246359 246359 Ow61NAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE UT ON-G L FORM PRESENTED BY obert terson � p COMMISSIONE WH�REAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7184 for Grading and Surfacing LEONE AVENUE from Sigurd Street to Kennard Street and SIGURD STREET f rom Upper ,Afton Road to Leone Avenue and also Construction Storm and Sanitary Sewers, Project Nos. 69-G-1683 and 69-5-1127, W. J. Ebertz Co�epany, Contractor, the specified date of completion is September 15, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor did not complete the w�ork within 90 days or before September 15, 1969, as required by the eontract, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper City Officials be and they are hereby authorized l� and directed to execute an amencLaent to said contract eutending the time of com- pletion to July 1, 1970, provided however, that this resolution shall have no � force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City of St. Yaul does not waive any claim for liquidated damages and that engineering and inspection costs on this project may be charged to the Contractor for such extended period. �p� � 9 1969 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,�C+,�' �, `� �96� �� Dalglish Approved 19__ Meredith �_�n Favor Peterson � Sprafka v Mayor A gainst ��eeee� Mr. President, Byrne ���� NOV 2 2 1969 0 DUuL�CATfi TO PRINTER ����C�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Rc�hert F. Pwterson pqTF WHFREAS, In the matter of Comptrol,ler's Contract L-7184 for Grading and Surfacing LEUNE AVENUE fram Sigurd Street to Kennexd Stre�t and SIGUAD STREET f rom Uppex Afton Road to Leons Avenue and als� Construction Storm sn�l S�nitary Sewers, �roject Nos. 69-G-1683 end 69-5-1127, W. 3. Eberta Company, Contractor, the specified date of completinn is 5eptember 1S, 1969, and WHEREAS, The Contractor did not co�glete th� w�rk within 90 days ar before September 15, 1969, as required by the contract, therefore be it RE�ULVED, That the proper City Officiels be and they are heret�y authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time of com- pletion to July 1, 19�0, provided however, thst this resoluCion shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on tha Contractor'� bond consent ther�to and file such conaent in writin$ with the City Camptroiler, and be it FURTHE'R RESOLVED, Thdt the City of St. Paul does not waive any cleim for liquidated damages and thaC engineering and inepection coets on this project may be charged to the Contrsctor for such extended period. 1����` " �;� N;�``;�z.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—. Yeas Nays �- � Dalglish APproved � 19-- Meredith �-�`Tn Favor Peteraon Sprafka � Mayor �-- A gainat 1'e�desL�� Mr. President, Byrne O