248827 ORIGINAL--- CITY OF SAINT PAUL �A Q��� CITY CLERK � COUNCIL L�/1(Z N� 3'749 COUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE No.�s�.«� FOR ORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. " ' � - � �ATF 19-- • RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the awaxd of the Contract Ca�nnittee therefor and hereby awards contract for flxrnishin� all labor, material, machines, tools and equipment for REGRADING AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING ORME COURT (Cul-de-Sac to Hampshire) AND CURB AND GUTTER where necessary for the Depaxtment of Public Works to BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREA.TING COMPANY for the contract price of $6,325.00 (regrading & surfacing, $4,900.00; concrete curb & gutter, $1,425.00) (Plus Val. and Assess. Serv. - $11+8.00; Engineering & Inspection 11+.5� - $902.62; Collection Chgs. $110.00) in accordance with the plans and specifications and Formal Bid #�+091 of said Bituminous Surface Treating Company, such bid bein� the lowest and said Bituminous Surface Treating Company being a responsible bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. 70� "�1(�13 CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - ' - - - - - s V�325�OO • DEPT.CONT.NO. � — . ' ' - ' S ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: ' V�-� &-ASSeSS.- S@Y'V� S ZiFS.00 ENGINEHRING and �nspeeti�n 34�'S/Y' ' ' ' $ 9oG��G $ 6,�+7�+.00 ��c �o�leetion-chgs - - - - - s 110.00 FORMAL BID NO. �+091 TOTAI. ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - S 7,485.62 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. . PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED A6AINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - � ' ' ; . 'j��SS�62 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROV@MENTS— - - CODE a $. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE ; 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE S 5. COUNTY AID - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' _ ' _ _ ' _ S 6. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. 7. � TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' j 7�4U 5.62 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE If AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABL6 IN THE ABOVE 8 ATBD�APPROPRIATIONS TO ��L IMPROVEMENT NO. . COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IM 6MENT EVOLVIN6 FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN�MO S. PURCHASING � DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTEo COMPTROLLE BY COUNCILMEN , : � . . . �� 1 2 19�O YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI� j — . Dalgish ���j,F FAVOR • �x'�10�xx ��esco , l _ !1/��1�( 1 2 �97� Mereditb.- �1 nrrreovEo Peterson wcwiNSr 7�XX �Mr: President,� Byrne 5/6/70/stanton/lm pUBLISHED MAY 16 1970 "'""°R � Z�S ��