246529 OriQlnsl to City Clerk - ORDINANCE `�4���q COUNCIL FILE NO- PRESENTED B?i( �0 ORDINANCE NO �� �� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF WALTER L. MOLINE, JR. AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Walter L. Moline, Jr. , the sum of �247.05, in full settlement of his claim for damages and injuries sustained on November 10, 1g69, as a result of an accid�ent involving a City vehicle driven by Edwin Weger, at or near the inter- section of Hamline and Jefferson Avenues, Saint Paul, Minnesota. � Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. DEC 1 � 1'69 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson i$ ��` In Favor Meredith C� �"'� Peterson � �� Against Sprafka Tedesco ��� j� %` ��6� Mr. resident (Byrn Approv : _ Atte t . Cit erk - � May� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By � PUBLISHE� DEC 2 0 1969� Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �'����`�� COUNCIL FILE NO ,/� PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO �` '�� �' "�.rv ti.l;�..'�T�./���r� .i l;�.i'�'T�tNCr `.�'�s�; ��:.�9.�Tva ���' �:`. :°�._T.��',r,.�' r.> i".;� i�'v�.�:� ��1 � :i i.� �i z-� -r���T �7 � r�.��.t�I1`T t'� >� . , . J:;:. ��."�' � ��_�: C_� � ;:.�' 1 � 1,�1�. �*'�T�� � T_;��;C��`�., t�}�' r.�.�i�� CiT��r (3I+ `',.1?1vT �'r�U� IZJI'S i�F.i3:��1T?'+T: ;�ectic�n l. ��i�,�t �tl]c �ro�er Git,y af�icers are hereby �uthorized to _�t�.y ��ut o� �Y�e `�^�rt �i�.bil�.ty I'und Uo'S5—z�21, to '!: alter :i.,. ��ioliize, �Jr. , the SL1Ti? of ;'2,t�7.€��, �.n �ull �ettlement o� his clai:��i :�u� da�ages �:�r��. ir�,�i,�a ie� surta,i_nec�. or �'ov��b�r ��, 1�69, as a result af �.r2 �.ecident �i:>-cl�T�±r��; a City veh:�cle driven by 1.d��in `=eger, at or near the �nter— Cee� !,.? o�� o�' F�arzlira� a3�i� Je��erson �_ven�zes, cairt �'�.�1, N�innesota. ��ect�o�1 �. �a�h<�,t said si.am sh�,ll he �aic� to the �azcl cl�i.m�,nt �sx>c,,;� t�i�� ex�cut.�ox� anc� ��.elivery �f a release in fu�� tc� tYie �,i�ty, �.xi r.:s �rorri to ��e �.��y�ravec� by the Corpor�.tion Counsel, for all raa�a�;es ��i�cT 's_z:jiz��:_^.,� susta�nec� �n �h� manner �,foresaid. ..�c�ion 3. '�h�,t thia ordinance sha11 take e��ect anc3. be in �orce ���irty c�ays a.fte� its �3.-�ss�,ge, approval an�i ,�ubl;_c�.tic�zl. �;�� 3. , �:��"� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson , �algli��r �' Tn Favor Meredith Peterson �' Against Sprafka Tedesco ,�'? Mr. President (Byrne) � ��``��" Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By I s+ !� �� 2nd � ` Laid over fo � 3rd and app � �-Adopfied /�, � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson `Carlson Dalglish g�s Meredith �G`��.�',�-?� �eredith Peterson � peterson Sprafka " �prafka � Tedesco �desco �� Mr. President Byrne `Mr. President Byrne O