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' Theuaderaigaedhereby proposeethemal�ingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City ot 8aint Psul,vis.:
�Conde�ning and taking an easaa+ent in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts a�d fills, including
.._.......... ...............................:...................................................._..............._..
' right of re�cval of lateral suppc�rt froai subject land or rea�ainder theroof,occasior�ed by excavatioAs
: thereof or ccx�struction af slopes in the regrading and surfacing with bituminous a�ater�al the alley
i� L, K. STONES ADDITION fraa•Chatsworth •St...to.Milton St., as part of�the Sua+�ait-U�iversity
Renewa1 re�a,��on t ra��'���• .............................................._.. .... ..........................___._........
Dstedt�is........................day of........................................_.... .... _, lg
............... .... ..........._��.��........... ..............
! Couaoilman.
WHER,EAB, A written propoeal for the malung of the following improvement� v�.:
Condemnin�and takin�_.an.ease�aent in_the .land..necessary for_the slopes,.cuts. and_.fi.ils,._inclading
� right of rewoval of iaterai support frc� subJect land cr r�aa��der thereof,occasioned by excavaticx�s
thereof or co�struction of slopes in the regrading and s�rfacing with bit�ainoas �aterial the aliey
in L. K..STONES A�DITIDN frvm Chatsworth St. to Milton St., as part of the Sua�a�it-tlwiversity
Renewa 1 Area�°Cori�"racf"'�'='TjII4g:".. ............_____.....------..........-•--•-•---.._..----................................................._.....
haviag been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul..............._........................---..........................._......._....
t6erefore, be it
R,E$OLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered and dirented:
1. To inveetigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid improvement.
2. To inveetigsts the nature� extent and eatimated coet of esid improvement, and the total coet thereof.
3. To furnieh s plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. -
4. To etste whether or not esid improvemeat ie aeked for on P,he petition of three er more owners.
b. To repor6 npon all of 4�he goregoing mstters to the �mmiesioner of l�na,noe.
Adopted by the ConnciL..............................................���'.....�..����
Yses -
Councilman Carlson �C 2 1,�
, �� ��
��,� Meredith
Tedesco • �
.. . . . ......
Mr. P�esident B�trrre �� ��� Mayor.
�000 s-s�
PllSUSHE, DEC e 1969