246336 w� ' J � a ORI6�MIAL TO CITY CL6RK /_Ly���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,, �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PILE � COUNCIL ESOLUTION— ERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE Rob�rt F. B'�terson DATF WHSRTsAS, Additions which wight prove to be neces8ary in the I�provenent described as Resurfacing WOOD BLACR STREETS: Pnrtland - Lexington to Dale, Lincoln - Milton to Oakland, Goodrich - Milton to Avon; St. Albans to Alley Blk. 6, Holly - Victoria to Grotto; St. Albans to Dale, Fairmount-Dale - Mflton to Lincola, Osceola - 230 f t. West of Vietoria to Grotto, Victoria - Goodrich to Dayton, Grotto - Linwood to Goodrich, Avon - Osceola to Coodrich, and constructing Stor� Relief Sewers in Fortland - Dale to St. Albans and St. Anthony Hill District - Daytan to Milton, Froject No. 68-P-456A, Comptroller's Co�tract L-7036, Ashbach Construction Companq, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHBREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 $29,250.86 TOTAL NET ADDITION = $29,250.86 ���� � and �� J WHTsREAS, The total addition is $29,250.86, and the Co�issioner of Fublic �� Works has agreed with the Contractor that the a�ount of $29,250.86 is the correct sus to be added to said contract, therefore be it RSSOLVBD, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sn� of $29,250.86, said eaonnt to be ndded to the lump su� consideration named in the contract,� known as Cosptroller's Contract L-7036, and which aaount ia to be paid for as follows: Items 1 thru 4 are to be "financed fro� City's Share of Local Iespmvement Funds 0920-701. Ites 5 is to be financed fro� 1967 Capite,l Ieaprove�ent Bond Fund. NOV ,� � 1g69 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Naya �v � R� �;'�� Carlson Dalglish pproved 19�_ Meredith � � Tn Favor Peterson ' Sprafka I� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne ru�t.ist�� NbV ��2 � 1�6� o � cc� c � C ITY �F Sa INT PALL - DEPaRT2✓.ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ��l)t�t�� ' � CONTRACT CHANGE AGREE�NT N0. 1 PROJECT h'0, 68-P-456A CONTRACT N0. L-7036 CONTRACTOR Ashbach Const. Co. FROJECT DESCRIPTION Resurfacing td00D BLOCK STREETS In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those items for additions to,or deductiona from,the contract. Item 1 Extra work of cleaning and placing asphalt leveling course in approximately 19,000 lin. f t. of 2-f t. X 2-inch deep gutter depression in esfsting concrete base (not indicated in the Plans or Specifications). Labor Equipment Markham Construction Company: 125� hours C $3.90 $489.45 71 hours @ 4.20 298.20 Air Compressor @ 6.00 $426.00 3/4 Ton Yickup @ 2.00 142.00 Ashbach Conatruction Company: Excess labor over bid $665.26 Less 518 tons @ $0.70 bid 362.60 $302.66 Backhoe 23 hours @ $13.00 $299.00 Bobcat 4.50 45.00 1090.31 912.00 Elus 40� 436.12 $1526.43 + 912.00 Item 1 Sub Total = $2,438.43 Item 2 Plan changes and corrections on sewer project S-971H1 Additions 15-inch R.C.P. 37 lin. ft. @ $8.90 = $329.30 Manhole - Type IV 1 each C� 401.25 *30-fnch R.C.P. Arch Pipe 24 lin. f t. @ 2.30 55.20 $785.75 *Arch Pipe cost $8.73 per f t. 30-inch R.C.P. cost $6.43 Deductions Shortened C.B. Leads, 12"RCP 13 lin. ft. @ $5.75 $ 74.75 C1.5 gravel not used fn trench,758 sq. yds. @ 0.60 454.80 • 529.55 Item 2 Sub Totel = $ 256.20 -1- CITY 0� SAINT PALL - DEPARTN,ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . CONTRACT CHEINGE AGREII�NT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 68-P-456A CONTRACT N0. L-7036 � CONTRACTOR Ashbach Const. Co. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Resurfacin� E100D BIACK STRFETS In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. Item 3 Sanitary sewer offsets and plan changes and corrections on sewer project 5-1265. Sanitary sewer offsets between Manhole ��3 and Manhole ��2. 4 Connections @ $218.19 each $ 872.75 Sanftary sewer offsets between Manhole �3 and Dale Street. 6 Connections @ $423.30 each 2,539.81 Construct Manhole Type IV 1 @ 401.25 " 401.25 ConstYUCt Manhole Type II 1 @ 503.75 10 503.75 Const. 6" Concrete Base 202 Sq. Yds. @ 5.40 1,090.80 F. & I. 12" R.C.P. Sewer 36 Lin. Ft. @ 5.75 207.00 $5,615.36 Item 3 Sub Total = $ 5,615.36 Item 4 Miscellaneous extra work required in connection with resurfaciag work. Construct Side Inlet Holes 8 Stxuctures @ $15.00 each $120.00 Const. 6" Conc. Dr. Pavement 46.9 Sq. Yds. @ 8.00 375.20 '� 4" Mono. Conc. Walk,981 Sq. Ft. C� 0.80 784.80 Reconstruct Catch Basin 2 Lin. Ft. @ 30.00 60.00 F. & I. 12" R.C.F. Sewer, Class IV 48 Lin. Ft. @ 4.75 228.00 Class 5 Gravel Base Inplace, 6 Inch Thick 352 Sq. Yds. C 0.60 211.20 Coc�on Excsvation 59 Cu. Yds. (� 1.35 79.65 � $1,858.85 ' Item 4 Sub Total = $ 1,858.85 ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TOTAL ADDITION = $10,168.84 -2- . � INT PAUL — DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORR3 • , , ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. �._,,. PROJECT N0. 68-P-4S6A CONTRACT N0. -L 7036 _ CONTRACTCHt�i �tiach Conat. Co: PROJECT DFSCRIPTION Re � a ing,�OD BLnGK STR�1+'�"�'S _ In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commiasioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and pricea for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise inc3.uded in the contract, are the reasonable costa of those items for additions to,os deductiona from,the contract. . Itea� S 1969 Additioa to Contsact - Final Quaatiti�� ' Rawove Pavem�nt 6S Sq. Yds. � � �.00 a 195.00 Aesove Block Surfacing 5868 Sq. Yds. @ 0.75 4�401.00 Adju�+t Frame & Ring CaatiAg 2 Each @ 50.00 100.00 Adjust Valve Bax � � 3 8acb @ 40.00 120.00 Concrete Bnse 65 Sq. Yds. @ 7.00 455.00 Bitaminous Material for ?ack Coat 326 Gnllon � 0.25 81.50 • � ��sphalt Cement , 67.96 Ton � 32.00 2.174.72 Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course + Fill�r 588 Ton C 8.00 4�704.00 Asphaltic Concrete Binder Course 7k2 Ton !� 7.50 S,S6S.00 Bituminous Material for Seal Coat 1286 Gallon � 0.30 385.80 P re-Coated Seal Cont Aggzegate , , 60 Ton @ 15.00 900.00 . , $19�082.02 � it�w 5 Sub Total = :19�082.OZ � � Total Ztas 1 T6rn 4 = 10,168.84 ' � Tl7TAL ADDITION TO �DNTkAGT � $29,250.86 . Itess 1 tLsv 4 to b� finaa�ed �raa City�s Sl�ar� ot Local I�ptov�a�t P�s�da 0920-701. Ites 5 to b� fire�aced tro, 1967 Capitol I�provu�at Boad Ftiad. %'�a ,'' �� — o�� � ,�d,� ��q� Ashbac6 Coaseruction Gb t,,,, _,.. 1q___ ct ' g�ee��-� Contracto ._ 9�., B �� 9� e gineer __ • �19,�..� ,Z� �` l.�/,�����/ 19 '� Co�missioner � ` � ompt ol�r�`1 ' _����� Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) fQuadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Caanptroller To Construction E�gineer t � , cc� CITY OF S�1INT PaI;L - DEPr1RT,/�NT OF PUBLIC WORKS �`�[�t�t�� CONTRACT CHaNGE AGREII�NT N0. 1 PROJECT N0. 68-F-456A CONTRACT N0. L-7036 CONTR.ACTOR�shb�ch CQnst. Co. PRO,TECT DFSCRIPTION ResurfacinQ WQOD_BIACK STREETS In accordance with Section 95 of the Chr3rter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. Item 1_ Extra work of cleaning and placing asphalt leveling course fn approximately 19,000 lin. ft. of 2-f t. X 2-inch deep gutter depression in existing concrete base (not indicated in the Plans or Specificatfons). Labor Equipment Merkham Constniction Company: 125� hours @ $3.90 $489.45 71 hour� @ 4.20 298.20 Air Compressor @ 6.00 $426.00 3/4 Ton Pickup @ 2.00 142.00 Ashbach Construction Compa�: Excess labor over bid $665.26 Less 518 tons @ $0.70 bid 362.60 $302.66 Backhoe 23 hours @ $13.00 $299.00 Bobcst 4.50 45.00 1090.31 912.00 Plus 40� 436.12 $1526.43 + 912.00 Item 1 Sub Total = $2,438.43 Item 2 Plan changes and corrections on sewer project S-971H1 Additions 15-inch R.C.P. 37 lin. ft. @ $8.90 = $329.30 Manhole - Type IV 1 each @ 401.25 *30-inch R.C.P. Arch Pipe 24 lin. f t. @ 2.30 55.20 $785.75 *Arch Pipe cost $8.73 per f t. 30-inch R.C.P. cost $6.43 Dedactions , Shortened C.B. Leads, 12"RCP 13 lin. ft. @ $5.75 $ 74.75 C1.5 gravel not used in trench,758 sq. yds. @ 0.60 454.80 ' S29.55 Item 2 Sub Total = $ 256.20 -1- w .. �. ~ CtTY OF S�INT PAL'L — DEPARTN�ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEI�NT N0. 1 PROJECT N0, 68-P-456A CONTRACT N0. L-7036 CONTRACTOR Ashbach Const. Co. PROJECT DFSCRIPTION Resurfacin� �d00D BIACI: STRFETS In accordance with Section 95 of the Chrirter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and prices for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, are the reasonable costs of those itema for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. Item 3 Sanitary sewer offsets and plan changes and corrections on sewer project S-1265. Sanitary sewer offsets between Manhole �3 and Manhole �k2. 4 Connectiona @ $218.19 each $ 872.75 Sanitary sewer offsets between Manhole �3 and Dale Street. b Connections @ $423.30 each 2,539.81 Const=uct Manhole Type IV 1 @ 401.25 " 401.25 Construct Manhole Type II 1 � @ 503.75 " 503.75 Const. 6" Concrete Base 202 Sq. Yds. @ 5.40 1,090.80 F. & I. 12" R.C.P. Sewer 36 Lin. Ft. @ 5.75 207.00 $5,615.36 Item 3 Sub Total = $ 5,615.36 Item 4 Miscellaneous extra work requfred in connection with resurfaciag work. Construct Side Inlet Holes 8 Stzuctures @ $15.00 each $120.00 Const. 6" Conc. Dr. Pavement 46.9 Sq. Yds. @ 8.00 375.20 '� 4�' Mono. Conc. Walk,981 Sq. Ft. @ 0.80 . 784.80 Reconstruct Catch Basin 2 Lin. Ft. @ 30.00 60.00 F. & Z. 12" B.C.P. Sewer, C1ass IV 48 Lin. Ft. @ 4.75 228.00 Class 5 Grsvel Base Inplace, 6 Inch Thick 352 Sq. Yds. @ 0.60 211.20 Common Faccav�tion 59 Cu. Yds. @ 1.35 79.65 $1,858.85 Item 4 Sub Total = $ 1,858.85 ITEMS 1 THRU 4 TOTAL ADDITION = $10,168.84 -2- a • _._ _,,;,, INT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WO�RKS . �r��� ' CONTRACT CHANGE AGRF�NIENT N0. �_,- PROJECT N0. 68-P-4S6A CONTRACT NO.,_,j,�7036__,_,�_, CONTRACTC�i. ,��ach Conat. C.� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Res�rfacin$,WOOD BLnCK STREETS In accordance with Section 95 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commiasioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the basis of payment and pricea for items listed in the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, • are the reasonable costs of those items for additions to,or deductions from,the contract. . Itea S ' 1969 Addition to Contsact - Finai Quantiti�s ' � Rawove Pav�nt 6S Sq. Yda. � � �.00 = 195.00 8awva Block Surfacing 5868 Sq. Yds. @ 0.75 4�401.00 Adju�t Fram� & RiAg CastiAg � 2 Eacb & 50.00 100.00 Adju�t Velve Bax ' ' 3 Each @ 40.00 120.00 Concrste Base 65 Sq. Yds. @ 7.00 455.00 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 326 Ga�lon C� 0.25 81.50 • Asphalt Ce�nent . 67.96 Ton � 32.00 ,Z,174.72 Asphaltic Concret� Wearing Couz�e + Fill�r 588 Ton C� 8.00 4�704.00 Asphr�ltic Concrete Binder Course ' 742 Ton t� 7.50 S.S65.00 Bituminous P9aterial for Seel Coat 1286 Ga11on � 0.30 385.80 P rn-Coated Seal Coat Aggragete ', 60 Ton @ 15.00 900.00 . . $19.082.02 ' it�w S Sub Total � �19�Oa2.02 � Tottl Ite�s 1 Thru 4 = 10�168.84 ' ' TOTAL ADDITION TO OONTkACT � $29.250.86 itas 1 thra 4 to b� tiaaac�d ls+oa Cit��s SL�r� of Local Lptov��nt lhiada 0920-701. Ita� S to b� lie�c•d fro. 1967 Capitol Lprovs�at Bond Fuad. ��z ;'' `� - G^; � .�� �/,�[�19� Mhbach Coaatsnction Co._ ��,1,q�_ - �t '. gineer Contracto _ 19�. B �� 9� e gineer � �/ ' --- ' �19�-f- 1S� ��l � �r'`�����/ 19�..�.. Conmissioner ,y� o�ptroll r � - , C � ��,�f��.�.�.����-.----�...` Original (White) Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Construction Engineer . . � e{�` (' DUPCICATE TO PRINTER CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL COUNO1L NO�. � t f�'�I @^„ FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 4���r} F BeteYSOri �AT COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, Additions which might prove to ba neces�ary in the Improvement described as R�surfacing WOOD BIACK STREETS: Portland - Lexington to Dale. Lincoln - Milton to Oakland, GoQdrich - Milton to Avon; St. Albans to Alley Blk. 6, Holly - Victoria to Grotto; St. Albens to Dale, Fairmount-Dale - Milton to Lincoln, p�ro� _ Linwood to�Good ich�oAvon�� Osceola tocGoodrich, Gvodrich to Dayton, and constructiag Storm Relief 5ewar� in Ppttland - Dala to St. Albang an��11�r'S 5t. Antttiony Hill I3iatrict - Daytari to Milton. prContractar68have5beenCp pvidtd Contract L-7036, A�hbech Canstruction Co�peny, for in the Specif icatian�, and WH�REAS, I� hns baen found n�cessary to �ake the following Additio�s: ADDITIONS As per ettached Contrsct Change Agresment No. L $29�Z5�•8� TOTAL NET ADDITIUN = $29,250.86 and WHER�AS, Th� total additton is $29�250.86, and the Co�iBSioner of Eublic Worka has agreed with th� Coatractor tbat the amount of $29,25U.86 is the correct su� to be added to said coatrnct, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Feul through its City Council approves the fosegoing additions made in accardance with tha Specificstiona in the su� of $29,250.86. safd amount to he ad�d��to�C��L17036suend which awountnis�to�be��� contract, icnown as Comptroll�r paid for asYeo�l��w�undst092t��?1� Item�5�iebtofbeafinanced fromyl967hCagitol Local Iupro Improvement Bond Fund. ��� � � ���� Adopted by the Council 19— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays , �.� ;:= F'�,,�� CarLson ^ � r ;�.... >'�� Approve� 19-- Dalglish Meredith _�n Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka � _Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O