248875 ` 24����5 ,,. ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO. By File No. 174705 In the Matter of chasgina the grade ef the allny in Block 11, Le�ria' (2ad) Additioa to St. Panl, �iiaaesota fros t�e North line of Lot 21 ia said Elock ll to Vayzata St., to coxfor� to the grade as shcrWa on the profile oa file in the Depart�unt of Patilic iiorts. Also, conde�ing aad taking a� easemeat in the land seasssary for the slopes, c�ta and fillae, includiag ri�ht of reaen►al of lateral sxpport froa snbject land or r�aaiader thereof, occasioned b� excavations there0f oY coastructiom of slopes ia the gradiag aad . snrfaci.�g �ith bitm�i�ous. =aterial the all�y in Block 11, Lenis' (2ad) Addition to St. Pa�l, l�innesota frc�a the porth line of Lot 21 ia said Block ll to Nayzata St. (G-1939) under Preliminary Order 247533 approved Febraary 19, 1970 � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is to change the grad� of the alley in Block 11, LeNis' (2ad) Additioa to St. Paul, �iiaaesota fros the lorth li�e of Lot 21 ia said Elock 11 to Wayzata St., t� coafor� to the grade as shewa os the prmfile on file in the Depart�ent of Pubiic iiorks. � ` Also, caadeaisg as� taki�g aa ease=ent in the laad necessary for tl�e slop�s, c�ts attd fills, i�acludins right of rd�val af lateral stipport fraa snbject land or reaaind�r thereaf, occaai0ned by excavations theremf or cmv�struetioa of alspes i� the gradiaffi an� sxrfaciag wit� bitmai�aous aaterial the alley ia Black 11, LeNtis' (2ai) �ddition to St. Panl, I4ia�esota fre� the liorth line of I.ot 21 in sa�.d Block 11 to Wayzata St., in accordance with the binepriat hereto attached aad �ad� a gart hereof,the hatch�d pertiom� sharisg the cnts and the sha�ed porti�ns sh�ing t�e fills. (C-1930) > with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1�0.�� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of J�ne, 1970 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court- House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of F�nance give notice of said meeting� to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chaxter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as eatimated. COUNCILMEN MAY 1 ' ��:0 Adopted by the Council Yeas �rlson Nays MAY 1 9 1970 Dalgtish Approv Meredith $prafka Tn Favor ' Tedescp � Mayor � Against �pUBUSHED MAY 2 3 �97� 6-86-2M �� B.1