246479 t, Oritipal to City Clerk R . Y ���{`� � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO -� ' �c PRESENTED B � � ��`� �' � —� ��� �,� ORDINANCE NO.- ''� �� An o�d�nanee amending Ordinance No. 11761, en�3tledz "An ordi- nanee �ranting to �he Northern �tates Poxer Comp�.ny, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of �h� �tat�: of 1�3.nnesota, its suecessors and assi�ns, permis�ion to use the stre��� and other publi� property loca�ed in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (1�) y�ars from and after January l, 1961, prescribin� rate� whieh the t3rantee m�,y charg� for such service, and d�termining the �nount which the GFranteE sha11 pay to the C3ty for the use and occupancy of its streets �nd other public proper�y. " as amended: �HE C4UN�7.�, OF THE CT'PY OF SAINT PA�JL D()S� 4RDAIN: SBCTION 1 Tha� Ordina.��� No. 11761, approved June 21, 1960, as amended, is h��eby further am�nded b� deleting S�etion 3 therefrom in i�s en�ir��y and insericin� i� lien thereof the following Section 3s "S�et3on 3. On or before the fir�t d�y of October of each - year during �he rema.ining term of the perm�s�ion h�r�by g�anted, th� Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the Cit� of Saint Paul a �um equal to fiv� per cent (5�) of its gross �:arnings durin,� the fir�t six months qf that calendar y�ar derived with- in the eorporate limit� of t1�� �ity of �aint Paul, accruing from � the ex�rcise a��d en�ogm�ent of �he privileg�� granted by thi� ordina.�ee._ t�d_.f4r , �a.� ��e of sueh �treet� or ot�ier -publ3c • P�aP�Pty. 4n o� b�fore tYie f3rst �.2i� of."�Ia,�ch of each `yea'r during �h� r�m�ini�g ��a� .;of th� permi��cior� ��reby grant�d, the C}rante� shall pay into the treastxry of �he City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per' cent (5�) of its gross ea.rning� during �he 1as� six months of the preceding eal�r�dar year de- r3.ved wiichin the corpora�e limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from �he exercise and en�oyment of the privil`e�es granted by this ordinance f�r the use of such streets and other publie property; provided, ho�ev�;r�, tha� such paym�nt on it� �ross earnin�s during the last six montha of 197� �hall be paid into the �reasury of the Ci�y of Saint Faul on or before December 30, 1970, Such paym�n'� shall be ba$ed upon a reasonable estimate of gross earnin,�s for said six-mor�th per3od ending December 31, 1970 and shall bc appropriatelg ad�usted by an additional pa�men� by Grantee or a refund by Ci�y of �aint Paul when aetu�l �ross earnings fo� �aid six-month period h�v� been determ3.n�d by the C}rantee. � Qros� earnings' shall be held to mean and include al1 suma receiv�d by th� Grantee from the sale of gas d3.str�.buted and u�ed wi�hin the citq limits of the Ci�y of Saint Faul. " . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation CouMael By Ori�►a!to City G7erk . . �'� � � ORDINANCE . ..�, �, COUNCIL FILE NO b PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � Page 2 SECTIDN 2 The arantee shall, within �en days after the final passage of this ordinance by the Council, f ile �rith the 'City Clerk of �aid City i�s writ�en acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corpo= ration Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide b�r, keep, and p�r- form a11 the terms and conditions of �hi� ordinanee. SECTI01� 3 This ordinanee shall ��.ke effec� and be in forc� thirty da�� after i�s passage, approval and publication, and upon its aeceptance, as provided in See�ion 2 he��of. Reconsider�d on Deaeaber 26th. 1969. Yeaa Cov�neilaen 1'i�ys �Carleon f �Dalglish � V ��kredith n esc�o� Idr. Presideat Byr� DEC 2 3 1�6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii �arlson 6 Dalglish ��d sPRn�k A / In Favor �Meredith A gainst Peterson �Tedesco Dis approved and vetoed � Mr. President (Byrne� y�: De cemb e r 2 6 , 19 6 9 _ A at: , City Clerk Mayor �� orm approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED �AN 31970 Orfslnal to City Clerk '� ` ' � � ---� ,^ �� , ORDINANCE 24f479 . �`'\ .,� �,� n� j � ,������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � , _ ^ An 'ordinance amending Qrdiance No, 11761� entitled: ►�An Ordirance granting to the l�orthern S'tates Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nlinnesota� its successors and assigns� permissi�n t,o use the streets and other pi, lic property located in the City of Saint Pau1 for the parpose of conducti and. supp].yring gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after nuary 1, 1961� pre�cribing rates which the Grantee ma,y� charge for such service, and etermi.ning the amount which the Grantee shall pay to the City for the use and oc upancy of its streets and other public property.�' as amended; 'Ihe Council of the 'ty of Saint Paul Does Ordain; SEC TIG�N 1 Zhat Ordinance No. 11761, pproved June 21� 1960, as amended by Ordinance No. 13353, approved September 29� 196 is hereby amended by deleting Section 3 therefrom in its entirety and inserting i lieu thereof the following Section 3: "Section 3. On or b ore the first day of February, 1970i the Grantee shall p�y into the t asury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cent (5�) o its gross earnin�;s during the last six months of 1969 derived within t corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from the exe ise and enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use f such streets or other public propert�T. � or before the 25th day o.f each m th commencing w3th the 25th day of February� 1970, the Grantee shall p into the treasury of the Cityfi af Saint paul a sum equal to five per cen (5�) of its gross earnings during the preceeding month derived within the c�rporate limits of the City of Saint Pau1 accruing from the exercise an enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use f such streets or other public property. The final payment for the emaining term of the permission hereby granted shall be due and payable on o before the 25th day of January, 1971. �Gross earningst shall be held o mean and include all sums received by the Grantee from the sale of g s distributed and used within the City limits of the Cit� of Saint paul �� SECTIO�T 2 The Grantee shall, within ten da�s after the passage, app val, and publication of this ordinance, file with the Cit� Clerk of said City it written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, a d therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perform a11 the terms and condit ns of this ordinancs. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effest and be in force th3rty days after ts passage� approval and publication, and upon its acceptance� as provided in Se ion 2 hereof. � Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci Carlson 1 Dalgliah � Meredith In Favor `; Peterson ` Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �O Eorm approved Corporation Counsel By � . _ -__ ._ _ _.. --- --- __ ____, _ __ _ ., � _ - __ _ __ _ _ . _ . _ -- - --. .. s. : Ortpinal to City Clerk OR � I �1' A. � CE 24���`1� . � - �_ ��� ±'�.� , � . � , COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �� R�� ORDINANCE NO �� � � An ordinance amending Ordiance rTo, 11761, entitled; ��pn Ordir_ance granting to the I�?orthern States Povrer Cornpany, a corporation organized under the lavas of the State of r;�.nnesota� its successors and assigns� permission to use the streets and other pi�blic property located in the City of Saint Faul for the parpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after Januar�; 1, 19619 prescribir.g rates which the Grantee may charge for sueh service, and deter�ining the amovnt which the Grantee shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property," as amended; Zhe Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: S� N 1 7hat Ordinance No, 11761, approved une 2I, 1960, as amended by Ordinance ATOe 13353, approved September 29, 1966, is reby amended by deleting Section 3 therefrom in its entirety and inserting in 1 eu thereof the following Section 3: "Section 3 o On or b fore the first day of F'ebruary, 1970� the Grantee shall pay into th� reasury of the City of Saint Pau1 a sum � eaual to five per cent (5�) of its gross earnin€ss during the last s3x months of 1969 derived with n the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from th exercise and enjoyr!ent of the privileges granted by this ordir.ance and for th use of such. streets or ol;her public propert�T. � or before the 25th day of e�ch month corvnencing with the 25th day of February� 1970, the Grantee sha'�1 pay into the treasury of the City�6 0�' Saint paul a su�! equal to five er cent (5%) of its gross earnings during the preceeding month derived thin the corporate limits of the City of �;a_i nt'. 1�ati I ar•rr�ii ne� frnm t.h axorr+i Cp an� c>nin�rmr�nt. nf` t.he riri�ri l onoc -- - -- - - - ----�- -- - ---u-..-•--°- r-_.__..c,._ granted by this ordinance a d for� the use of such streets or other public property, The final p yment for the remaining term of the permission ��ereby granted shall be due a d payable on or before the 25th day of January, 1971. �Gross earn��g � shall be held to mean and include a.11 sums received by the Grantee f om the sale of gas distributed and used within the City limits oi tli C't� of Saint Paul,�' SECTI : 2 The Grantee shall, �rithin ten da �fter the passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, file with the .T Clerk of said City its tivritten acceptance thereof in form to be approved by e Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perfl al1 the terms and conditions of this ordinance, � SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance� as provided in Section 2 hereofo Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Carlson Dalglish >>- In Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka - Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By _._.._,.�__.___....�.�,.__ _ _.---_ __ __ _ _ _ _ , _ . tl ��4' `;Y -a'S�'4',���.� A+ . 4�"��'�� Y`: �.Y.<Y�d�y Ocldnsl to CiL�CIQrk � ��P---- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO � `� / PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- ~ ��� An ordinance amending Ordinance Ido. 11761, entitled: "An ordi- nance granting to the Northern S�ates Power Company, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, Zg61, prescribing rates which the Grantee may chaxge for such service, and determining the amount which the Grantee shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " as , ` amended: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 11761, approved June 21, 1960, as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Section 3 therefrom in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following Section 3: "Seetion 3. On or before the first day of October of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, �he Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cen� (5�) of its gross earnings during the first six months of that calendar year derived with- i n i;hr� nnrt�nrai-a l irni �F� Of �h@ C��^ ^� �c^;,3rit Pu^.:,:1 ' ° ' y `- ^'- J � u.C�.i us.ilpj i i V1it � • �ne exercise and en�oyment of' the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other public property. On or before the first day of March of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, the Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cent (5�) of its gross earnings ! during the last six months of the preceding calendar year de- � rived within �he corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul � accruing from the exercise and en�joyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance for the use of such streets and � other public property; provided, however, that such payment � on its gross earnings during the last six months of 1970 shall 4 be paid int� the treasury of the City of Saint Paul on or before � December 30, 1970. Such payment shall be based upon a reasonable i estimate of gross earnings for said six-month per3od ending � December 31, 1970 and shall be appropriately ad�usted by an � additional payment by Grantee or a refund by City of Saint Paul !; when actual gross earnings for said six-month period have been � determined by the Grantee. ' Gross eaxnings' shall be held �o mean and include all sums received by the Grantee from the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul . " Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland , Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco 1;2r. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � — �. City Clerk Mayor � �� � Form approved Corporation Counsel By ..��°� w�s� — - � �� s, ,��� �,�� , �� �.• �r,,�$ �-,�.�r �' ,:� ,��, x _ �;,� • . _ ,. _ ; ,,; � •- . . ;:.. y , ; , ��,,�•.., .. . �� . ,,...._. . ,�:; . . . .. „ . � „ ..._ ,. . �., ., Clerk I � ORDIN � N � � �y�LFlL FILE NO � ENTED BY 6�9�t�IANCE NO_ Page 2 SECTION 2 The Grantee shall, within ten days after the final passage of this ordinance by the Council, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corpo- ration Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and per- form all the terms and conditions of this ordinance, SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 2 hereof. �. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco , Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor •�� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �y_�� a�_�". "J�#��.'�.°,-i�.r�` 5:. �;m��'q �.-�.'�.� ev t �.4i r - -x. - ,:g a '�`. 'q :'� ,r .. ., ,,; ., .. :. . .`:�. ''. r,,,,..�. . ;:... ..;..-, .. ._:_.�_ ,,:; . . ., ,. .::�..- .:. �. �.. . �.. ,. Urtiju���O Ciq(,7ltk � �r�----- O R D I N A N C ]E d� COUNCIL FILE NO l � . PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � " � . An ordinance amending Orlinance No. 11761, entitled: "An ordi- nance granting to the Northern States Power Company, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its suecessors and assigns, permission to use the stree�s and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 1961, prescribing rates which the Grantee may charge for such aervice, and determining the amount which the Grantee shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " as � ` amended.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 11761, approved June 21, 1960, as amended, is hereby fur�her amended by deleting Seetion 3 therefrom in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following Section 3: "Section 3. On or before the first day of October of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, , the Grantee shall pay� into the treasury of the City of Saint ' Paul a sum equal to five per cent (5�) of its gross earninga during the first six months of that calendar yeax derived with- it� f;}�P nnrt-�nraf.A ��m-i te ,n�f the (.'i.t� C� uc1j.I2� i�,,iA�� u^.C�i'uiiip, ii•viil � —y -- ---- • tihe exercise anct en�oyment of the privileges -granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other public property. On or before the first day of March of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, the Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cent (5�) of its gross earnings � during the last six months of the preceding calendar year de- rived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul � accruing from the exercise and en,�oyment of the privileges � granted by this ordinance for the use of such streets and other public property; provided, however, that such payment � � on its gross earnings during the last six months of 1970 shall � be paid into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul on or before , December 30, 1970, Such payment shall be based upon a reasonable f estimate of gross earnings for said �ix-month period ending f December 31, 1970 and shall be appropriately ad�usted by an � addit3.onal payment by Grantee or a refund by Ci�y of Saint Paul � when actual �ross earnings for said six-month period have been determined by the Grantee. ' Gross eaxnings � shall be held to f mean and include all sums received by the Grantee from the sale of gas distributed and used within the c3.ty limits of the City of Saint Paul. " Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Holland , In Favor Meredith Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: �. � City Clerk Mayor � �� . Form approved Corporation Counsel By , � "1 �-' A � . � � � � '�4 n . s ._� '� � � �;x� �r,� ,�k ,a- - ,� �, _ v§. :,� ,:::. 4`",,..; c=� . . . _ ,___ . _ . / �� , � Clecic � � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. I � � . ENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.__��° Page 2 SECTION 2 The Grantee shall, within ten days after the final passage of this ordinance by the Council, file with �he City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corpo- ration Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and per- form all the terms and conditions of this ordinance. SECTZON 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 2 hereof. r Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith Againat Peterson Tedesco , Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor a�� . Form approved Corporation Counsel By , , , .� ,. . q t ,�� � � ��� , � Commissioner =�„�.�- � moves that C. F. No. 246479 be amended as �� � ;. folloWa: by striking ffomjthe proposed ordinance Section 1 in its entirety and � substituting in lieu thereof the followieg Section 1: "SECTION 1 That Ordiaaace No. 11761, approved June 21, 1960, .as amended, is hereby further amended by delQtiag Section 3 therefrom in its entirety and inaerting in lieu thereof the follawiag Sectioa 3z Section 3. Oa or before the first day of October of each yeaz during the remaining teru� of the permiasion hereby granted, the Grantee shall pay into ths treasury of the City of Saint Paul a aum equal to five per cent (SX) of its gross earnings during the first six months of that calendar yseas derived within the corporate limits of the City of ' Saint Paul, accruiag from the exercise and enjoysent of the privileges granted by this ordinaace and for the use of such streets or other. public property. Oa or before the first day of March of each year during the remaiaing term of the permission herebq granted, the Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per esnt (SX) of its gross earnings duriag the last six moaths of the preceding calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from the exercise and en�oymeat of the privileges .granted,by this ordinaace for the use o� such streets and other public property; provided, ha�rever, that such payoent on its gross earnings du�ring the last six mosths of. 1970 shall be paid iato the treasury of the City of Saint Paul on or before December 30, 1970. Such payment shall be based upoa a reasonable estioate of °gross ea�nings ' for said six-month period ending December 31, 1970 aad sh�ll be appropri- ately adjusted by an additional payment by Grantee or a refund by City of Saint Paul when actual gross earnings for said six-month period have been determined by the Grantee. 'Gross earniaga' shall be held to mean and include ali sums received by the Grantee fraa the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul." and by changing Sectioa 2 by striking the section in its eatire�ty and substituting in li�u thereof the following Section 2: "SECTION 2 The Grantee shall, within ten days after the fiaal passsge of this ordinance by the Council, file with the City Clerk of said City its written .ac�eptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to � abide by, keep, and perform all the terms and conditions of this ordinance." ( Commissioner � ,'��^ � further moves that C. F. No. 246479, as amended, ��/ ' , be approved se to fot�. � - r�sp N O R T H E R N S T A T E 5 P O W E R C O M P A N Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 December 30, 1969 To the Honorable Ma.yor and Members of the �ity �Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perf'orm all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 2�+6�79, laein� Orc�ina.nce No. 1�363, fina.11y passed and approved by the Council on December 26, 1969. NORT�1 STATES POWER CON[PANY .��;� "� C=�"i.�.% %�� � f � .•,� ✓rI �. Vi e President and nager i And � � Assi ant Secretary APPROVED FORM: �, ��:, �- -=, �: cn—c c..ti l �c� ---- Corporat Co�znsel ��� � �.� -�-- — �T t'��7 �— � � f7't -� N t.R � �Q 7':a �� -,_ . 'r'I �, �5��! ' � m �:; � ��� °�.� �t. , � � �� �� �, �� Commisaioner moves that C. F. No. 246479 be amended as ( f � � `f. follows: by striking from the proposed ordinance Section 1 in ;ts entirety and subatituting in lieu thereof the following Section 1: "SECTION 1 That Ordinance No. 11761, approved June 21, 1960, .as amended, is hereby further amended by deleting Section 3 therefrom in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following Section 3: Section 3. Oa or before the first day of October of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, the Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cent (SX) of its gross earnings during the first six months of that calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, accruing fro� the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance and for the use of such streets or other. public property. On or before the first day of March of each year during the remaining term of the permission hereby granted, the Grantee shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a sum equal to five per cent (SX) of its gross earnings during the last six months of the preceding calendar year derived within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul accruing from the exercise and en�oyment of the privileges granted by this ordinance for the use of such streets and other public property; provided, however, that such payment on its gross .....�..�..b� .i�.�i..b ♦L�� �....".: .`�.i: �uA.~.~: �F ln?v ::::� � �C Na�� i•:�'.2 ►:'� � .. �� r � .. . .� �� u . treasury of the City of Saint Paul on or before December 30, 1970. Such payment shall be based iipon a reasonable estimate of gross earnings ' for said six-month period ending December 31, 1970 and shall be appropri- ately adjusted by an additional payment by Grantee or a refund by City of Saint Paul when actual gross earnings for said six-month period have been determined by the Grantee. 'Gross earnings ' shall be held to mean and include all sums received by the Grantee from the sale of gas distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Sain[ Paul." and by changing Section 2 by striking the section in its entirety and substituting in li�u thereof the following Section 2: "SECTIO�I 2 The Grantee shall, within ten days after the final passage of this ordinance by the Council, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perform all [he terms and conditions of this ordinance." Commissioner � : further moves that C. F. No. 246479, as amended, be approved as to �form. ' f a � I str �-v 2nd i:� l� 3 • Laid over�Fa� � �'�:� �"'" �'`., �;,s�e; � ° �,� 3rd and app.�L�_..Adopted Yeas Nays �Yeas Nays Carison � �carlson � Dalglish �'-- Dalg� Meredith �` �eredith Peterson ����� �eterson �\ / Sprafka �Sprafka Tedesco Yedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. Presiden+ B e O