246436 ORIGINAL�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO.��1GJL�— CITY CLERK • COUNCIL p COUNCIL RESOLUTION � FILE N. 3'�'�4 ` FOR UTHORIZAT�✓ O LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. _ DATE 19—_ • xBSOLVED, That the Council herebq concura in the airard of Contract Committe� therefor and here�iy awards contract for the farniahing of all labor, toola, eq�ipment, materials and supplies necessary to com�lete the Construction of the SSV�ITH-GRSBNBRIBR STt)l�i RELIEF SEWBR, Pro ject 69-5-1036, nnder Preliminary Order No. 241522, approved December 31, 1968, and Final Ordar No. 242916, approved April 1, 1969, Department of Yublic Works, to McDONALD � A330CIATES INC. for tbe contract price of $�75,972.00 (Plae; Val. 8� Asaesa. Serv. - �2,334.00; 8nginderimg and Inspection 10'x - $17,597.20; iiater Dept. Charges - $10�.00; and Collection Charges (testiag, traffic signale) - $300.00�, in accordance with the plane and specifieations hereto attached aad Formal Bid �38& of said McDonald � As�ociates, Inc., such bid being the l�rwest and said McDonald & Associates, Inc, being a reasonabie and reliable bidd�r a�nd the Corporation Co�sel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contraet therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are aathorised to execate said contraat on behalf of the City of St, Paul. � Fo�al Bid #3884 / � 69-3-1036 CONTRACTPRICE - - - - - - - - - - - S 175,972.00 � DEPT.CONT.NO._ - - WpTER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS,SOUNDINGS,ETC. - - - - S , _��WO�W ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: Qa�. � Assess,r •SEl'{1y - - S 2,334�� a $167,620.24 ENGINEERING and_Inspection. 10"� - - - - s 17,597.20 �6 Collectiazi Chsrges (testing, a 300,00 � FORMAL BID NO. �Q,L traffic S��g18, ��*�� TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' - ' - ' ' ' ' ' � 197,203.20 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABL6 BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPT/ON. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - ' - - ' ' ;. �+���+0!"`� . � - 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CtTY'3 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT��O��O�CODE 1969 a 161,T53fZO � 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE $ 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE $ 5. COUNTY AID ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ � ' _ ' - $ 6. MUNICIPAL STAT6 AID PROJECT NO. 7. $ � TOTAL - - - - - - - - - . - - S 1�7�Z��ZO COPIES TO: t HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 1E AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN THP. ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT ROVEMENT REVOLVIN6 FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN �E�M ITS. �'/ PURCHASING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROL � BY COUNCILMEN �V �L '0� YEAS NAYS� ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI�� V aV • �A�915�1 IN FAVOR . /�.!� �L � Sprafka •�� v 196� Tedesco Mere i4h � �rtoveo Peterson •cwirtsr �c Carlson Mr. Presiden4,�C $S►�@ � Y�g �� 11/21/69/nl/stanton ���'"�`, NOV 2 9 196 MAYOR