248891 ORI�lMAL TO CITY CLBRK �L�\J��� t� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' E NC S LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF SOLVED That Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Purch ng Agent to procure, through competitive bidding procedures, the City's > officials' bond as provided for by Section 51 of the Citq Charter eovering the following positions and in the amoants hereinafter set forth; Mayor $ 10,000 Co�mnissioaer of Finance, including acts of Depu�y 200,000 � Commissioner of Public 1�tilities, including acts of Deputy 10,000 Commissioner of Public Safety, including acts oE Deputy 10,000 Co�issioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, including acts of Deputy 10,000 , Commissioner of Public Works, includiag acts of Deputq 10,000 Co�issioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings, including acts of Deputy 10,000 Citq Camptzoller, including acts of Deputy 50,000 • City Clerk, including duties as Commi�sioner of Registration and as Secretarq of the Board of Water Commissioners 10,000 , Corporation Counsel 10,000 Purchasing Agent, including acts of Deputy 50,000 . uch bond to run for the term of office of said officials. { �, N _ ' 3 , V '.. W ' � � ' a � o 4 � O U (� y MAY 19 19.� \ � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �q�' 1 9 197� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ • Meredith �� Tn Favor —�s� � Sprafka � Mayor A gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 O n� • ���`�'¢�� • ; Excerpt from the Minutes of the Council May 14, 1970 Resolution authorizing the Purchasin� Agent to procure through competitive bidding procedures the City official bonds as provided for by Section 51 of the City Charter, coverin� the listed positions and amounts was read. Comsr. Dalglish said that as author of the proposed resolution, he would like to withdraw this for further refinement because it binds 2 people on one bond and he thinks it un�ust to have a Deputy Commissioner responsible for the actions of his superior or vice versa. The resolution was rePerred to the Corporation Counsel's office for aforementioned refinement. `� Area Code 612 �tTy o THOMA$J.STEI�RNS ' 223-5121 �w '`� ARTHUR M. NELSON K �� i JEROME J.SE6AL .' '•°•".•• '� /JJ�( �7 THOMAS M. MOONEY o ..�iC3:�..... g e, 6�s �I-t�[iu� ,�p `i���.li � �= h� KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK PAUL F. MeCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E. CHRTWRIGHT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCO1T DAVIES PAUL J.KELLY DANREL L. FI KER R FirstAssi:tent LE6AL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Hall, St. Paal, Minnesofa 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS Corporalion Counsel Ma;� 18, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Re : Resolution authorizing Purchasing Agent to procure City Officials ' Bond. Section 51 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul reads , in part, as follows : "There shall be procured by the City Purchasing Agent, through competitive bidding, the following categories of bonds to the City of Saint Paul : ��1. A Position Schedule Bond to cover all elected officials of the City and the Board of Education, including the acts of deputies , in minimum amount of �10, 000. 00 for each such official ; also such other positions and for such amounts as are determined by the City Council or the Board of Education. -� � -� "Amounts of the Position Bond and minimums in the Blanket Bond and positions to be in- cluded in the Position Bond shall be deter- mined so as to be adequate to protect the City of Saint Paul in accordance with the exposure to loss in each instance . Considera- tion should be given to the avoidance of ex- o�bitant premiums . "These bonds shall be approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel and as to amount by the City Counil or Board of Education so as to bind said officials and employees for the faithful performance of their respective duties . The Council or Board of Education �O , � .� Mayor and Council 2. May 18 , 1970 shall have the power to add any condit ions it may see fit , ehange the amounts where it is thought necessary, or add official posi— tions to the Position Schedule Bond. After Council or Board approval , the bonds shall be filed with the Comptroller, and copies thereof shall be filed with the Commissioner of Finance, �E �E -3E- n At the meeting of the Council of May 14, 19�0, this matter was referred to our office, in view of the fact that the resolution appears to bind two people on one bond and makes a deputy commissioner responsible for the acts of his superior. The resolution provides only that the acts of the commissioner, including acts of his deputy, are covered by this bond, which is required by the above quoted section of the Charter. �� truly you�s �0� � � Paul J. Kelly First Asst. Corporation Counsel PJK:bl DUPLICATE TO PRINTER •'C �� �� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO M M I S51 ON ER DATF 1tE50LVED, That the Council af the City of Sgint Paui he,reSy directs xh� Purchaeing Agent �o procure� thrQUgh �ompeCl�Cive bidding procednres, the Citq's offiaials bond ae provid+�d for by Seetion 51 af the Ci�y Charter caverin� th� �nllowing positians and in th� �caownt� hereinafter aet farth; Mayor $ ZO,Q00 Ca�nieeion�r nf Fiz�en�e, ixacludi�ng acts of DeputY �00,(14� Comu�aieeioner of Pubiic Utilitiea, includin� atete of Depnty 10,Q!0(? Coo�nissioner of Publ�.� Safety, incic�ding acts of peputY 10,Q00 Commis�ian�r of Parks and Recreati.on and Fublic �ui.ldin$s, iGn�luding s�Ce aaf DepuCY lA,OG10 Commiseione�c af Public Worka, including acte o£� D�puty 10,000 Commiea�.oner of Librgrieg, Auditaar�.eun �md Civic Buildin�;s, �.ncluding act� oi DeputY 1pAfl00 City Ccxnptroller, including gcts nf Deputy 50,Q00 City Clerk, incl.uding duti�a as Cnamniesianer of Regietr�tion and as Seeretary of the Board o� Water Ccxi�mi�aionere 10,000 Caxporation Counsel 10,000 Pureh�sin$ Agent, fncludin� ��t� of Depaty SO,Q00 such bansl Co run for the term of affice v�' eaid a�ficisl�. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approvec� 19�_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne 65 Excerpt Prom the Minutee qf the Council May ��+, 1974 Re�oluti�n authoriging the Purchasing Agent ta proaure throu�h competitive bidding praceduree the Cit9 o�Picial bonda aa prc�ided Por by S�etion 51 of the City Charter, covering the li�ted positiona and amounts wae read. � Comsr. Dalgliah said that e�1 author oP the propoeed resolution, he would like to withdraN thie Por �'uxthsr re�inement because it binde 2 people on one bond and he thinks it un�u8t to hav� a Deputy Corarniesioner reepon�ible �'or th� e�ctinn�s of his superior or vice verea. The resalut9.on �as referred tc� the Corp tion Couneel'e ofPice �'or aPorementianed refinement. �