D001214Original- City Clerk Cor�es- Fin. & Mgmt Services No.: y Public Works Accounting Engineer Date: Contractor • ClTY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT Nn 1 D ����� �I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as GrandlSf. Albans Storm Sewer and Street Paving (Accounting Code C94'2T627`0784`29194) known as Job No. 29194 , City Project No. 94-S=8099. 94-P-8080 Kenko. InC. Contractor, is composed of the following: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Miscel{aneous Extra Work Items (see attachment) Sewer Pipe Substitutions (see attachment) Granite Gurb and Catch Basin Construction (see attachment) Bituminous Miiling and Paving Goncrete Items and Added Depth Catch Basins Redesign of Sewers: Daie and Portland Streets Rock Excavation, Sewer Trenches Geotextile Fabric for Road Base 9. Liquidated Damages Deduction • TOTAL $ 90,838.54 $ 56,164.45 $141,078.77 $ 13,920.71 $ 20,848.50 $ 45,000.00 $ 7i,370.00 $ 14,762.60 {$ 2g,550.00) $423,773.57 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 423.773.57 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as Job No. 29194 , and which amount is to be financed from: Municipal State Aid Water Utili{y Assessments Capital Improvement Bonds Sewer Revenue Bonds State Grants _..�...__. •Division Manager� q �� /� Director, De artmeni of Public Works -�— 19� J/ 19 �� 19— 3 � is`�? � hc. and Management the Mayor GREEN SH a� wrrwwnrE �aq�traer+r qnEOroA � cnv cotn�ca � � `w v „ I tv� • PAGES � (WPMILOCA7101iSFIXi9iGNRNNq ATTOflNEY iEf DIHECTI�R )R (OR ASSISt CLEqK 6 MGT. SgiY10ES of Change Agreement # 1 iT. ALBANS SEWER & PAVING; City Project No. 94-S-8099 & 94-P-8080 r. Kenko, Inc. e�MEt�apns: Mpa+(N a�1� (�7 PERSONAI SEHVICE COMAACTS YU3T ANSVYEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PIANNPIG COMIAISSION _crvlL sE(iVICE COAIMISSION 1. Has IhiS peBOn/fi NO woAced uMer a oontraet for this EBparttnen[? YE CIB COMM117EE 2- Has �hi5 iRn eVer been a city etnpl0ye6? — ES NO S7qFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill no[ rarmalty possessed by arry arcent ciry — employee? DISTRICiCOUNCI� YES NU ,,,,�....,.,,. �,,,.....,,.. „�...�_.,� ExPls(n all yn answars on separ+ta sheat and attaeh to grean sheot Various construction items not included in the original contract were required for the successful completion of the project. (See Attached Summary) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Contractor is fairly compensated for work performed at the request of the Engineer. � ����� � �� APR o 1 1997 No disadvantages forseen �?� 4 � 199i �f tGE. Difficulty compensating Contractor for work performed. ��� �� �� RECElVEp APR 9 1997 CITY �LERIC COSLqEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �N��p� See Below A4RYfTYNUMBER Ly' FlNANC4tl MFORMATI4N: (EXPLAIM Municipal State-Aid, Water Utility, Assessments CSSP Funding. � ��