246409 Ori�insl to City Clerk � ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO �� PRESENTED BY � O ORDINANCE NO � AAI ORUINANCE AMEIdDING ORDINANIICE N0. 14220, APPROVED JULY 8, 1969, GRANTING PERMISSION TO GERALD E. FRISCH TO GRADE AND SURFACE THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 4, RICE STREET VILLAS. THE COIJNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINf PAUL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. That �rdinance No. 14220, C.F. l�o. 244534, approved July 8, 1969, be and the same is hereby amended by deleting Section 2, Subsection d, therefrom and substituting the following therefor: That said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Comntissioner on or before June 15, 1970. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. DEC 10 1969 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Councii Carlson .,�/ Dalglish � In Favor Meredith C� Peteraon l� A gainst Sprafka r. President DEC 1 � 196� Approved• A t• . Ci Cler . � or �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �etisr�� p�E 1�3 1969 � Daplieste to Printer �C� RDINANCE � �.� COUNCIL FILE NO � '"�`��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO / AN QF�I?INANCE A�'�4l:�it�Ii'1G aP.DII�IANCI? N0. 14220, APPP.OVEll JUL�' 8, 1�6�3, GRI�TING PER6IISSION TU GI:RALD �, FRISCII TO 4�RADE AND SURFACE THL ALLF;Y Iid BLOCK 4, ftICE STREET VILLAS. T'riE COUNCIL UF T:IE CITY OF SAIt�1T FAUL DOES ORDAI�1: Section 1. That �rdinance PJo. 14220, C.F. �tio. 244534, approved July 8D 19G5, �e and tlie sasne is h�reby ar:��nded by deletir.� Section 2, �ubsection d, therefrom and substituting the fallowing t:�crefor: That said r�ermittee, after the incegtion of said work, sh��ll prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully comi�lete said iaork to the satis�action and apgroval of. said Commissioner on ar before June 15, 1970. Section 2. This ordinance shall �ake effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its �assage, a�proval and �ublication. ��� :�. ;; �.�6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson � Dalglish In Favor Meredith Peterson � Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) ' �'''' _J�^ �__________1_ �L�1 � ��� D�cember 15, 2g69 I�ir. Geral.d E. Frisch �ttorney at Law -'`�� 2350 �a. Seventh St. St. Paul, P�Iinn. Dear Sir: Fnclosed is a copy of ce . 14355, a�►endin� Ordinance N�. 1�+220, �;r�ntin� per ion ,rade and surface al.ley in $lock �+, Rice S r et Villa exten ng the time of aompletion of the worl� as se ut in Secti 1 of the ordinance. Very truly yours, �-..v%4 �`�^\.,,,�� . �...�'' City Clerk np // , Ist � ~ . 2nd �`� Laid over to f�-��� 3rd end app �O1 —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson �rlson Dalglish �Dalglish Meredith ����[�.���eredith Peterson �eterson Sprafka � . �Sprafka � �Tedesco �desco Mr. President Byrne �r. President Byrne O