246395 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLERK � A V'��q��
CIT1( OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "
RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the
action of the Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building
and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed pro-
perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals
at the meeting of October 22 , 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT
"A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference .
Case No . Address
56 ' 1236 Hubbard (Mr. � Mrs . Guy L. Coffin)
59 1138 Duluth Street (Paul Harvey)
63 1026 Pleasant Ave. (Edward Morse)
�� ��a�'oR Counse�
No� z � �sss
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councit 19—.
Yeas Nays ��u 2 =� 1969
Dalglish Approved 19—
Meredith _ � Tn Favor
Peterson \
Sprafka (� Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne ���-�5��� NOV 2 9 1969
` • I il/. ,'/1�!1
I�Ic�c�l i ii�� N�, , � !i
h1INUTt:S OI� 'I'I(E Ml:il:'f I N(;
S'1'. 1'AUL BOARll Ol� nl'Pl:/11,ti
1Veclnesciay, Clctoher 2' , 1 �)G�1
l;ureau of liealth I,ibrary, 555 Cedar St . , - 1 :.iO I�,m .
Members present : Lawrence U, Colien, Cha i rn�,i�i
I:styr 1'cake
Gale Rclinber�;
lirtliur '1'ieso
James Voi �t
Members absent : Norma Sommcrclorf
Charl.es Vclin
Others present : Glenn l:r.ickso�i
Ccralcl I,aucr
![enry Strcich
1)r. 13urtis Atc:�i�s
Dr . Paul Cox
I�rank 5taffcnson
T}iomas i'ayne
Thomas Anderson
Thomond lt. 0'lir i en
Mrs . Guy L . Coffin
C�ustav llxelrod , �ttorncy
llenry Lon�*hchn
I�ltig}i 0' l�ane
Wes Ohman
I)on A1a�nuson
Ilenry hluchle��;cr
Charles �nclrcen
Paul llarvey
David /lnclrews
A�1r. t; 1�1rs . l:a �1orsc
Mr. Cohen suggestecl the matter of a 10-ctay peri ocl to C i.1.c an
aj�peal be carried over until the ncxt meet in�* hecause only tl�i•c�r�
members were pxesent .
11rt1iur '1'ieso arrived.
.lames Vo i�t arri v�cl.
. . i ��/.�.�/�,�,
n����•� � ��,� ►v�� . i �,
C;ase No . 55 420 Summit !lvenuc (Un_ivcr�i.ty Cl.ul�, 'I'I�am��n�l t�' Itiri �•�� 1
'1'}iomo�icl 0'13rien appealed a letter of the 13uilclin� lle��cirtniunt �i;it ���l
,Iuly 22 , 1 J(iJ enumerating �orrcct.ions nccdcct to br i u�� �1 ��1� �;umm i t
�vcJiuc into compl ianc:c with t}ic exit rcuuire�ncrits of tlic (: i tv ��I-
St . Paul . Tn the appl icat ion for apPcal hy t hc Iin i vc�rti i t y c:! ��I► ,
clatecl Septernber 30 , 19G9 ancl accomPany i nr, "Spec i I' i c,L t i o►iti I���r tit ri i r
way Lnclosures" by Robert F. Ackermann t; Asso� . , Inc . ctui�ecl tie��tc�u�
l�cr 26, 196J , an outline of repairs to l�c rllftcl� to hrin,.� tl��� t�i� il�l ; i„�
at 420 Swnm it /lvenue i nto compl iancc wi th tlic� c�x i t rectu i rc�mc�n t �;
was presentecl.
Mr. Cohen moved that the appeal be �ontinuecl inclefinitely in c�rclrr
that Mr. 0'Brien may request a rehearin�; ol' the matter iI' I� iti �,ru
posal cannot satisfactorily conform �ait}i l;iai.lcling Co�lc stai��l;ir�l5
aftcr the proposal is examinecl l:�y thc 13ui1�lin�; Ucpartmcnt .
/lycs : Cohen, Peake , Rehnberfi, 'I'ieso, Voi�;t . Naycs : nc�uc .
/11�stcntions : nonc . Motion carriecl £ive (S) to �cro (f) ) .
(_�itic No . 56 1236 llubbarcl Ave , (Mr. F, Mrs . (;uy 1, . c:o L f i n ►
Mr . C:ohen movecl tliat the f il ing i ce for tl�e appeal fai• I 3.;c► Ilu l�l�ri r�l
/lvcnue be waivecl.
nycs : Cohen, Peake, Relinberg, Tieso, Voigt . Nayes : nonc
l�bstentions : none . Motion carriccl fivc (S) to zero (() ) .
Gale Rehnberg left .
(;ustav Axelroci, Attorney, Henry Lonfibehn ancl llu�;h t)' Kane spokc
on behalf of Mr . anci Mrs . Coffi.n, appealing a "Noticc of c:ori�lcmn;, i ic�n"
a:�t�a September 23 , 1969, an "Ordcr to Vacate" cl:ate�l Scptcml�cr l:ti ,
I 9b9 ancl a 13ureau of IIealth letter a�tea Septemhcr 23 , I !1(�'.1 :i I 1
relating to 1236 1lubbard.
Mr. Cohen moved that the matter Ue cont inued ior onc ycrii• :in�l I���
rehearci at such time on the conclition that tlic followin�.; i temti
itemized in the "Notice of Condemriation" clatecl Septeml�er -':� , I !�e�!�,
be compliecl with in 30 days and th�it this be ver i f i ccl l�y an i n
spection by a member of the Board or hy the lixc:�utivc Sccrctary :
Item #2 - repair the light fixture in thc kitchcn
Item �3 - remove boxes and all unnecessary artic:les froin
all rooms .
Item N10 - remove the boxes from the fro�it porch
�ycs : Cohen, 1' icso , 1��oigt . N�iyes : }�eake. Ahstentions : nonc� .
�lotion carricd tliree (3) to one (1) .
t n/.�.�/���►
Mcct i iii� N�, . I ��
Case No . 57 186J La(yrosse (llenry Pltichlet*�cr)
Mr , Cohen moveci t}iat t}le filirifi fec for the appcal I'or I �4��!1
I.a(;rossc l�c waivecl,
nyes : Co}icn, Peake, '1'ieso , Vo i gt . Nayes : nonc. /11�s Cen t. i c�n� : i�vii�• ,
i�totioli carriecl four (4) to zero ((l) .
I�tr . Muehlegger appealed a notice oF the Burcau o{ lle<<l t l� �l�it c�t.l
�ugust 28 , 1J69 whi.ch itemizecl certa:iri repa:irs to he m;�cie �it
186J 1.aCrosse . �
Mr . Cohen moved that the followi.ng items , 1 istecl as nc�:�lc�l r����;� i r�;
iii t}le Bureau of Flealth letter clatecl Jlugust 28 , 1 9ti<.J I�e w;� i v�•cl I�ui•
1�3GJ LaCrosse unt� l st�ch time as 1869 I,aCrossc bc sol�l or thc
ownership transferrecl, at w}i icli t ime al l. Ilous in�; an�l l;ti i 1�l i u��, ('c��l��
staiiclards be conformecl with:
l . Install at lcast one aclditional clectric out.lc�t
in the kit�}icri.
2 . Install at least one aclditi.onal elcctri.c �utlet in
thc clining room.
3 . Install at least one additional electri.cal c>utlet i >>
the northwest beclroom.
Aycs : Cohen, Peake , 'fieso , Voigt . Naycs : nonc . Abstctiti ��iis :
nonc . Motion carried four (4) to zero (0) .
(:asc No . ;� 3G8-370-372 Goodhue (Charlcs /lnclrecn)
1'}ic f.iling £ee was not waived for the appeal for 36t�- 37O-:;7?
Goocl}�uc .
Mr . /lndreen appealed notices of thc 13ureau or Ilcaltl� clatecl �;c�>t��m-
bcr J, 1969 , October 7 , 1969 ancl Octol�er 8 , i�1(i� l istin�; items wl� i �:l�
clo not mect I-lousing Co�lc stanclard5 at 3G8 (;oocllitic aiicl a i ti�� in�• I >>�I i ,�a�
an "Order to Vacate" . In aaa� t��,�, }ie also appealccl a iet.t��r• �I,�t ���l
Septeml�cr 16 , 1969 concerning :items not meet inr; Ilousin�; (:u�lc st au
clards at 370 Goodhue and a lettc�r clated Septemher I 5 , 1 S�ci!� ���>>>��cr•u i n��
items iiot meeting �Iotising Code sta�iclarcls at 372 (�oodhtie .
Mr . Cohen moved th�it tenants bc allowecl to movc i.rito 3c>t� (�c�o�lliu�•
November 1 , 1969 , as arrangecl, on the concl i t i on thcit tl�c I(e;� I t I�
1)epartment verify tlie improvements that Nir. /lnclrc�en str�ic�l hc I�;a�l
maae at 368 C�oodhuc . lle furthcr movccl that Mr . llnclrccn �:ul,m i t , ;i t.
thc next re�,ular mcetin�; , an estimatc of cost t�� inst�► ! l ;a �,huwe:r•
- 3 -
r � n/.','/i���
� ��1cc t i n�� N�, . � �,
aricl sink 111 thc batliroo�� at 368 Gooclhuc . 11c I�i na I 1 y inuvc�l 1 I�;i l t li��
matter of tlie appeal�� I�or 370-372 (:�oocl}iue he coiitir�ue�i i.ir�t i I I I�c�
next regular mectin�.
/�yes : Cohen , Pc��zke , '1'icso, Voi�t . Naycs : noric . Ah�>t ui�t ioiiti :
nonc . :�lotion carriecl four (4j to zcro(0) .
C.�se No . 59 ]. 1 38 Duluth St . (Pau1 llarvcy t; �nclrews l:�>>,s t , l;u , )
I'aul liarvey appcaled a letter of t}ie 13t,iilcling Uepartment �lrit���l.
Octobcr 10 , 19GJ, stating that a 13uilding 1'crmit coulcl not l�c
issueci for the proposecl addi tio�i to t}ie house at 1 1 3K I►u l �it li �t rc���t
because of the two foot inclicated sicleyarcl .
�tr . (:olien movea tFiat Section 33 . 04 suhsect i on 3 oC the tit . 1';i�� l
I.egis.lative Cocle stating in part :
"a. l�or a clwell ing hereafter erectecl Oile ( 1 ) ur t�vo ( � )
stories in hei�ht , witli or without attir , on ;1 lot
less tha.ri a forty (40) foot frotitagc , thc: s icic y;ir�l
spac� shal l not be less thau three ( .�) feet . " uii�l
"b. I�or a ciwclling liercafter erecteci one (l ) or two � ..' �
stories in heiglit wi t}i or wit}iout att i.�: , ori a l��t c�l'
£orty (40) foot or rnore lrontagc, thc s i cic y:ir�t �;1►;«�c
shall not be less than t-our (4) Cect , "
be waivecl to allow construction of the proposecl acl�l i t i c�n to t h�
housc at 1138 llu:luth street providecl that thc owner ol� thc :<<Ijn�•c�nt
property , 1132 I)ult�t}i Street , statc in writing that tl�crc� wuul�l I���
no oi�je��tion to such an addition.
l�yes : Cohen , 'Tieso , Voi�t . Nayc�s : nonc . :lhstent i.ons ; I'c<<kc�
Mot.ion carried three (3) to zero (0) wit)i one (] ) ,il�stclit ic�i� .
C:ase No . 63 1026 Pleasant Ave_ (Eclwarcl �tilorse)
Liclwarci Morsc; appealeci a letter of the Builclin�; J1ep�irtmellt �I.ite�l
October ].5 , 1. 969 stating t}iat a 13uilcling 1'crrnit c�ulcl i�ot. l��•
issuecl £or a proposecl enclosure or porch at 10"ZG Pleasant Av�� .
N1r . Voigt movecl that 5ection 34 . 01 subsections 2 , 3 , ancl 4 re���� i r• i ,�}�
tll�t tlie �;1ass area of� w.indows sliall i�c not le�ss than 1 / I (► uf tl���
floor arca �f tlie rc�orn; tl�at r_�t lc�titit 5O°; �f tlii5 ;irca hc o�,cr;,
t in�; sas}1 1�or vent i lat ion ��urposes ; an�l that wiriclows sh�s l l ►i��t
ope�i onto a filass ericlosc�t porcl� as th��t is �onsicicrccl a �;c�,;�rr�t�•
rooin, l�c wai.vccl for ) UZ(i 1'lcasant /1vc� . to all����� cor��truct i ��r� �, i
- 4 -
, . � � I (l�:'.'.�(�'l
� n1crct i n�� N�, . 1 !i
J ' �
the proposecl addition of ari enclosur. e or porch r�t lO2h I'l.�r,is;i>> r
llvcnuc .
llyes : Cohcn, Pcake , '1'ieso, Vo:i.�;t . Naycs : nonc , /11�titunt ions :
rloiic . �lotion carri.ed four (4) to zero (()j ,
'1'he minutes bf_ the meetin�; of October � , 1 �(i�) wcre approv�•�1 ;�s
,��.��i�a .
There being no further business , the mcetin� was acljourli�cl at
4 : 30 p .m.
�� �
'1'liomas bV. Ancicrson
lixecutive Secretary
- J '
RESOLVED, thafi the Council hereby ratifies and approves the
action of the Baard of Appeals and Review for the housing, Building
and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to the following listed pro-
perties as shown by the official minutes of said Board of Appeals
at the meeting af October 22 , 1969, a copy of which, marked EXHIBIT
"A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference.
Case No. Address
56 1236 Hubbard (Mr. � Mrs . Guy L. Coffin)
59 1138 Duluth Street (Paul Harvey)
63 1026 Pleasant Ave. (Bdward Morse)
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci] 19_
Yeas Nays
Dalglish .-�� Approved 19—
Meredith Tn Favor
Sprafka Z'` Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne