246301 '" COUNCIL FILE NU.______�__ 246t3��
In the matter of chant�in� the t�rade of the allev to conform to the Qrade as shown on
the profile on file in the Department of Public Works. Also, condemning and taking
an� easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of
removal of lateral support fram sub�ect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by
excavatio�s thereof or construction ��`' slopes in the grading and surfacing with bit�ninous
material the alley in Block 17, Arlinaton Hills Addition to St. Paul from Payne Avenue to
Greenbrier Street,
under Preliminarq Order 243275 , approved A.=*'{> >ii, �9[iQ ,
Intermediary Order 245785 , approved October 1 L 1969 ,
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, �nd the Council having
heard all peraone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame;
therefore, be it
R,FSOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the preciee aature, extent and kind of im-
provement to be me�de by t6e eaid Citq ie changing the grade of the alley to confam to th�
grade as ahown on the profile oa file in the Department of Public Works. Also,
condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and
fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder'
- thereof, occasion�d by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading
and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Block 17, Arlington Hills Addition
to St. Paul from Payne Avenue � ^-��°-'�°---- �-___�� ��.� � �e �t �� � � g� ,
allk. 17s Arli�tc►n 81],ls Addttiod, _ . •
and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made.
RE$OLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or easemente therein be snd the eame are
herebq ordered to be f,aken� appropriated and condemned for the purpoae of making esid improvemente, vis.:
changing the grade of the alleq to conform to the grade as shawn on the profile on
file in the Department of Public Works. Also, condemning and taking an easement in
the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of
lateral support from sub3ect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations
thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous
material the alley in Block 17, Arlington Hills Addition to St. Paul from Payae Avenue
�. eastsr],�r to tl�s �ast liae ot Lo� 5, Hit. 1'�, Arlingte,a Aills A�diti�.
�e~�����ED F RT�ER,, That the Commiesioner of Public Works be and ia hereby instructed and
directed to prepare pla.ne and epecifications for eaid improvement, and the praper city officia18 are hereby ,:
suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therowith.
Adopted by the Council NOV 1 $ 19
, �
1�lOV 18 19s9 " � erk.
APprovecL— , 19
�a r�h J M!!l�SNE� �IOV 2 2 1969
.+�fir��— ��
Meredith �
Peterson� '' ��,
Tedesco ' �
Mr. President, gyrne