246558 24�5��8
Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul�vis.:
;Corrde�ing and taki�g an ease�ent i� the tand necessary for the slcpes, cuts ar�d filis, including
right of re�aoval of lateral support fram subject land ar re�ainder thereof,occasicned by excavatioas
, thereof or constraction of slopes in the grading a�d s�rfacir�g aad co�str�cting cor�crete curb a�d
gutter on VAN BYKE ST. fras �ld Hudson Rd. tc E. Third St. (6-16696)
Dated thie.,.3 rd............dsy of.....�ec�abe r.................. .... ....., 1 69
.......... ..... . ........._ �. .......... ........_....
WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.:
Cond�ing a�d taking aa ease�ent in the land necessary for the siopes, cwts and filis, includigg
rigbt of re�oval of lateral support frc�na sc�bject laAd or res�ainder thereef,accasioned by excavatt�s
therecf or coastractio� of slopes tn tha grading ac�d sc�rfacing and co�str�cting co�crete cu� and
gutter on VAN �YKE ST. frapOld Nudson Rd, to E. Thi rd St. (G-16�9B)
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul......................................................................................
therefore, be it
R,EBOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and direated:
1. To inveatigate the necesaity for, or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvemen�.
2. To inveetigate the nature� eatent and estimated coet of eaid improvement� and the totsl ooet thereof.
3. To fumieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. •
4. To etate whether or not esid improvement ie asked gor on P,he petition of three ar more ownera.
b. To report upon all of 4,he foregoing mattera to the �mmieeioner of�nanoe.
Adopted by the Counail........---•..........................D��......�. �i9��........
Councilman Carlson DEC 3 1'69
�� Apptoved................................•----.......---------............---
-��7���-c� �asid.
Meredith � ��
Tedesco ......».:...... .. ........................._
�- $ �t3i��ag Mayor.
�Il���t ��;
� �„�s. Ylee Pres+ident (Yetereon)� \�r_ C�
ruatis�+Fr DEC 61968