246430 . - 246��0 j ORIGINAlTO COUNCIL A'O• ��Tr��spK CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILE �� � APPROPRIATION TR NSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER C RTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY 1lilliam =� ��11�10�� G a��ember 2� 6 COMMISSIONE DA 19� R E S O L V E D , THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF • THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CER- TAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPER[NG THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WH(CH THE 7RANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM FROM I TO � DR. CR. hh�resn of Hsslth 4180-200 niotra.tioa - Oontrac=t.Sert. 9f�.0� 18t)-3t�tf iniotration - Coadoditiea 1,050.00 181�200 it,e,l Statisiio� - Oontract.Serr. 3$ff.00 0181-300 ital Statiatia� - Qoaioditiee 200.�0 182-100 Pronotioa of Heslth - Salsries 16,6�0.00 0182-200 Proaotion ot Heslth - Contract.Ssr�. 900,00 0182-300 Pro'otion oi 8eslth - Coa�odities 654.00 . 183-200 �ood xegulation - Ooatr�►ct.Serv. 400.00 0183-�00 ?ood Begnlstiom - ComaoQitiee 20�.00 0184-100 . Kadiosl � Inepectioaal- SsLriss 2,0�0.00 0184-200 Medioal da Inepectional- Ooatract.Sert. 200.40 018b,-300 I�edit�►1 & Iaspectional- Qommoditiee 4�0.00 185-100 Tuberaa.loeie Divieion - Sslsriea _ 8.800.00 0185-3d0 Tnbercnlosis Dieiaion - Co�odities 1.550,00 186-2�0 Bailding tAaintensnce - aontraet.Serv. 7,�00.00 0186-300 B�ilding Maintensace - Commoditiee _ 200.t)0 187'-10 eslth I,s'borafory - Sslariee 1.0(?0.00 188-200 Dog Licesea �n!'orcea�ent-Contract.Ssrv. 150,00 0188-bUQ Dog Licanse Enfora�ent-Other Cbargee_ 10�.00 189-1�0 Houaing Inspection - 3als�riea _ 3,500.E)0 189-2�0 onaing Inepectian - Contract.8erv. 1,100.0E3 0199-$ ee►lth 8eceipta 2Q0 � 40 �.�0 40 00.�0 YES (�) COUNCILMEN (�/) NAYS N�V 2 6 1969 Cei.rlaon ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� -19 • Dalglieh �� 2 6 196� Meredith APPROVE is IN FAVOR Peteraoa . �� � MAYOR OGAINST Tedesco � COUNTERSIGNED BY N+�. � ` ITY COMPTROLLER MR. PRESIDENT B�Z'�e /:�'t /�� �� Ct�ti �`' � QQ r � �_ --- .. _. __ . � . 246\430 i �Notice CITY OF ST. P4UL Council File ?:o. t0 NIIVNESOTA , ,.. � Printer � COUI�CIL R:,SOLL�'IO 19 • RESOL�I�D, t�:at the transfers T�rithin funds of the various �ity Dep�rtments , , ' heretofore ar�proved 't�y the Cit;- �omptroller, as su :� transfers of funds as of NIOV 2 6 1969 axe indicated in documents attached h reto and made a part hsreof by reference, as fully as if the same were set forth fully and completely herein, are hereby approved, copies of the aforementioned also being on file in the of- fice of the City C�.erk and in the office of the City �cmptroller. � 2 6 1969 Adopted by the Cou'nc�i 19 _ �� 2 6 19�� City Canptroller Apnroved 19,_,_ By . . ��� �u �y 196�,