246410 .. �,������ OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE CON�IITTEE CIL RE LUT N—GENERAL FORM coMM SSIONE �Ar November 25, 1969 GTHEI3E�S: Proper notice has been received �,s to change of officers in Michael Marchek, Inc.� holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7499, expiring January 31� 1970� at 326 Grove Street, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That Michael AZ�,xchek remains as President and Treasurer; Helen Marchek, Vice-president, becomes Secretary; and Robert Raduenz becomes vice-president; be a.nd �he same is hereby apProved. On Sale Liquor Establishment Change in Officers Informally approved by Council November 20� 1969 Or. Appn, s565 No� �� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �0� �� ���, ��� Dalglish pprove 19— � Meredith Tn Favor Peterson � Sprafku �' Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��'�5��� ��V �� ��� � � , CITY �F�AIN�' PAUL C � � ' Capital of Minnesota / �o? �f� �/l� �e a�ti�e�t o a�lic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commisaioner POL[CE AND FIAE ALAltM BOGER M. CONWAY, DeDnty Commiuioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, License Insyeetor I�dovember 20� 19d9 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Currently Michael Marchek� Inc. are holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 7499 and Miscellaneous licenses at 326 Grove Street a.11 expiring January 31� 1970. Michael Marchek� as an individual and�or the Maxchek Family, as a corporation, have held sueh licerses at this address since 1.941. At the time they made apyolication for renewal of the current licenses, Michael Maxchek was listed as the President and Treasurer; and Helen Marchek as Vice-president. During the l�st year the followir,g changes of officers was made in the corporation. Michael Marchek President and Treasurer Robert Raduenz Vice�presi�ent Helen P�a.rchek Secretary Attached is a copy of a letter from their attorney advising of such changes. Very truly yours, '' . (� . '� /°'�. / �J� � '� l� 1'y( �.. L � �(,lQ��' ,., License Inspector ��� � _ >�� � � �o�J 0 . - � . . . . . MURNANE, MURNANE, BATTIS, DELAMBERT AND CONLIN . E.WIIIARD MuRN�Ne '�� ATTORNEY.S AT LAW ��06 COMMERCE BUILDING CHAiiLES R. MURNANE '� ' THOMAS .,. e�rns ', � SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA Sb101 � JOHN R.o[LAMBEf7T '�, . . THOMAS M,CONIIN '. � 226-1015 ROBERT W,MUI7NANE �'�. � � � . JOHNpE.ORANOT June 25, 1969 . . ' .' WilL1AM N. MUSKE�JR. ' � • Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin � ' License Inspector ` Department pf Public Safety . ' . Tenth and M�nnesota. Streets ' St. Paul, Minnesota i ' i � • Re: Michael� Marchek, Ina • . . �I i • Dear Sir: - , This will cor�firm our telephone conversation in which we : ' � . i,nformed yo� that Charles R. Bastien is no longer an officer � • • in the above �orporation. He has been removed and your ' records sho�ld show that the present officers remain as ' � . they were be ore he became an officer. � ; ' r They are: 's � . . � �` , '� i. 3 1 • . Mich el Marchek - President `, • ' . Robe�t Raduenz - Vice President .� Heler� Marchek - Secreta�y • . Mich el Max�chek - Treas;urer • I • Thank you fo your cooperation. I . . e truly, � ' . . � � . �Z3�4 ?��g� titi � `��� . W. Mur ane . . � JUry��:;g � / , . � ':�f C E 1 y�p f ��Lf.f/,��, _X� a�''� � . � -����au . Michael Marchek . �➢c � . i , ' • r s • �QV• �� 1�9 Hon. William E. Carlson, Comar. of Public 3sfety, 101 E. lOth. St., st. Paul, Minn. 55101. Attn: Mr. Dsniel P. MeLaughlin Dear 3ir: The City Caunail today informslly appraved the follaaing che,ngea in officera of Michssl Marchek, Ir�c., holdere of On 3ale Liquor License No. 7499 ex�d Miecellaneove licenses st 326 Grave St., all expiring Jsn. 31, 1970. Michsel MarcYbek, as sn individual, and�ca� t� Marchek Family, aa a corporation, have held euch licerLSea at thia addresa si�e 1941. The following ch�ngea vrere made in the co�poration in the last year: Michael Marchek - Preaident ewd Treasurer Robert Rsduenz - Vice-presiderit Halen Marchek - Secretary Will you plee�ae prepa,re the custamary reaol,utfon! Very tru�y yo►zrs, City Clerk hp