248811 OriYinal to City Clerk � " 'ORDINANCE 2� . �fi�1 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY • ORDINANCE NO _! An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com.• pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 19��, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by addi.ng in Section I, after the material i.n subsection D 1 (e�, the following: "(`f� When an employee working in the title o# Research A.nalyst IV has appeared on the payroll in such title for 1040 hours and has completed fi.fteen years of full-time service, he may be granted the fifteen-year step. " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. MAY 2 7 19�0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council F�s�eerr--� �-- Dalgliah `—� Tn Favor � Meredith � Peterson � A �-� Sprafka gainst '�- MAY 2 7 1970 Mr. President SByrne) - Appro d: Att t• .� .� . C' Clerk ' a o �O ''_ Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED MAY 2 9 �970, Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��������`� � COUNCIL FILE NO - PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ` �` — An ordinance amending C.��rri�naxi.ce N�. 6g46, entit3ec�: "An admirut�trative c��dinance fixing 'the com- p�nsation rates of certain city pa�i�ior�s and em�sl.oyrxsents, " agprave�. Jancaary 23� 1925, as amemued. THE COUIV�IL OF TgI� �ITY UF SAINT PAUL .L707�: L?�tI�AIN': �ectian �.. That C,��rdinance No. 644b, approved �'�nuary 23, 1925, as amend�d, be and the same is hereby �urthe� an�sended by adding in agctior� �, a.ft�r the :naterial in �ubs�ction D 1 (e). the following: "('f) YV'hen an errploy�e workir�g in the title of Re�earch 1Lnalyst I�T ha� appeaa•ed on th�e payrc�Il. ir�. �uch title for I040 hours and has complet�d fi,fteea yea.rs of fuil-time service, he may be graz:ted t�ie fifteen-year s#�p. " Section 2. TMx� c�rda.�.anc� sh�.11 take effect and be in for�e am. the first day of the first payrall pe�lod �oil�wi�.g thirty days after its passage, apparoval, ancl publicat3on. i�� � �, ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council `� .���-� � �� 2� � In Favor Meredit Peterson � � Against Sprafka �eEieses--- Mr. President (Bvrne) ��'�"� � `� ���� • _ _ ,. r�sa.y i97o r",r. John Haider Director oP Persvnnel Civil. Service Bureau Dear Sir: The City Council to �ave Fi Rea ' � to Council File No. 248811 amending Ord. No. 6 by gd.din n Sec. I after the material in Subsec. D 1 (e) �he ollowin�: "(P" t7hen an e. lo orkin the titl� oP Research Ana�,yst IV has on 11 in sueh title fbr 104fl hours and h ompl�ted Pifteen years oP Pull-time service, he may be ted the P een»ye�r step." Very truly yours, \ City Clerk ng � 1 st ` � _ _. 2nd �� Laid over to 3rd and app � �.—Adopted � °�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson ---E�arfsar�— ,�� Dalglish ���� �'�w�.Qalglish �,,`'� �' Meredith Meredith r Peterson �`� eterson � Sprafka �Sprafka Tedesco ,-�edeseo-�-� Mr. President Byrne a 13h�. President Byrne O