246395 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � A V'��q�� CIT1( OF ST. PAUL couNCi� " � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. OU CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � � COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed pro- perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting of October 22 , 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference . Case No . Address 56 ' 1236 Hubbard (Mr. � Mrs . Guy L. Coffin) 59 1138 Duluth Street (Paul Harvey) 63 1026 Pleasant Ave. (Edward Morse) APP OV D �� ��a�'oR Counse� No� z � �sss COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—. Yeas Nays ��u 2 =� 1969 carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith _ � Tn Favor Peterson \ Sprafka (� Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ���-�5��� NOV 2 9 1969 O ` • I il/. ,'/1�!1 I�Ic�c�l i ii�� N�, , � !i !• �24�c� � ..� h1INUTt:S OI� 'I'I(E Ml:il:'f I N(; S'1'. 1'AUL BOARll Ol� nl'Pl:/11,ti 1Veclnesciay, Clctoher 2' , 1 �)G�1 l;ureau of liealth I,ibrary, 555 Cedar St . , - 1 :.iO I�,m . Members present : Lawrence U, Colien, Cha i rn�,i�i I:styr 1'cake Gale Rclinber�; lirtliur '1'ieso James Voi �t Members absent : Norma Sommcrclorf Charl.es Vclin Others present : Glenn l:r.ickso�i Ccralcl I,aucr ![enry Strcich 1)r. 13urtis Atc:�i�s Dr . Paul Cox I�rank 5taffcnson T}iomas i'ayne Thomas Anderson Thomond lt. 0'lir i en Mrs . Guy L . Coffin C�ustav llxelrod , �ttorncy llenry Lon�*hchn I�ltig}i 0' l�ane Wes Ohman I)on A1a�nuson Ilenry hluchle��;cr Charles �nclrcen Paul llarvey David /lnclrews A�1r. t; 1�1rs . l:a �1orsc Mr. Cohen suggestecl the matter of a 10-ctay peri ocl to C i.1.c an aj�peal be carried over until the ncxt meet in�* hecause only tl�i•c�r� members were pxesent . 11rt1iur '1'ieso arrived. .lames Vo i�t arri v�cl. EXHIBIT "A" . . i ��/.�.�/�,�, n����•� � ��,� ►v�� . i �, �• C;ase No . 55 420 Summit !lvenuc (Un_ivcr�i.ty Cl.ul�, 'I'I�am��n�l t�' Itiri �•�� 1 '1'}iomo�icl 0'13rien appealed a letter of the 13uilclin� lle��cirtniunt �i;it ���l ,Iuly 22 , 1 J(iJ enumerating �orrcct.ions nccdcct to br i u�� �1 ��1� �;umm i t �vcJiuc into compl ianc:c with t}ic exit rcuuire�ncrits of tlic (: i tv ��I- St . Paul . Tn the appl icat ion for apPcal hy t hc Iin i vc�rti i t y c:! ��I► , clatecl Septernber 30 , 19G9 ancl accomPany i nr, "Spec i I' i c,L t i o►iti I���r tit ri i r way Lnclosures" by Robert F. Ackermann t; Asso� . , Inc . ctui�ecl tie��tc�u� l�cr 26, 196J , an outline of repairs to l�c rllftcl� to hrin,.� tl��� t�i� il�l ; i„� at 420 Swnm it /lvenue i nto compl iancc wi th tlic� c�x i t rectu i rc�mc�n t �; was presentecl. Mr. Cohen moved that the appeal be �ontinuecl inclefinitely in c�rclrr that Mr. 0'Brien may request a rehearin�; ol' the matter iI' I� iti �,ru posal cannot satisfactorily conform �ait}i l;iai.lcling Co�lc stai��l;ir�l5 aftcr the proposal is examinecl l:�y thc 13ui1�lin�; Ucpartmcnt . /lycs : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberfi, 'I'ieso, Voi�;t . Naycs : nc�uc . /11�stcntions : nonc . Motion carriecl £ive (S) to �cro (f) ) . (_�itic No . 56 1236 llubbarcl Ave , (Mr. F, Mrs . (;uy 1, . c:o L f i n ► Mr . C:ohen movecl tliat the f il ing i ce for tl�e appeal fai• I 3.;c► Ilu l�l�ri r�l /lvcnue be waivecl. nycs : Cohen, Peake, Relinberg, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : nonc l�bstentions : none . Motion carriccl fivc (S) to zero (() ) . Gale Rehnberg left . (;ustav Axelroci, Attorney, Henry Lonfibehn ancl llu�;h t)' Kane spokc on behalf of Mr . anci Mrs . Coffi.n, appealing a "Noticc of c:ori�lcmn;, i ic�n" a:�t�a September 23 , 1969, an "Ordcr to Vacate" cl:ate�l Scptcml�cr l:ti , I 9b9 ancl a 13ureau of IIealth letter a�tea Septemhcr 23 , I !1(�'.1 :i I 1 relating to 1236 1lubbard. Mr. Cohen moved that the matter Ue cont inued ior onc ycrii• :in�l I��� rehearci at such time on the conclition that tlic followin�.; i temti itemized in the "Notice of Condemriation" clatecl Septeml�er -':� , I !�e�!�, be compliecl with in 30 days and th�it this be ver i f i ccl l�y an i n spection by a member of the Board or hy the lixc:�utivc Sccrctary : Item #2 - repair the light fixture in thc kitchcn Item �3 - remove boxes and all unnecessary artic:les froin all rooms . Item N10 - remove the boxes from the fro�it porch �ycs : Cohen, 1' icso , 1��oigt . N�iyes : }�eake. Ahstentions : nonc� . �lotion carricd tliree (3) to one (1) . � t n/.�.�/���► 1- Mcct i iii� N�, . I �� Case No . 57 186J La(yrosse (llenry Pltichlet*�cr) Mr , Cohen moveci t}iat t}le filirifi fec for the appcal I'or I �4��!1 I.a(;rossc l�c waivecl, nyes : Co}icn, Peake, '1'ieso , Vo i gt . Nayes : nonc. /11�s Cen t. i c�n� : i�vii�• , i�totioli carriecl four (4) to zero ((l) . I�tr . Muehlegger appealed a notice oF the Burcau o{ lle<<l t l� �l�it c�t.l �ugust 28 , 1J69 whi.ch itemizecl certa:iri repa:irs to he m;�cie �it 186J 1.aCrosse . � Mr . Cohen moved that the followi.ng items , 1 istecl as nc�:�lc�l r����;� i r�; iii t}le Bureau of Flealth letter clatecl Jlugust 28 , 1 9ti<.J I�e w;� i v�•cl I�ui• 1�3GJ LaCrosse unt� l st�ch time as 1869 I,aCrossc bc sol�l or thc ownership transferrecl, at w}i icli t ime al l. Ilous in�; an�l l;ti i 1�l i u��, ('c��l�� staiiclards be conformecl with: l . Install at lcast one aclditional clectric out.lc�t in the kit�}icri. 2 . Install at least one aclditi.onal elcctri.c �utlet in thc clining room. 3 . Install at least one additional electri.cal c>utlet i >> the northwest beclroom. Aycs : Cohen, Peake , 'fieso , Voigt . Naycs : nonc . Abstctiti ��iis : nonc . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) . (:asc No . ;� 3G8-370-372 Goodhue (Charlcs /lnclrecn) 1'}ic f.iling £ee was not waived for the appeal for 36t�- 37O-:;7? Goocl}�uc . Mr . /lndreen appealed notices of thc 13ureau or Ilcaltl� clatecl �;c�>t��m- bcr J, 1969 , October 7 , 1969 ancl Octol�er 8 , i�1(i� l istin�; items wl� i �:l� clo not mect I-lousing Co�lc stanclard5 at 3G8 (;oocllitic aiicl a i ti�� in�• I >>�I i ,�a� an "Order to Vacate" . In aaa� t��,�, }ie also appealccl a iet.t��r• �I,�t ���l Septeml�cr 16 , 1969 concerning :items not meet inr; Ilousin�; (:u�lc st au clards at 370 Goodhue and a lettc�r clated Septemher I 5 , 1 S�ci!� ���>>>��cr•u i n�� items iiot meeting �Iotising Code sta�iclarcls at 372 (�oodhtie . Mr . Cohen moved th�it tenants bc allowecl to movc i.rito 3c>t� (�c�o�lliu�• November 1 , 1969 , as arrangecl, on the concl i t i on thcit tl�c I(e;� I t I� 1)epartment verify tlie improvements that Nir. /lnclrc�en str�ic�l hc I�;a�l maae at 368 C�oodhuc . lle furthcr movccl that Mr . llnclrccn �:ul,m i t , ;i t. thc next re�,ular mcetin�; , an estimatc of cost t�� inst�► ! l ;a �,huwe:r• - 3 - r � n/.','/i��� � ��1cc t i n�� N�, . � �, aricl sink 111 thc batliroo�� at 368 Gooclhuc . 11c I�i na I 1 y inuvc�l 1 I�;i l t li�� matter of tlie appeal�� I�or 370-372 (:�oocl}iue he coiitir�ue�i i.ir�t i I I I�c� next regular mectin�. /�yes : Cohen , Pc��zke , '1'icso, Voi�t . Naycs : noric . Ah�>t ui�t ioiiti : nonc . :�lotion carriecl four (4j to zcro(0) . C.�se No . 59 ]. 1 38 Duluth St . (Pau1 llarvcy t; �nclrews l:�>>,s t , l;u , ) I'aul liarvey appcaled a letter of t}ie 13t,iilcling Uepartment �lrit���l. Octobcr 10 , 19GJ, stating that a 13uilding 1'crmit coulcl not l�c issueci for the proposecl addi tio�i to t}ie house at 1 1 3K I►u l �it li �t rc���t because of the two foot inclicated sicleyarcl . �tr . (:olien movea tFiat Section 33 . 04 suhsect i on 3 oC the tit . 1';i�� l I.egis.lative Cocle stating in part : "a. l�or a clwell ing hereafter erectecl Oile ( 1 ) ur t�vo ( � ) stories in hei�ht , witli or without attir , on ;1 lot less tha.ri a forty (40) foot frotitagc , thc: s icic y;ir�l spac� shal l not be less thau three ( .�) feet . " uii�l "b. I�or a ciwclling liercafter erecteci one (l ) or two � ..' � stories in heiglit wi t}i or wit}iout att i.�: , ori a l��t c�l' £orty (40) foot or rnore lrontagc, thc s i cic y:ir�t �;1►;«�c shall not be less than t-our (4) Cect , " be waivecl to allow construction of the proposecl acl�l i t i c�n to t h� housc at 1138 llu:luth street providecl that thc owner ol� thc :<<Ijn�•c�nt property , 1132 I)ult�t}i Street , statc in writing that tl�crc� wuul�l I��� no oi�je��tion to such an addition. l�yes : Cohen , 'Tieso , Voi�t . Nayc�s : nonc . :lhstent i.ons ; I'c<<kc� Mot.ion carried three (3) to zero (0) wit)i one (] ) ,il�stclit ic�i� . C:ase No . 63 1026 Pleasant Ave_ (Eclwarcl �tilorse) Liclwarci Morsc; appealeci a letter of the Builclin�; J1ep�irtmellt �I.ite�l October ].5 , 1. 969 stating t}iat a 13uilcling 1'crrnit c�ulcl i�ot. l��• issuecl £or a proposecl enclosure or porch at 10"ZG Pleasant Av�� . N1r . Voigt movecl that 5ection 34 . 01 subsections 2 , 3 , ancl 4 re���� i r• i ,�}� tll�t tlie �;1ass area of� w.indows sliall i�c not le�ss than 1 / I (► uf tl��� floor arca �f tlie rc�orn; tl�at r_�t lc�titit 5O°; �f tlii5 ;irca hc o�,cr;, t in�; sas}1 1�or vent i lat ion ��urposes ; an�l that wiriclows sh�s l l ►i��t ope�i onto a filass ericlosc�t porcl� as th��t is �onsicicrccl a �;c�,;�rr�t�• rooin, l�c wai.vccl for ) UZ(i 1'lcasant /1vc� . to all����� cor��truct i ��r� �, i - 4 - , . � � I (l�:'.'.�(�'l � n1crct i n�� N�, . 1 !i J ' � the proposecl addition of ari enclosur. e or porch r�t lO2h I'l.�r,is;i>> r llvcnuc . llyes : Cohcn, Pcake , '1'ieso, Vo:i.�;t . Naycs : nonc , /11�titunt ions : rloiic . �lotion carri.ed four (4) to zero (()j , '1'he minutes bf_ the meetin�; of October � , 1 �(i�) wcre approv�•�1 ;�s ,��.��i�a . There being no further business , the mcetin� was acljourli�cl at 4 : 30 p .m. �� � '1'liomas bV. Ancicrson lixecutive Secretary - J ' IiUPLICATE TO PRINTER ���c�d..l� CITY OF ST. PAUL FoE Nca NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF RESOLVED, thafi the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Baard of Appeals and Review for the housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed pro- perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals at the meeting af October 22 , 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. Address 56 1236 Hubbard (Mr. � Mrs . Guy L. Coffin) 59 1138 Duluth Street (Paul Harvey) 63 1026 Pleasant Ave. (Bdward Morse) � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish .-�� Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Z'` Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O