246554 CITY OF ST. PA� 2459'�3 � OFFICE O�' THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANGE � Report of Completion of Ass�essm�nt �e No 2 �6� In the matter of the asseasment of �Ml'ii�* !�►� i� +p�M �! � iM i1�r�� rdd� I�L�irNwr M� �� � �rai !at'L�t l��i Wf �� �ii � isst�ir ra�r we�r �r �i3ef�a► aM �it +�r �rlc r�rawa► a�t �#� e�► s+�►� ars+l l��e. � �r�t a �wr�r,e �rNr �1�q�► �st�t � � i�r#�r 1b�M l�rrr �ra �rN �r '� �. under Preliminary Order ��� ,approve� �+��' �� �� � Intermediary Order � ,approvecL � ir �#i� --y Final Order ��� approved +�� �� ��' . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiasioner of Finance hereby reparta to the Council the following as a statement of the ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with t�e making of the above impro�vement, viz: Tatal construction coats ... .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .: . . .. . $ 55,707 27 � Engineering . . . .... .. . . . .. .. .... .. . . . .. .. .. .. . $ 7,377 06 Inspection . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. ..... . . .. .. . . .. . $ 1,134 93 Postalcaxda . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. ... . .... . $ 3 75 Publicationa . .. .. .. ... .. . . .. . .. . ... .. .. .. .. . $ 3 7 50 Collection costs . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .... .. .. .. . . .. . $ 75 00 Court costs for canfirmation 3 75 Co�ptroller cost � �� ������ �� �� ' �� �� � � � TOTAL F�XPE�TDITURES . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . ....... $ 54.376 76 Chaxge to . . . .... .. .... 0920-701. .. . .... .. . . .... . $ 13,519 12 . . ..... .... . . .. .. .... .. .. . . .. .... .... .. . . . . . .. . . $ NetAsaesam.ent . .... ..... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. . $ 50,857 Said Commisaioner further reports tha,t he has assesaed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the sum of $ 50,857.64, upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benef'its confer,red thereon; that the said asse�sment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Co�mmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assesament as eo�pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. � �,t�� October 21,1969 Co ssioner Finan r Form R-2 SM 10-88 8� _ . ,... ,.. ,, � ;,; � .. , " � 24�5��4 . :�� �- � , COUI�TGZL F'ILE NO CITY UF 8T. PAUL R�esdl�tttian Ratifying Asaessment By File No. #1� In the matter of the assessment of 1�Ils�iq� �Mb � �M�i�1 !!�i �"Mli� �IM �fas#11� �!� �Ltfll� �� � �'r � �!'��� � � ��� �IM� M irtlr� s�r �atr�s� ��► �uril�le�wt ,�w� ai� +�r t�tc ir�► �Nri �as�#al�1 as ar�1� �rM �wwr�tt. �a v�t�� a Nwt �t ��t rNr«�at ��� �t �i�ow 1�st lynr al�a i� a � �a�i. . under PreIiminary Order � ,approved J� �� ��' , Intermediary Order �� ,apProved M�!' �. �� _� Fina.l Order ��3 , apgravec� Jt�1� �r �!�► . A•public hearing having been had upan the asaessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satiafactory, be it therefore _ . R�SdLVE,D, That tlie said assessment be and the same ia hereby in a11 respecta ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I?istrict Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHEft RIE�S4LVE�D, That the said a,ssessment be and it is hereby deterxnined to be payable in 1 � equal installments. COUNCILMEN DE� 3 1969 Ye� �'ariso� Nays Adopted by the Counei� ��,�� ����� [�F�redit�-a �C 31�J6, �'e:�rsr-�rr � � �- � � ��,�.��:w� APproved I�'�a�e5�.a � ; ��:�..! �� �'#`` ` Y�� � n Favar Mr. Viee President (Peterson) � MayOr /(!�Nl9 Fo� x-z s� io-sa a� ASainst PUBLISIfE� �[�C 6 �9� � ' � / ��i`� // � LAW O�RICBi 7 �� BEAUDOIN, PAVLAK & LACY . 412 SOUTHVIEW BOULEVARD SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA S807S IRVING W. B6AUD0IN TELBPNONB: RAYMOND PAYLAK 451-1841 THOMAS R. �►�,► Novem�aar 18, 1969 City of Saint Paul Department of Finance 113 Court Hou se Saint Pau7�, I��innesota 55102 Ae: File 17046-G, Pa�e 1 Gentlemsn: I have recei.ved notice of proposed assessments on land � ov�med by my client, Mr. Donald Jones. It is proposed that he be assessed �3, 277•55 for one parcel, and �1,967.76 for anothe� narce)_. Your letter states that at a meetirzg to be held on November 19, 19h9, at 10:00 A.r��. , yoix propose to assess th� benefits arising from Srour work. I h�Lve, on s�veral occ�sions, r�et with your engineering personnel in an effort to point out to them the damages that ha�ve arisen due to the woru for which you are naw assessing. This da:��.ge �onsists primarily of a chaMge of grade due to the construction of a road in the area. Your le�ter daes not mention th�.t you are goi�ng �o consider any damages arisin� from y�ur w�rk. I, therefore, must resp�ct�a.l?y advise you that if the assessments are �ade as s�� forLh �,r� your letter of October 31, we shall be forced to seesr in,junctive relief forczn� yo�a to consider the dam�.�es as well as the benefi�Gs in �.rrivin� at a tatal assess�ent. I suggest that your assessr�ent hearin� be delayed until such time as you have considered the C1�ma,�P,S� and that we be infarmed of both the damages and the benefits you have assessed as is normal procedure in this matter. Very �ruly yo�.rs, L��A IN, PAVL K �; LACY � �y�. ��y; 'I'hOII1�,S A. L�cy TAL:ch cc: Mr. Donald Jones Nov. 19, 2969 Mr. J. Wm. Donovan, Valua.tion and Assessment Engineer. Dear Sir: The City Council ove o weeks to December 3rd. the Resolution Ratif Aase�s t in e matter of the assessment of benefits, c ts and exp es for grading and ��rfacing with �rituminous ma.terial tem Road #'r Burlington Road to Burlington Road to include storm wat drainage ilities; also construct a sewer for storm water purp s in B ngton Road #�om Glen Roe.d to Totem Road., urid . 226 d Jan. 21, 1966, payable in ten equa.t ins ents. Very truly yours, City Clerk hp