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' T6eundereigaedhereby propoeeethemalciagof thefollowingpublioimpmvement by t�he City oi 8aint Paul,vis.:
; _I,�rove CLEfT�I�AFD AVE�I[JE �'roa I�,S��Q�+ tc Univerai� A;�en Cit Pro�,ect P�0088A�,,..
............._ .....-•----------------- � .......... ............... � �...�. �i........ .....
ss �`o�:o�s: tri�ea, grade an�pave, cons�ruct eurb, cons ruc �tireet and�Clri�ve�ray
returns�_congtruet.stqr�.s�: gr.c�i� ...��:i�t�..g.�i...�2.r�t�.ru�t.����.�ater and.gas
serviee connec�i.ans; recons�x�c� a �rsf'f ic con�rol sysi:e�; cons r�.e coaere�e �afk
' ...st�..:��...W��t..�.�.c��.C����.�..�Y.�:...�:s�..�t��..��TT.�ar.��.#►�C..,�.�:...�.��.�.�.�:�:�.
' aid,e oP lcwelasd Ave. Proa� ?5 �eet south of T�ii.vereity Ave. to tTniversity Ave.;
...�,.��...�k�x:.x���.�.i.s�f...��.t������x�c �.c�..�.��#�..�i.s�..���t•
Dstedthis........................dsy of................................................ .................., ig .
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WHEftEAS, A written propoesl for the making of the following impmvemeat� vis.:
I�rove CL�VII,AtiD A� fr� I.S. �4 to.t�.i.versity Avenn:e,,.�Cit Fr� ect P-C)088A�__
ss fo�o�'r�:....�deri;..�ai�e"a�pare; constriie��'cu'r�;..coiis�ruc�...�'r'ee�ari���r�v'ewag
returns;.,.construct,storm,�ater.c��aina,g.� fa�i�i�t��.e��..cQ��e�t.,ffi,r__u,�� �gXe.ra !!�:ter_and_gas
service conaec�ion�; rec0as�ruct a trafPia coatrc�l �y ; coustxuct�.�oncrete �afk
aicle of Clevelead Av�. �rom 75 feet sout�h of �Tniver�ity Ave. to Universitg Ave.;
�,,1�_, .�.�?.�,.?:..s��r.x4�:�.x#�,.�..�A..�����._�..�i€�:tm7...#�..�a��#�...a��,.s�..��ac�t
� hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 9aint Paul.................................._......._.._..........................._..........
therefore, be it
RE80LVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publia Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direeted:
1. To investigate the neceeeitq for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated eost of said improvement, aad the total aost thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or aketch of said improvement. -
4. To etate whether or no�esid improveinent ie aeked for on P,he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report npon all of 4�he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finsnoe.
Adopted by the Counoil.._........................ .��:.�' � ����
Councilman Carlson DEC 3 196�'
nn�.,_,,,,�.�.�, Apptove�.........................................................•---.......
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Tedesco -
�Ir,'. P t B ane,;e � � �QtiQ� Mayor.
�.�,..,,,�.��� X
�000 �-�- v�.�. P�ro.i�.�t L��t�j �._
�'� f `' ��+-is�+FO DEC 6 1969