246438 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �/71L� ��[1
- CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL N�,. `��� '�
PRESENTED BY �l�illiam r: Carlson Novomber 26 1969
RESULVED; That application f or the transfer of On Sale Liquor LiQense issued to
T�:r. T's, Tnc. at 1G0 e'I. Larpenteur A��enue �to Gary-L, Inc. and Elwoou �.
Turner, individualZ� at the sarae address and their applicationfor
Class C1-Rastaurant, Gff Sal� T:��a1-c �everage and vi�arette licensas at
the same address, be and the same are hereby granted on the condition that
within �o da;�s of this da•te s�id uar�r-L, �nc. and �lz�ood E. Turnsr
shall complf �rith a11 rec�uire�ients of the i3ureaus of r'ire, �ieal�Lh and Police,
and �he License Inspec-�or pursuant -to the St, �aul is�isla��ive Gode and all
other ap�licable ordinanaes and lav+rs.
NOV �6 1�J69
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson f v(�1/ Z� �� 19—
Dalglish � Approved
Meredith Tn Favor
Peterson '
Sprafk�. Mayor
t� A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne PU$LISHEr NOV 2 9 1969
� - � . c �-
Capital of Minnesots �'�
� / �`�y3�'
�e a�ti�e�t o a�`ic �a et
� �
POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH
ROGEH M. CONWAY, Dcpnty Commlasioncr
DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN, License Inspector
November 25, 1969
Honorabls 2��yor and City Council
Saint Paul, 2:qinnesota
Gary-L, Inc. is joined by I��r. T's, Ina. in �king
applioation for the transfer of � Sale Liquor Licenae No.
7431, expirin�; January 31, 1970, issued to I�1r. T's, Inc. at
160 li�. I,arpenteur Avenue, to Gary-L, Inc. at the same address.
Gary-L, Inc. also n�akes application for Class C1-
Restaurant, Off Sale bEalt Beverax;e and Ci�arette lieenses at
the s an.e 1 oca t i on.
This location has been licensod for a a3.milar
busi.n.ess aince august, 1964. The present lioensee, Nr. T',s,
Txia. has held such licenses since December, 1964.
Gary L. Landx�eville , President, is the sole offiaer
of Gary-L, Tnc. �:ar�r L. Landreville is the sole stockholder.
Frorn 1964 t 1965, �::r. Landreville �+ras empl.oy�ed by
t.4orrison and Knutson� a comrneraial pilot. From 1966 to
1969 he was employ�ed aa a bartender for Vern's, Incorporated,
He is currently emplo;�ed as a salesman f or a:oKess on Liquor
C ompa ny.
Very truly yours,
�� < < ��iG..`"�'
License Inspector
� �
. ,
November 21, 1969 '.
The Honorable City Council •
for Saint Paul
Court House ,
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
You are hereby requested to transfer the on-sale Liquor '
license now owned by Mr. T's. , Inc. and being used in connection
with the operation of a cocktail lounge at 160 West Larpenteur
Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Gary-L, Inc. and Elwood E. Turner, •
said license to be used by said transferees for the continued
operation of a cocktail lounge on said premises. ,
" Thank you. ,
� Very truly yours,
MR. T'S. , INC.
By � ��� ci ..�./�� %.2_,,.��
Elwood E. Turner, President
November 18, 1969
The Honorable Mayor and �
City Council . �
City of Saint Paul � ' '
Attention: License Inspector .
' Public Safety Building •
Saint Pa,ul, Minnesota
Dear Sir: • �
Gary-L, Inc. hereby requests the City Council of the City of Saint Paul
to transfer to it the liquor license now owned by Mr. T's located at 160
West Laxpenteur. The undersigned wishes the license to remain at that
Gary Landreville will be the manager and the responsible person in charge
of this establishment upon transfer of the license. .
, Respectfully submitted,
P�✓ a�v� � • .
Gary andrevi.11e '
. President
I .
LiCENSE DNZSiON �t� Novemb�r 17 �9 69
1, dpplioation Por Oti•$sl� L3 0� I.iaen�e
2. Na�e of a►pplic:ant _ `
3. Huainees e►ddreee Eesidenae
� �
4. Tre�de r�ame, if �ny h�r. 1['�a Louttge
5o Retail Beer Federal Ts�a Stamp x Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp Y �rill be uaedo
6. C�,. �hat floor looated ist Alwnber of rocmia used`� � r�,,,,.,
__ _ ��
7e Betw�esn w�hat aroas etreets Larpentur &����$ide o3' atreat ��
8. J►ra premises now� oacupied Y$� �at businese a8�� Hv� l�ng
9. ,Are prem:i.aes now unooaupied no Ha� long vacant Previous' use
• __.....,_
10, Are you a new rnmer ��5 Have you been ig a simil.sr businesa before �,,,s
�38T� SPr,� T_.,tr..,_'G+_.,tt�._ _ r7a..,.,_ �lAYl ^�net s_ i nrc - - - - - - --
11. A�re you ,going to operate this business personally Y�s
If aot, �rho 1ri11 operate it
12. Are you in any other bueiness at the gresent time rio
13• Have there been any csomplaints againat your oparation oP this type of p],acse �
When ilhere
14. B�ve you ev�er had a�y license revolaad ric Rhat reason and date
15. �re you a aitizen uP the Ur�ted Statea ��� Nativ+e y�s I�aturalized
16. �Ihere arere you born �arren, ,N'►ihnesotg�.�e oP birth il-YU•1940
17. T am. married. My (�ife�s) (husband e s� na� and address i� �'oAtln I.�p d�'eV3,l�o
� � T �� ,
18. (If msrried female) my maiden name i� �
19. Ho�r long have you lived in S�e Paul 3 year� _
20. Bsv�e you ev�ar been arreated Ao Violation of wha� criminal ]av� or urdinance
ti'affie violatien (mi�,or)
21. Are you a regi�tered voter in the Ci°�y of 3te Paul a�' Yea Noe
(An;a�r fullq arid oompletelye These a -Yiaations are thorou hl ahecked and �n
falaifioation. xill be cauae for deniala.
22, 8umber oP 3,2 placea arithin ttvo blook.� ���-y�S_ —
V . Off Sa le �
23, Cloaea� intoxioating liquor plaoe. th� Sale � - � �� �,_
_ .
� ��� 24, Neareat Churah �eu-� Neareat Sahool � � �� ,(� —
25. Number of buotha Tables��� Chaire 3L S�oo18 �c
. _. _ �.^_ . . .
26. What oocupation. have qou follovred for the p�st five y�aar�. (Qive names of employere
and datea eo emplay�ed.)
� e-,� M,c.c�e-rL� ��6 — 16 S� t�era:� �.�.��:
, �
� - �S 6
27. Giv+e� �te►mes e►nd` addresaee c� tRO peraons, reaidents of 8t, Pl�ul, Minn„ �rho can give
in�ora�tion con.adrning ya�,
_.__ _ �
� Qir��
Nama . `F2J�C� Add re s a � ��
Na � Addresa � _��`�L��
_ _ �•
8i� re of pp eant
3tate of �inn�aeota
C ounty of xa►maey
being Pir�t dulq s'rorn, deposea arxl says
upon oa he 1�►� read e orago ng sta�e�nt bearing his aignatare and knowa
�he coaitente tlnreof f and tha��the eam� is �rue- of hia awv. lmowledge eacept as to
those mattere ther�in stated upon inforastion and bel3�ef and as �o thoae imtters
; he baliev�ea them to be true.
Siguat of �ppliaant
Subsaribed and sworn to before me '
thia day of d�/ 19
No ic, Ramee ounty„ , esuta
l�y Cc�rmnia�ion expiree '
(Note� Theee �tatemant forms �re �in duplicate. Both oopies must be Pully filled outa
notarized, and returned to the Lioense Diviaiono�-
, . .
Re: �n Sale �� � V__p�LiQenee
Name of appiicant Gar� L�:�draRilS,e
160 4Vest Larpentur
Businesa address
Are y�ou the sole cywner of this business? 3;e�If not, is it a partnership?
corporatian3 ye�3 , o:bher?
Others interested in businass, include �hose by loan of money, property or otherwises
Nam� pddre s s Ho�w
Gary-'., Znc.
If a corporation, give its name
Ars you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liqaor bueinesa? �
As sole ousmsr� ;i'�� Partner? Stoekholder? Ye�
Otherwise? (Through loan of money, etc. Explain)
Address oP such buainess and nature of interest in same
Signature of applioant
S'°t�te of Minne s ota
C ounty of �msey
G•rt2y Landreville being first duly avvorn, deposes and says upon oath
that he has read the foregoing affidavit bearing his signature and lmo�vs the contents
thereof; that the same ia true of his own l�.o�wledge, excc�pt as to those Ynatters therein
atated upon information and belief snd as to those mat�ers he belie�as them to be true.
Si�;nature of applicant
Subsori svvo bafore me
thi day of �/ i19�
ar ub ic, ay Coun.ty9 innesota
My aarnmzssion expirea 19
ra eY '�3nt��:-��il��� being firat riuly av�orn, doth deposa
and say that he makea this af fid�,vit i.n coxuzecstion with application f or
" � Sale" liquor licenae (" � Sals" malt bevera�e license) in the eity of
Saint Pau1, Minneao�a; that your affiant is a reaident of the State of Minnesota
and has resided th�rein for � years, moa�ths, and is
nrna and has besn for the time above mentioned a bor� fide rasident of said State
and that he now resides at
� ' 98
,�'j t� �2.111 , �1r1Y1.8 3 O'tA*
Ci't�T Or' TOWri
�ary Landrevilt�
Subsaribed and a�orn to before me
this day of 1��
ota blio, maey Caunty, Minnesata
�dy cso�iasion expirea
Nov. 25, 1969
Hon. William E. Carlson,
Camar. of Public Sa,fety�
101 E. lOth. St.,
St. Paul, Minn.
Attn: Mr. De.niel P. McLeughlin
Dear Sir;
The City Council today informally approved the application
of Gary-L, Inc., �oined by Mr. T's� Inc., for the transfer of On Sale
Liquor Licenae No. 7�+31, expiring Jan. 31, 1970, isaued to Mr. T's,
I�c., at 160 W. Laxpenteur Avenue, to Gary-L, Inc.� at tt� eame address.
ALSO the application of Gary-L, Inc., for Class Cl-Restaureut,
OtY Sa1e Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at the same location.
Will you please prepare the custamary re$olutions?
Very truly yotirs,
City Clerk