248800 �; ORIt�VAL TO CITY CL�RK ,_ � 2j�8(��O CITY OF ST. PAUL H�ENC�� NO. �J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE pqTp RESOLVED, That Vir��.l Doerfler be and hereby i� �ran�ed a permit to install an 82-ear parkin� faail3.ty in con�une�ion with two apartm�nts (41 and �0 units respeet3.vely) on property 1oe�ted on the southeas� eorner of Ames Avenue and Johnson Parkway, more particularly described as followss Part of souti�west 1/�4, northwest 1/�, and northwest 1/�#, southwest 1/�F, in Sec. 27, T. 29, R. 22 bounded by the following deseribed linesa BEginning _ at the point of intersection of the southerly line Ames Aven�ae and ea�terly line Johnson Pa�kway; then easterly ' a,long southerly line Ame� Avenue 183 p� � feet; thEn southerly at a defleetion � � angle to the right of 9�� 175 feet; then 0 ~ westerl� at a deflection angle to the a �, right of 900 14�0 feet; then southerl� Q � at a def'l.e�tion an�le to the lef� of � g0� 130.2 feet; �hen wes�erly along the northerly R/W 13.ne of ehieago and ,� Nor�hweetern Ry. 306.7 feet; then northeasterly a distance of �#08.3 feet to the poin� of beginning; all in accordance wi�h final plans da�ed Received March 2�#, 1970; sub�ect to the �ondition that traffie standards be met with proper c�rb euts and that plans meet parlcing lot design s�andards, and that said appl3.cant-permittee, and his sueceasors and assigns, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson o Mayor Sprafku Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne �O . ORI�NAL TO CITY CL�RK . 248��0 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 2 shall make due complianee with ail appliaable provision� of municipal ordinanees, st�,�� statutes and rules and reg�lations of public authori�ies h.aving cognizana�. MpY $ 1970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� �pY $ 1970 Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith n Favor Peterson ' Sprafku Q Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED MAY 16 1970 ^�O � , � �, 6 • BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL �`���'�� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 April 29, 1970 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Virgil Doerfler for a permit to install an 82-car parking lot in conjunction with two 41-unit apartment buildings. The property involved is located on the southeast corner of Ames Avenue and Johnson Parkway, and is noted in detail on the attached legal description. This matter was considered at the February 5, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the site is of irregular topography, is zoned Heavy Industry, and abuts railroad right-of-way on the south and park land on the west. The staff questioned the size of the site and expressed concern that any development may have a detrimental effect on adjacent property because of the irregular topography. Revised plans would be necessary if the application is approved. A report from the Traffic Engineer was noted which recommends denial of this application because of the following factors: 1) the proposed T. H. ��61 extension would go through the apartment site; ' 2) the driveway from the parking lot enters Ames Avenue at a bad location (too close to the intersection) and also cuts across park property; 3) one-to-one parking ratio is not adequate. A letter from the Public Works Department was noted which indicated that the Department has an interest in the property because of proposed highway plans and although there is no schedule for acquisition of the property, they would hope that no construction would take place within the proposed right-of-way. A letter from the Parks Department noted that the proposed development is undesirable from that Department's point-of- view and that parkways should not be used as front yards. The letter indicated that if the development is to be carried out, a larger setback from the park land would be desirable. Submitted plans indicate only four feet between the building and the park property. Mr. Joseph Summers, attorney representing the applicant, said that they would conform to the density requirements. Concerning the abutting park land, he noted that the nearest building would be 170 feet from the Johnson Parkway roadway and that, if necessary, they could yield the driveway to Ames Avenue and have access only to Prosperity Avenue. -1- � . , Mr. Harry E. Marshall (continued) April 29, 1970 One neighborhood resident appeared and indicated that there is a parking problem and that he would ask the Traffic Division to erect "No Parking" signs. Subsequently, it was the finding of the Board of Zoning, by a 5-0 vote, to recommend approval of this application, subject to the condition that traffic standards be met with proper curb cuts and that revised plans meet parking lot design standards. Revised plans received March 24, 1970, eliminate access to Ames Avenue and a letter from Mr. Summers dated April 3, 1970, certifies that the number of proposed units is reduced from 82 to 81, and that property line grades will not be raised to become higher than that of abutting property. Very truly yours, �' �.�� � , ��- PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:gaf CLS Enclosures: Letter of 2/3/70 from Bernard Edmonds, Parks Department; Letter of 2/4/70 from Richard Schnarr, Public Works Department; Letter of 4/3/70 from Joseph Summers, attorney for the applicant. �� �.... �i V -2- APPLIC.�ZITs Virgil Doerfler Z.F. N0. : 6937 LEGAL DBSCRIPTIaIIt Part of •outh�+e�t 1/4, nastMn�t 1/4, and north�nst 1/4� �outM�nst 1/4, in Sec. 27, T. 29� �t. 22 bonndad by tha folloaing de�cribed linest b�inning �t the poist of iat�rstctioa of the soatherly line Ame• Av�nue and e�sterl� line Jo3�nsan parin+ay; then e�atarly along southerly line Aaa• A�anue 183 laet; tben southerly at a dttYection angla to tha right of 90° 17S f�et; then �nst�rly �t • deflection angle to the right oi 90° 140 f��t; then aonth�slr •t a defl�ction angle to the l�ft of 90° 19�.2 f��t; thta w��t�rly �loag th� north�rly R/N lin� of Chic�go •nd 1lorthwe�t�rn ap. 30d.7 feet; then nartb�a�tarl7► a diot�nce ot 408,3 feet to the point of besinning. . � �. . . City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . � ` APPLIC,�ITION FOB SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUN�CIL yb the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new �cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: QPAItKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot �Z- To be used in connection with;_ o2—'�f � �h,.. �. �. �.' 1 �4 S � —Q � MISCELL�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreahment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *LoCation • �O �+�S c,� ��-� � ��� �.Q , �StL Cn�ti.e.r-J i Legal Description : Lot �e�.� d � s, Block Addition ��' • -�7 -- TL� - ,� 2Z Applicant's Name . �//,e4�� t��y�,c�ty2_ Home or Of f ice Address: d�/Z �✓r, �,iei�-r, ,� �..P .-- �`! ' Phone Number . a �1 _ � T3 7 ; ' . - ,_ r �,�,..+:� 1�'OR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, e , 1 ��.3.i=���,m' V �r.a,� �p�v , �-d� � 9 6 �, �'y� � �'n.El�tt:�..�s�:+ � ' � ����i�� (Signature (date) N�� - ,� t � � �'� Address : ,,�Q Phone No.: .n..�A `Y' "- "T'�-�_ D�C 1 �i �it�C► � When completed: file three copies of this applicatio�������ints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility th tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Safnt Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of A�ain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. , E 93 ���1�1� �ll� -.�--------- �OA�D OF �ONING REPORT AND ACTION February S, 1970 Plat Map �� 37 ' Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 Fi1e No. passed August 22, 1922, as amended to April 6, 1970. 6937 l. APPLICANT'S NAME : Virgil Doerfler 6824 Also 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit Q Other Install an 82-car arkin lot to be used in X 3� PURPOSE , P 8 conjunction with two 41-unit apt. buildings 4. LOCATION . Southeast corner of Ames Avenue and Johnson Parkway 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Part of Sec. 27, T. 29, R. 22. (See file) 6. PRESENT ZONING . Heavy Industry 7� PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4, 2 8. STAFF INVESI'IGATION AND REPORT: Date: 1/30/70 By: CLS A. FiISTORY: Application for a permit to install a 30-car parking lot was withdrawn on Au�ust 27, 1969, because the proposed development did not meet the density requirements of the Zoning Code. B. AREA ZONING: The areas to the west and north are Heavy Industry; south across the railroad is largely "B" Residence; to the immediate east is a mixture of Light and Heavy Ind«stry, with a mixture of residential districts further to the east. C. DESIGN STANDARDS : The proposed parking area meets minimum required design standards for this type of development. D. FRONTAGE, AREA AND LOT COVERAGE: An irregularly-shaped tract having an area of about 77,500 square feet and frontages of 408 feet along the Johnson Parkway right- of-way, 1�3 feet along Ames Avenue, and 175 feet along Prosperity Avenue. E. TRAFFTC r�1CINEER: 7'he Txai�fic rngineer has reviewed the application and recommends clenial based upoi� the following factors: 1) the proposed T.H. ��61 extension would go through the npartment site; 2) the driveway from the parkitig lot enters Ames Ave. at a bad location (too close to the intersection) and also cuts across park property; and 3) one-to-one parking ratio is not adequate. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is currently occupied by two single-family residences in fair condition. The land is of irregular topography & is above the grade of Johnson Pwy. G. AREA CONDITIONS: Johnson Parkway right-of-way abuts on the west and railroad right- of-way is on the south. Areas to the north and west have industrial uses while those to the south and east are occupied by residential uses . A communication from the Public Works Dept. indicates that while there is no schedule for acquisition of the property, they would hope that no construction take place within the proposed right-of-way. A communication from the Parks Dept. notes the develo ment is undesirable from their point- of-view and recommends a la setback so a no� be detrimental y, 90 BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: htoved hy . McPartlin Yeas Nays 4/29J70 Gadler --' tie��oitcle�i by; Mansur x Gauger nate c�t lf<<�rin�; X Maietta 4/30/70 Secretary's remarks: x Mansur Subject to the condition that traffic X Ames - Ch. Council Action standards be met with proper curb cuts X McPartlin (Alt.) and that revised plans meet parking Adkins (Alt .) Date lot design standards. Rutzick (Alt.) 1 � �+�. , � , 1 �, ,� � :e . � , , , ���`` ��t; �/ i � �'�; i.._/ • 1 � i . � • '. � . . � � �-,,f . �, , -:� � �r- /� I �''� y'f � , �.� � , r � � (� �--- ' ' i � . . % j i � �� � ` _ ��. -- ' , C� . , , ,� � , , � Q ;' � � � � �,, , � �� � z , � �� , , , ��,, // I f � � � ' ; � � '�� � \�r. , �r% / � ; '� _ � , � W � , V r� / /��'' . �r� 1 I � � �� �� 1` (/ P ,-" � r �;� i .�- � __ - �, ' � Q . / .;'r l �' � "� . � ` -�_ � 1 � � lJ , t � , , 1, 1 , • �5 �_t � , ' � � ;� f • (i) M , ( � i ► . K` � ` ' / �' � � ( ) ` �' `1 y _ � .�'` . � {�� � � Q � �� �� � �1 / ' • � /; �' � �` � i �� �� - l� ��-5�� ,� � '� � �� � �, * : � � _ � i,` � \ r ' � �r ` t / 1 � , , �, �� ��. , , i � _ � ' .. 0 .� , \ i _ � � � , . , t . ; - � . , �Y , , , , , , � � i . , � , .�_ .a . ft----- . Tl�l j, ---- _. _ _ . 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X. .��� , � \ � � �� „y� 1 ...� � .�.��,� `�. �� \ •� � � �\ i �•� � �� �1 � '�"�. ��r , � � l � � � , � � � � ` \ '�u �. �'' . � � \ I ` • . � � ,\ \ � �• �\ � \ .J � \ � � � �•� �► �� � �' 4 ,^ � � � � � \� � �y �/`t►- ' .�.,� y ,� 1"" ' j , \��\ (�\ � � , ��� y' , ,r�, ,\ \ � ,1 • �," � � . � i � � � T� I I I .A. ~,!. �.'.� ✓ - � 1 ' :!" \ .I�. .�t� + � ��\ V ✓ � � � � r� �O� \1 ' �� �I � � I ��"..�}�..� � r � � t 1 � � � � � �- -� � , �� � ! � � � �,� �� � . � I �`�' i 'r-._. �I ( I \ / �� � ,1 � � � �1I� i r � � _� �'�% YO R K . , i _ � I T � y -- - - _�� �0-, � �I �� - j � ���;<.� ,` , � � ; � . , E � �� . APPLICANT ��r�,� � Doert ��r LEGEND Install 82-car parkin�; lot to be PURPOSE used in conjunction with two LAND U5� 41-unit apartment buildings O ONE°FI�,MIi..Y PRESENT zONING Heavy Industry �' TW�O--f-I�f��lILY PETITION SIGNERS �� THREE—F��i'�ILY FlJU n-F11�;S iLY � !�(ULTI-F/�d ILY FILE No. 6937 NORTN • � ° nCOf�iv��h�CI�L n � INDUST�'-�I�L v VACf�PJ'T' St. Paul Planning Board, Oate: i� �o��c� � Property under consideraiion MINUTES QF TEIE 1'UBL1C HEAR�iG BEP'4RE 17ciE BpARD OF ZONING on Thursday, February 5, 1.970, at 2:00 P,Mo P12ESENT: I�iessrs o A�s, Gaug�r, I�IcPart�fn, Maietta�, and Mansur of tihe Board and �lessrso Brawn and Sarenson and Mias Schirmer of ttze staff. VIRiGIL DQ�RFI�K: An ap�lication far a permit to install an 82-car pgricing lot to be uaed in� canjunct3.on with two kl-unit �epartment building�s on p�operty located on the southeas� carner �f Ames Avenue and Johnann Part�aay. Mr. Sorensan gave the staf£ r�port stating that an application for a permit to instell. a 34-car parking lot was withdrawn on Angust 27, 1.969, bec�us� the propoaed deve].opment did axot m�eC the density r�q�airemex�ts of the Zonin� Codee ThQ Traff�c Engineer has reviewed �h�e 8pplication and recoaan�nds denial bas�d upan the fo1F:�ring factors: '' the proposed To Ho �61 extens�on woulel go through the r�partment s�.te; 2� the d�riveway from tl� park�ng Iot enters ,i�mes Avenue a� � bad loc�ti.on (too close ta the ia►teraect�on) t�nd also cuts acrosa park property (coimnents on this matter have I�een requeaCed of the Parks I3epartmen�j; and 3� one-to-one parki�g ratio is not adequ�te. Mro Soreusan rxnted a c�ma►unications from the PubZic Wmrkfs Departmenk which �ndicated tk��t while there is no schedule for acquiaitiaa of �,he proper�y, they wauld hope tFtat no coastruction Cake place within the propc�sed r3.ghC-of-way. A c�aication from th� Parks DepaxtmeraC not�s thaC the d�velopment 3.s undesir�2�le �resm the�.r pof�t of view and recommead� a ��r�e� se�bacik so as to not ba detrim�ntal to the pt�rk p-rop�rty- �'h�e si�e ie currently accupied by �wo singZe-family reaidences is� faiz condition, The land is of irregalar ea�ography and is �bove the grade af Johnsot� �'arkway. Mr> S�renson adv�sed a �egisiPred survey and propoaed top�grztphy map may b� nes�ded to check the plaus f�r cie�asity ared c�verage conforusence. �e pa�rking lot meet� design stnnd�rda but parki.�� w�ill be inadequate. Tilex�e fs lim�ted str�et psrking. Gar�ges may intensivel3* ir�c�ease t�e parit�ng iaadeqnscy. Pqro l�iei�t�a �skeci if Y:here t>ssd u��n any notificatian frcnr< the High�a�y Department indicatin� �Crie �ighway �ass� �o:�ng ehroaa�h. Mr� Sorensvn advfaed tha� t�ee Pu�tlic Works DeY���nt �.s the departme�at C.h�t has beeu co�st�c�ed on this. M�. Scaa�ers, .'.�wyer £ox• t�xe �p�plican�, said t�ey wonld be raillin� tn ao�rform with the numbe� af e�nits ss c�e�ea-sninec� by a final ares �ampsatmtion. �he pa�kway is l�trgely � semantic ques;.ion--ti�� n�arest bu�Iding wo�alcR �►e 170 £eet irom the zoads�say. In answer t� a questioa� t�y Nr, Am�s, Mre �u�m.ers said if xt is impossfble t4 obtaia par�-wsy departme�� appravsl of acces� �n A�a Avenue they would be more thaa wil2.ing ta yield th�t access �xt�i go an �'rosperity Avenue which is s dead �ady Mre Ba�.�.ea who r�eside� ia th� a►�i�hbart°.�od s�ated �e camp to get clarification. There is � p�rkf.n� prohlem and he :�iII �sx the TrafFi.c ��visian erect s�gna: "I�o �'arki�g" cxx the stre�t--�h�s is �spes:iall� neces�a�y ia winter. -16� , � . � VIRGI7L BOERFLER: 42-5-7�) (Con�:inued): Mr, McPartlin maved for approval of the request suhject to meet the Traffic standards with proper curb cuts and parking on the property and that any revised plan meets the standards. Seconded by Mr. Mansur, ehe motion carried �xnanimously. Mro Su�ers said as the motion was adopted he undersCood if it was possible eo get approval of the Farks Departmeat the mota.cm would permit the applicsnt to get staff approval for the �ccess. Thia was the concensus of the Board. Submitted b�v: Co�onel L, Sorenson Robert L, Affies, Chaix�an -17- CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 April 17, 1970 City Clerk 386 City Hall File X847, Page You are hereby notified tbat a public hearing will be held ia t2ie Couacil Chambere of the Cfty Hall and Court Houae at 10:00 a.m. on April 30, 2970 oa the applicaCion of Virgil Doerflsr for a permit to install an 82-car parking lot to be used in coajuaction �i.th two 41-unit apartment buildings on th� followiag described property. Part of southweat �, northwest �, end aorthwest �, southweat �, in Sectian 27, Township 29, Itange 22 bouaded by the following described lines: Beginafng at the pofat of intersection of the south- er2y line Ames Avenue and eaaterly line Johnson Parkway; thea �asterly along southerly line Ames Avenue 183 feet; th� southerly at a deflectioa angle to the rfght of 90 degree 175 feet; thea westerly at a deflection angle to the right of 90 degree 140 feet; then southerly at a deflection angle to the left of 90 degree 130.2 feet; then westerly along the northerly right of way line of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad 30b.7 feet; thea norEheasterly a diataace of 408.3 ftet to the poiat of beginning. The property is located on the sautheast cox�ner of Amea Avenue aad Johnson Parkway. For further iaformation contact the Planning Board Itocm 1010 Caamerce Buildiag or telephone 223-4151. JAI�S J. DALGLISH Coamnissioner of Finance �O � � . • . � City of Saint Paul, l�innesota � � / APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �� � �� (Please print or type) �, � . �'c'" \�. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �\ % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for (customers) �employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot � � To be used in connection with: �— �f� l�n,',( �gp�l, ,�JQ/� � � MISCELI�ANEOUS: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parkiag area: *Location . / /�,E�;,,y ,F` ��E's .�vp � (SE �eif�,�,= ) v6h/�so.7 , Legal Description : Lot �. Block Addition 7 0��� o r� SE��.. ;z 7_ T� �- I� Z � Applicant's Name . `/r J J/ v��r�jQ� Home or Office Address: �/2 �'/,r�f-si�j �''"� • Phone Number • � � a — � 3�' FOR/BY TI� APPLICANT, 1/ � � �-� �� , a o i 9� j �� (Signature) (date) Address : ���s�--- Phone No.: 5�` "' When completed: file three copies of this application forna and three prints of tbe preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, ftoom 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. LAW OFFICES ROSEN, RAVICH & SUMMERS WIILIAM S. ROSEN PAUL H. RAVICH 630 OSBORN BUILDING JOSEPH P. SUMMERS SAINT PAUL�MINNESOTA 55102 . JAMES S. HOl_MES TELEPHONE 227-7731 .�R[A CpDC OI! April 3, 1970 __�..._...., .... M . , w....._....,......,�.,..,,..-� . -•.,.--s ,;,.: ����. i ��� � •�f t Mr. Colonel L. Sorenson �� St. Paul Board of Zoning 1010 Commerce Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Application of Virgil Doerfler for Parking Lot Permit Our File No. 37 42 Dear Mr. Sorenson: On behalf of Virgil Doerfler, applic�ant herein, I hereby certify that: (1) The above application is amended to provide that only 81 apartment units will be built �n the property, although 82 parking spaces will be provided, and (2) When the apartments are built, Mr. Doerfler will not change the grade at the boundary lines in such a way as to make the ground level on the apartment site hiqher than that of abutting property. I trust the above assurances will, in accord with our con- ference of yesterday, make it possible for this application to be scheduled for hearing bef�re the �ouncil at the earliest possible time. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, ��L1�M'r�'fL{ri. JOSEPH P. SUMMER3 jPS/nw �'�� . _ �;� � �:_, ;,,� ,; ; 1�� � - .. .��! cc: Mr. Virqil Doerfler ; ,:, , ��� ���. � ;. � ; � . . . �.�.. : �; RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L ANTHONY J. CREA ' CHIER ENGINEER . D[PU�Y�CQM(YIl�tMi[R �� .. Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � 234 Ci�F�t �ieD d� Court Hous� 65102 , ItOBE�lT F. P�$iiON Commi::ion�r �� �..�_k �` 'r ;� . �_ .. February 4, 1970 Dr. Noland R. Heiden, Director Board of 7oniny 1010 Commerce 8uilding St. Paul , Minnesota Dear Sir: Subject; Proposed parking lot on southeast corner of Ames Avenue and Johnson Parkway In connection with your letter of January 28� 1970, this wlll inform ycu tt�at tl�e Public Works Department does have an intereat in the property in question. However, there is no scheduled project or plan for the acquisition of property and development of extended Highway 6� , and there are no f��nds available for the purchase of the property at this time. 4!e would encourage any construction that would be built in connec- tion with this proJect to be built outside of the proposed right-of- way, However, we realize that this would be difficult, if not impossible, in this case. Very trul yours, ��, , hard . Schnarr Chief Engineer RAS:If � �'� ` ,�.� '1�y�;' � r� +., ; �.a? �; �; x a� '��,. ;a v ;�'Yij�; �o �cci � � ' ��TY ����F SAIhF� PAt��;. a � � � � .� ��� , p• . n�iniona " ' � `' { � � wi�u� o. �n'l'�I`c,�i .,�° ! " .� ` ��'� �'�#.�.i n.���a� � ;, � � af Mi�tneso�a ,� � � �'` � , -- �;�.� �;. ���� �? PAR �t ���'�� p s. � �`� � y ,�:* �� �������*�° . ,'���`�� - ,� y° �, ,. * :�''� I � , ,�- ; � .y��.� �',' ,. . '��� -° �'` ,.� - �J 3 � ��,f��i :�� � � . ` � + 1t . . < ... , �� � � , ; �� �. . �� �, 1� �� �p �. ` ��, • /�M�C,�:��� � 1 #r"ANM.. .'40MM1 '� .. ,S� �y V. . ..� �` J' ' .� �. I �- �.* l, � . . ., . ' '°�,.;. .. � � j ' .��. ' : . . . ., ��.:' .. „'�M Y h ���� ���'� - � - `4. �dfl►�'� rebruary 3, 1970 Mr. Colonel L. Sorenson Zoning Planner Ci�y Planning Board of St. Paul 1010 Commerce Building S*. Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Zoning Application of Dear Mr. Sorenson: Virgil Doerfler (Z.F. �6937) We are in receipt uf your recent note concerning the matter of the proposed apartment building constructi�n in the vicinity of Ames Avenue and Johnson Parkway. I[ appears from the site plan that such a development would be very undesirable from the standpoint of the Parks Department. Parkways were not and should not be c�nsidered as front yards to multi-family residentj.al units constructed on or near the property line. If such a development is to be carried out, it would be highly desirable to have a set- back from the property line of 2� percent of the depth of the lot as in the case of "A" and "B" resid�nces. The building location as proposed would, in my opinion, be detrimental to the park praperty and not in the best interests of the general public. Sincerely youra, �� .�,��� � Bernard L. Edmonds Superin�endent of Parks BLE:lc ..: ; - . .. . , ^ •, . ,, , _- , ,. ' .. � . . . . .., .� .. � . p .,..:a . . . . , , .. - .. .,.' .. . . ; - . . _ � . . . ;. . . .. . � . � .. ��.� ..� .�� . r.':. ...� � . - ... . �.�... .. . .�. . . . . .: . . . . � . . . .- � . . . . . . . . , . - � -� -�. .� '„ �::..: , :.ei . . . . � ... ' � '..,.� . �: - � . . . .. . . . . � . , . . ; . . . � .. . � �.. .. ' .�• , .. :. . �, . . . . . . , �.. .. , . . ,. . � . , �`� / . .,. :. ...� .... . . . . 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