246402 .. _... . . . � _ . : . . ;., . .., ,:«,.��., _ . . � ' � � . �x.n;..'TI . . - .. `� � . , . � . � . , . . �. . � y r � � . .. ... . .. . � . . � . � : �� 24s��� � � K FINAL �RD.ER �OUNCIL�'ILE NO. . � �: ; � - BY- N � � 2��t7 " File No. , �� e�;� . � . . � � � . � . � . � . � � � �`a 1. . .. . . . � . . F Ia the Matter of ta�sts� l�l�r� �. � tis� l�c1►Ite ae.�apr� �� !s tii,t�� �"!t. • � ; � t� �a�� �i�s.s �a f�Yl�"�! s't. � 1�a3+� �r�s. � �i�� �c�n.; in � i�. �►° �: r; � �: * � : � �� �a� � U� ��� � �� � ��r :�'�tiiN ��♦� s.� � �i.� � � ? � . � ... . . . " . . � . s;" '�,` !r �{ i ` ��r����"• � .� ���i�L�►� ��ii � ��i� � � t���rt � #i�-: � � � � � " � . . . .. . .. . � {� �. � � .� �� �.�• .��yi�� . . . .. .. :'� � . . � . .� � - � . ... . . � � ... . . . . }°'.. . �. . . . . .. . .. - . . . � � � r h.� . . . � � � � . .. . . � . '�! i; . _�. ._ . . ' . .. . . . . ., 0. % k �' E under Preliminary Order 3A�?� approved ��;� 1!i! ;i � _ .�.. 9 Intermediary Order approvec� j •A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council' � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered ••�� :� the same; therefore, be it � RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind o#im- s provement to be made by the said City is' 'A � �rr +�rtsrs� ;�Ll+� �t� +rw�ss ts tii�0� �!« • �ra� A�e. t� �a�a �e.; ia � CIfIC�� t'!'. - l�rtisp �. ta i�l�it �ir.= f� 1RL� i'�. � l�Mol� �rt. ��s �� � ` � �' .iar �.; aM Ss J� l�. • Lads�lo� 1�. a Zq'= �as� pr M�ilbs #t. �M �� � __ _ ___ ., _ _ , . .. :_ _ .. _ _ . , - � elwsr �t�ttia� i�e ef� as�L� awi � arrsl. i�l or w t�s�rr�► �rr � ,�A�- ` � � � � � � � � � �::° � 1B� � �. �•137i} , � � :� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public V4orks be and is hereby inatructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee therewith. NpV 2 5 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays NOV 2 5 1969 �arlsr.,{ Da f£f?e r, AAprov Mer«-:d��.: Pete ��. - ,f�... n Favor • 5pr�. ,. Mayor TL� �,,..; Aro��t NOV 2 9 1969 �U�LISFtEi s.6�-sx �� 8-1 . �� � �� G� �� `Y �/-� � �7�� .. � . � S3 �� `Y ' . . , . . 24 �4�� OF'FICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORK `"� - �?� S� � ���.`� , 'u� RFC -t;:;� ',:i� , REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OE FINANCE i'� '�� ��� '� ' =' r�s .A?; �'C p �a� � � � ,^�li',��01y' '� �� � ��" ����� � ,y. � �. ���i, . � ' � September 10, 19 69 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coromissioner of Public Works� having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 E'i le No. 245�►70 approved September 3, 1969 relative to the construction of a public storm sewer in LEXINGTOW AWE.-Palace Ave. to James Ave. ; in CHATSWORTH ST.- Palace Ave. to Randolph Ave.; in MILTON ST.-Randcl h Ave. to James Ave.; and in JAMES AVE.-Lexinqton Ave. to 280'± East to Milton St. and there outletting in the existinq sand rock tunnet . Al1 to be known as the JAMES-MILTON STORM SYSTEM, S-1276, ✓ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 85,450.�0 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attache��. � and made a part hereof, iA��� 3. Initiated by the Commiss� oner of Public Works XX �� 4. Improvement Ys asked for upon petition � �; Commi ssi oner P ' orks .1"i' �.rF��sk. . .. ,..'___.__—__'._ . . �..tt:;: r� s. p � �:� �♦ S J . � rk.. i. '' =.+� P R.7y�"�' Ti;" 1[' `� 4� f fi4:'� ,� �,. Tt t� . . . . . . �p . , X� y y. t'k . � ; . , _ ,. . . � R. �u�;ast �.�, 1969 Mr. Daniel Dunford S�er �ngin�er Dep�rtment of Public Works BUILDIl+�4 y� Re: James-Milton Storm Se�rer. 8-].276 D�ar Mr.' DunPord: Pursu�nt to yaur requeat, I have set forth herein information pertinent to the property assessment for the proposed 3.a�provement deecribea as: 5-1276 - Ja�tes-Milton Storm Sewer The tcrtal estimated amount recoverable by assessment ia $19,480.00 based on the following estimated asse�sment rat�s: A � B Residen�ial property $0.01 per sq. ft. C Rea., Co�., & Ind. property 0.015 " " " Please incorporate the following additional costs j.n th� e�timated total expenditures for this impxovement: ° Valua�ion & Assessment uervices $390.00 Misc. Ccst (325 �arcels i�? �+.33) 1,�+00.00 0 Encloaed ie¢ our �stimate map for your information arid �zse. Please return e,t your convenie�ce. Very truly yours, Roy E. Bredahl, Jr. Ass't. Valuation Engineer � REB:�B Enc. cc: F. Crowley RICHARi� A. SCHNARR C I �Y O F S A I N T P A U L �NTHONY J. CREA G'.II�F ENGINEER DEPUTY COMMIS910NER � Capital of Minnesota DEPA,RTMENT AF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ROBEftT F. PETERSON ' ' ��� CommissioAer 3 ��`; y`„ 4�t� Y .. . � 4'> `�O s XN, ., r; �,x September l00 1969 �ianor�bl� Jarrrt�s J. f3a1�1 ish Ccxmn i s�f oner of �'3 r��n�� City �f Saint P�ui ��: .�AAt�{iES M(L?'OPC STi�RM SYSTEFS, 5-12�� i���t S I r; i transmpst ia+�r��rith pr�llmtr.a�y e�t�r,�at� f�r +���t fas� the �c�aa�tru�tian nf a pubi �� s��r�m s��:r 3n L�XiNGI'O�f A1tE.�P�I�c� A��. to ,�am�s Nv�. ; d� Ct�WTSMIORTN 51".-Pa 1 acc: 4+��. t� �ta�dal ph A�re, ; ��s �4 i i.1'(�t� ST-Rartd�T pt� Aoe��. to J�rnes Ave.; �r�d ln JA�iES A�E.-d.exinc��e+ra �Q�ae. tc� �80'-� �ast t�z h#i ��a�r� Sf. �c�c� there outi�tttng in ��m� �xist6��g sand rack tunnel a A� t to b� icncswn as �he JA�1�S-d�lL7(1N �TORt�4 SYST�M, �-1.27�iA uncl�r P��� irntr'�ry (�r�er C.F. t�c�, 24547U, ap�t°ov�d ae�temb�r 3. 19�9, E��irnat�d Constru�tic��a Cost ���,600.t3t� �Yi�Bd1�4�.�if1� � �Jy��geQ� �fIS��G��d�1"s ��'� � ��r��.o� ��Icsatqo�� � �1sse��m�nt Sc;r�r€e�s 39�•�� F i r�an�� C�e��. Gh�r��s i 4t3C1.0�? TOT�1� Pl�p�i€GT C057 $ 4 4�A�1 �ap���� t��prr�ve��:r�t Bons�� �09 . A�s�s�r�ents ��,�$Op{7� 1'nur°s �;�ry ��rulY, ��' �M� 1 „ �Q��P'� �. �8 t�I`�fdCk ._. Csarnm3��6�r��r of Pa��3 ic Works _ RF P'/�,JS I`r�b t�t tachr�erat c�: .�. Sch�+a�r��, U��St. ��Gaurstant J. l��tch�ll � C�p�rc�ii+�r R, iJhe�isre Asst. Chi�f Es�gine�i� ,�. Dd�c�fcsrdr 5��s° Engtneer