248779 ORt6INA;TO CITY CLBRK 24����9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL TIQN RAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F, Peterscn �� ~ COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, in co�nection with a �utual land �xchange in the neighborhood of the Mt. Airy Housing Project for the constructior� of part of the Arch-Pennsylvania Nighway and Jackson St. paving projects, the City of St. Paul and the Nousing and Redevelopa�ent Authority entered into an agree�aent to effectuate such land exchange and, i�1MMEREAS, in accordance with terms i� the agreea�ent the City of St. Paul is to pay to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority tMe su� of $1 ,875.00 for the dedication of the public streets as set forth in the agreeme�t approved by the City Council as Council File No. 246648;now therefore be i t,� RES�LIIE�, That the sus� of $1 ,875.00 be ck�arged to the Permanent Improve�ae�t Etevolving Fu�d Co1e 600U and this same fund to be rei�bwrse� f rom M.S.A. Suspense Fund. (1967) P-387R /����" �pY 7 19�-� ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �1� 7 1'�O Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �n Favor _�r+,�,�+� � � Sprafka J ,�,�tjp� Mayor Tedeaco A gainst �'��-.. . �..�---- . ,'�G��y� 'PllBLISHED MAY 9197� �Ytss Yree�ideat (Peterson) � °�`���" .�f DUPLICATE TO PRINTER /^ 'l� CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (tob�rt �. E"ET�v:CSr11T1 COMMISSIONER DATF WHER�AS� in connection with a mutual la�d exchange in t�� n�ighborhaod of the Mt. Atry Housing ProJect for the ca�struction �f ��rt of the F3rch�Pennsylvania Ntghw�y and Jacks�n St. pmving �>rc�;;��ts, �he c;Bty of St. �'aul and the Nousing and Redevelopa�ent ,�u��sc�r i ty ��t�red i nta an agr�sament to efFectuate such land � �xc+��ngc �nd, iJhiEREAS, in accordanc� wdth t�rms ifl the �greement the City o� St. Paul is ta pay �ca th� Hou�tng and Red�velopment Authority the szcm a�Y ;1 ,t�7�.ac� t�� the dedicatlon of the pubi i� �tr�ets as ��t �f�rr.3z �n t92e �yrr��ment approvad by th� City Coaancil as Council File ,:��.�. 2�6�i?;n�+ therefare be i t� �;E�QLV'��, Tl�at t�� �um of $i .$75.00 b� charged to the Pera�nent tr�prc�vr�rr:ent R�volving Fund Cod�s 6000 and �hds s�me fund ta be :~e:t,rrbursed frorn M,S.A. Suspense Fund. (1�fi7) �-3�7� �, �; � �;� 44��;J � � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Carlson /l� . Dalglish ��-% Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mrw���ideii�, Byrne r.�x. ��«� �r�<..��,�:� ;.�:,._..:��:> O