�Q ' . �� ; ` , �, � ; � � 0 � oo �Q � � a� �� � � •i � ; � � � : � j j � � ' ; � i I . � � � ! � � i : � + _�__ . _. ; � i � � � -'I _ � - -i --'` --�� j____�_--7- ` -- �._ - --�_I .- , - - I : � ' ! 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T_._. � ''_'-'_" '__ _'' __ ---.�_ - l �..�_ ! � . �� !�� L (?-- � ���� � � - — _-------- ' � .�' T � � � i _ � �---__.--_.-- ,_ __ _. �I� .(��+ ��.-�� w� - --�._.� ...._.,_.. __ _- ..--- � � , 1 �' ---- ---_ __,� � _.,,_ _.w _ .� � I �, ' I I O • � � `-- !_.,!_+_a _. �.. _ _ _ � , i , � �i �ti�ati �O __ `; ,-"', �1 '_; �j'�;f�' � � -� � o o � o � ¢ o � � � � �J'C� �J �.� ' o � � : - - __.._ _� � i�, i�, ,.t ,�, ' ,,; ' - i ��o :�� : I � t7 • ���?s1i _,_ ___�tOMA1��Rli�� Q -.�■1►... � ic��� ,' '`� h ,� � -;;--�� � „ y�q�p qr�. � � ._... � ; �.� , , Q, d��`�I OlQ�O�C� Q�O Oip p � r Mt ` I � ' ; ; '�"'�,..- � � - w ; � � , � ♦� b,OOC� C� p � ��/, I � n � . � � � � , � � � � , ��� � � , j 4 � , ! � i , , ► -- � _ 0 � � s — �._u••� ...� .. , :..- � .�-L.�.-� • •4 � � � � � C;'� 2 z .. � ,�- -- - - ,. . _ � � -- -_ I I ' ' , � �-_1 ; ___ � , � �� � � t ���y�c � � _ _._ _ _. _ �_ ... . I + • � � � � � i '� �, + � _ . ���s �b�-�c ' � �.�! .� ' `� ��� n � O 00 p p O � ' i , �_ o o�o 0 0�0 0�0�0 �� !_ . � _ _- --- ..____._ - ��ac�v --- _�i I _- � �`-• ` ( � t. '- � - --------�--- f _ _ ,��. - � i � � �� � - -� __ '� �'- ���,-�1������L; ( ��. i � � . I�'� I � .� I � APPLrCANT Sinclair (Atlantic R��hileld �o.> LEGEND PURPOSE filling�stationexis.ting �AAiD uc� �•11 tl J O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING ��ercial �- TWO-FAMILY ' � THREE- FAMILY PETITION SI�NERS - FOUR-FAMtLY � � MULTI- FAMILY FILE No. 6876 � ��COMMERCIAL , MoRTH n n INDUSTRIAL � VACANT St. Paul Pianning Board, Date� 10/29/69 � Property under considerotion � � . � , MINUTSS QF THB PUBLIG HEgRING BBFOR� THE BQA►�D OF Z�TING on Thursday, Noveiuber 5, 1969, at 2:00 P,M, PRSSSNT: Messrs. Aac�s, Cobett, Danns, Gadler, Snd Maietta of the Board aud Meesrs. Brown and Sorenson and Mrs, Fr�antzen of the sta�f. SIl�LAZR (A�.'7�NTSC RIGHFIEI,D C0.): An applicatisrn �or a perm�.t to reconstruct �n e7cisting fil3ing statfon on �he northwest corn�r of �I�mlin� r�nd ��ra�d �1VeY111@S s Mr. Sorensoa s�rized th� staff xspflst s��ting �hat the filli�.g etation �a� beeu there for some time end raas remod�led in 196�.. The �raffic �ngineer recommends approvaZ but he cautions �he con��rac�or �o be respo�aible for conduits oa the west side of Haml.ine Avencee �orth of Gran�d Avenue. A lettes �xam Captain Ande�'soa of the TrafiEic and �ccideat Divi83.on �tndic�tes �no serious rraffic hszards. The sr�£f noted that the prop�rty i.s U�ea na�t�.���y �ur the � storage of cars, and has an illegal siga on the ci.�y bo�levard. He cancluded that the plsn meetg Cise design standards and the euis��ng bu�fers will be re�ained. Mr, Ro Ha Johnson, representing th� applicsnt, said the cars will be taken out,, which ie only reasonabie since pumpe will be pue in anc� wo�aldn't be blocked by parked cars. The company pl�na to tnak� the s�ati�n �t�raetive with bxick an the outaide, a Mansard roo€, aud n�a shelein�, etc., on the insfde of �he building. Mr. Gadler was concerned about wtiethex or aot tl�e�e plans �a�uld �e fa�lowed thraugh, and Mr. �oh+nson assured him that in order to rnaic� s prof�t, th� company wan�s ta make the a�a��tox� attrac�ive to the neighborhs�od--not an eyesor� I2� some stat�ot�s became. Mr. Ames atated �hat the station raill be in�pect�� by �he Buildin� Aepartm@rnt. Mr. Ms�e�ta moved for �pprovml of the applic�tion, sub�ect ta �he promise of the applicsat to clean up the site. The mo�ion w�s seconded by Mgo Danna, and carried unantmously. Submitted by; Colone�. La Sorensom Robert Lo �iaes, Chs�irtnaa -5- . ' City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 November 14, 1969 File X805, Page Yon are hereby notified that a public hearing wiZl be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall snd Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on November 26, 1969, on the application of Sinclair (Atlantic Richfield Co.) for pera►it to reconstruct on existing filling station on the aouth 2/3 of Lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 1, Wann's Addition. The property is located on the northwest coraer of Iimuline and Grand Avenues. For further informatioa contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. � JAMES J. A�ILGLISH Commissioner of Finaace O . . � � . City of Saint Paul, �innesota �� . • APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �( G,! (Please print or type) 3 � OG� TO THE IiDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN+CIL cr 90 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � reconstruct an existing Application is hereby made to ������� (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : 2 islands with 5 pumps No. of tanks and capacity: 3-3,000 Gal. QPARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with: � MISCEI�I�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry. Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location \ � Grand & Hamlin Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota Legal Description : Lot South two-thirds Block One Addition 26, 27, 28 Wann' s Applicant's Name � Atlantic Richfield Company (Sinclair) Home or Office Address: 4018 West 65th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 Phone Number � 920-4650 FOR/BY THE APPLICANT, � �� 9-9-69 (Signature) (date) � Address : 4018 West 65th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55435 Phone No.: 920-4650 When completed: file three copies of this application form and �e prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of tbe proposed Pacility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAbIPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.