246323 OR!►GINAL TO CITY CLERK 246��3
PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco November 14 19b9
WHEREAS, the City Architect has requested. the City Council to hold.
a public hearing to consider the advisability and. necessity of the correction or
wrecking and removal of the d.uplex d.welling at 670 East S�xth Street ("New
File, ") more �particularly d.escribed as Except the southwesterly 33. 18 feet,
Lot 25, Block 18, Lyxnan Daytons Ad.d.ition to the City of Saint Paul, because
said. building is reported to constitute a hazard.ous structure, and,
WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record. owner of the property
is Rueben Myhra; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that a �public hearing be held by and before the Council of
the City of Saint Paul, in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said. city at
10:00 a. m. on Tuesd.ay, November 25, 1969 to consider the ad.visability and
necessity of ord.ering the correction or wrecking and. removal of the structure on
the above d.escribed property because said. structure is reported. to constitute
a hazard.ous building and. a hazard. to public health, safety and welfare; be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City
Council, notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last known
ad.dress, as well as other interested. persons of record, of the date and time of
the hearing.
No� � a 1�69
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19�
Yeas Nays
Carlson �Q�I !- �' ��
Dalglish pproved 19_
Meredith Tn Favor
Peterson �
� Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne �SKE� NOV 2 2 196�
coMM SS�IONER V��t��' J. Tecies+c� DATF Nty-vemher 14, 196q
W�33ER�1�►S, the City ArchiteCt ha� req���ted the City Council to hold
a puUlic hearing to consider the advisability and n�ceseity of the correction or
wrecking and remc�val of the duplex d.welling at 670 East Sixth �treet (''New
File, �°) xnore psrticularly dee�ribed as Exc�pt the southwesterly 33. 18 fe�t,
Lot 25, B1ock 13, Lyxnan Daytan� Adt�ition ta the City of Saint Paul, becauee
said building is report�d to can�titut� a hazardous atructure, and.
WHEREAS, it a.p�ae�.�� that tl�e laet known record vwner of the property
is Rueben Myhra; thexc�fare, b� it
RE�aOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and b�fare the Ccauncil of
the City of 52�int Faul� in t,liie Gauncil Chaxnber of the Court House in said city at
10:00 a. m, an Tu�eday. N'csvember 25. i969 to consider the advieability and
neceseity of ordering the corr�etion or wr�cking and remaval of the structure on
the aboue deecribed property because said �tructure i� r�po�rted to constitute
a haza,rdous building and a hazard to public heal°th, �afety and welfare; be it
�"tl'R'THER RE50LVED� that the Gzty ,A�°ehitect, on behalf of the City
Council, ra.otify by m�fl the record owner af thte property in question at the last know�r
addrese, as well as� other interested p��san� of recard� o€ the date and tixne of
the hearing.
� �
���, , �, t��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Nays
Dal lish �' Approved °�s"�� � � �� 19—
8 �
Meredith _1n Favor
Sprafk� <� Mayor
A gainet
Mr. President, Byrne z � �
���� � � �.
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212
November 25, 1969
Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and. Members of the City Council
Re: File No. 1987--670 E. Sixth Street
The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the
condition of the property known as 670 East Sixth Street, a two story frame
duplex. The owner of record. is Rueben Myhra and the legal d.escription of
the property is: Except the southwesterly 33, 18 feet, Lot 25, Block 18,
Lyman Daytons Add.ition to the City of Saint Paul.
A recent inspection indicates the following:
EXTERIOR. The front porch floor d.eck has dry rot. The rear porch
is structurally unsound. Part of the roof cornice is missing. Lap siding is
deteriorating and missing. The rear combination door is falling apart and.
the roof is in a deteriorated. cond.ition.
BA5EMENT. The support posts have dry rot.
FIR.ST FLOOR. There are five rooms and a bathroom on first
floor. The living room has plaster falling off the ceiling. There are holes
smashed through the walls in the dining room. A fire has occurred in the
west bedroom with three ceiling joists charred. as well as the sub floor above.
All the ceiling plaster has been removed or fallen off. Plaster has fallen off
the kitchen ceiling. Windows are smashed throughout the building on the
first floor.
SECOND FLOOR. There are five rooms and a bath on this
floor. Holes are smashed through tlie walls and. ceiling of the kitchen.
There are also large holes in the ceiling and wall in the west bed.room.
Wind.ows are smashed. out in most of the rooms and large holes exist in the
wall and ceiling of the dining roorn.
PLUMBING. Most of the kitchen fixtures have been stripped
from the first floor kitchen.
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and Members of the City Council -2- November 25, 1969
There are no accessory buildings on the subject property.
Inasmuch as a rehabilitation schedule has not been submitted.
by the owner, it is the conclusion of the Bureau of Public Build,ings that
by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physical d.amage,
uns anitary condition and. aband.on.ment, the above structure constitutes a
hazard to public health, safety and welfare. It is hereby recommend.ed
that the Council concur in this conclusion and refer the rnatter to the
City Attorney's office for submission of this condemnation to the District
e r ruly o ,
Robert L. Ames
City Architect
cc: Messrs. J. J. Segal
J. Talbot
Wm. Timrri
1Vovember 25, 1969
Mr. Robert L. Ames
City Architect
Dear Sir:
The City Council today laid to 2nd the matter of the
advisability and neaessity ot' c ction or wrecking and
removal oP the duplex dwel.ling a E. Sixth St.
Very truly yours�
City Clerk