246522 ���a���
Counofl File NO.............
' Thenade�edh�eby proposeethemalc�ngof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by t�he City oi 8sint Psul,v�s.:
Condeau�in�ac�d taking an easea�ent in the land.�ecessary:, for the slopes, cuts and fiils, including
........__---_............................................. ..............................................'......................._...y.........
right of ramoval of lateral support fra� subject land or re�ainder thereof occasionad b excavations
thereof or canstruction of slopes.in..the re�radin��and, surfacing with bitu�ainous material the alley
. .........................._....
in CHUTE BROS. �IVISION N0. 16 fraa Victoria St. to Avo� St., as part of the S�it-Elniversity
Rencwa1 �,�on rs�"c 'G'=I.���.�................................................. ._�....�................._�.__.._.
Dstedthie.,.._.�...............day of........................................_... . 19
.......... .... ............r���. ... ..............
WHER,EAS, A written propoesl for the malring of the following improvement� vis.:
Conc�ning and taking an easement in tbe land �ecessary for the slopes, cuts and fiils, incl�ding
right of reawval of lateral support fraa sab,ject land or remainder thereof,occasioc�ed by excavations
thereof or construction.of.slopes in .the� regrading and surfacing.with.bitu�inous.aiaterial .the aliey
in CHtITE BROS. BIVISION !!0. 16 froa� Yictoria St. to Avon St., as part of the Stra�it-Ur�iversit.y
Rer+ewal Area, �Contract��6-19t�B;'....................-__.............._...._.............------•----.._...._...............---..........---.................._.�.._......
6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._---.._.....---.................---.................... ......
th�efore, be it �
REBOLVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the aeceeeity for, or desirability of,.the making of eaid improvemeat.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total oost thereof.
� 3. To furnieh s plsn, profile or eketch of said improvement. -
4. To etste whether or not esid improvement ie aeked for on�,he petition of three�r more ownere.
b. To report npon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Ptinsnoe.
��� � 1969
Adoptedby the Connal.._....-•.......................................•-------•-•--............
Councilman Carlson DEC 2 1969
—n e��..,i� Apptoved.................»...-�----�----....._......................_.....
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Tedesco�_� �-�----- � --
Mr. President $XErre v Mayor.
� �.� �u�usH�� DEC 6 1���