248862 Odeinal to City Clerk ' ° � � ORDINANCE ������ COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � �✓�, f/� ORDINANCE NO / -- AN ORAINANCE AMENDI(�G CHAPTER 'CT7 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGTSLATIVE C(�DE PERTAINING TO PARK REGULATIONS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT P�C1L DOES ORDAIN: Secttnn 1. That Chapter tll of the Saint Paul Legislat��re Code, as amended be� and f.he same i"s hereby further amended by detet�ng Section 117.t0 per�a�tnt�g to �P�rk Regutations - Pieasure Ve�icies Onty", and sttbs�fitut�ing t�e follow�tng in liea thereof: 1't7.10. Pleasu�e Vehicles Only. The park in all its parts is canstructed for the benefit and use of tl�e pualic; �ut the drives and roads in the parks sha'�1 be used only by persans �n carriages, �,p�l �i�to- motive �rehicles nat exceeding T0�0 pounds i��'we�ght and used wholly or partly for purposes �f p'[easure, and by persans on horseback; the rides or bridte paths shall be used onty by p�rsons nn horseback; and the walks are desi-gned for the exctus�ve use of pedestrtans. - Every person so us�ic�g such drives or rides nr aridle paths sha11, as to tt�e rate of speed of �riving ar ridtng therean, and as to the mov�ng or drivi�g an or stopping any vehicle, horse or �eam in such drives or r�tdes, be sub�ect to, and sha11 obe� the orders and direction s of any Park Commiss3oner, er keeper, or officer coMnected w�fi.h the park, ar any m,ember of the potice force on duty, whenever in the �udgment of such commissioner, officer or membe�, �he safety or cor�ver►ience of those using such drives or rides sf�all requfre a less rate af speed than that at whtch such person shali be driving o� r�ding, or t�at he drive or ride on or stop. Section 2. This ord�nance shatt take effect and be in force th�rty (�0} days from and after its passage, approva� and pubtication. JUN 3 1970 Yeas Councilme " Nays Passed by the Council Ca����p � �� � Mer� e�v� � v In Favor � �,,,,�„ Against Tedesco � +�?� .J(�N 3 ]9�0 r. President (�3��� Approved: A t: ,� � ''�� City lerk M �� Form approved Corporation Counsel y �� PUBLISHED J�N 6 �970 � 1 st � S� — + 2nd � '? -�� Laid over to 3rd and app � dopted "' " �"`� -� Yeas Nays Yeas �" Nays Carlson �s�� Dalglish ' �j �%j?it! " U Meredith Mc� Peterson ����� ) Referser►�- F.r Sprafka Sp�efka— Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President�8�rrt������/� O