246444 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK CI 1 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL e ` � FILE N�� �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION ERAL FORM ., PRESENTED BY obert eterson � COMMISSIONE � F• DATF WHEP.EAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7188 for construc- tion of the EAGLE STREET - Hill Street to Exchange Street Sewer Relocation, Project No. 69-S-1266, L. J. McNulty, Inc. , Contractor, the specified date of completion is August 15, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor did not complete the project until October 15, 1969, therefore be it ;: �� REsSOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby author- �` fzed and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of completion to October 15, 1969, prvvided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTH�R RfiSOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul does not waive any claim for liquidated damages or engineering and inspection costs on this project. t�v a 6 �g COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas N�ys �DV 2� � Carlson Dalglish A roved 19—_ Meredith ?In Favor Peterson ' Sprafka J Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, Byrne PU�LISHEt HQV 2 9 1969 O A ���yyy q �" DUPL'CATE TO PRINTfiR ��y�r"`^;���� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Na� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Rohert F. Feterson DATF WHE�EAS, In the m�ttCer of Comptroller's Gontract L-7188 for construc- tion of the EAG1.,� STREET - Hill Street Co Exahange Street 5ewer Relocation, Project No. 69-S-1266, I,. J. McNulty, Inc.� Contractor, the apecified det� of completion is August 15, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor did not campleL� the project until Octob�r 15, 1969, therefore be it KESOLVED, That the praper Gity Officials be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to execute en amendment to eaid contracC extending the tiaae of completion to Octaber 15, 19b9, provided however, that thic� r�solution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties an the Contrector's bond cansent thereto end f ile such consent in writing with the City Co�pCroller, and be it FURTHER RESOI.V�A, That the City of Saint Paul does not waive any claieo for liquidated damages or engineerin,g and inepection costs on this project. � �� 1���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci• 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �j �� ` •�R°t �� �����'_I�./ 1' ..� _ . , �,�r} Dalglish � Approved 19__ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor �% A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O