248774 OriQinal to City Clezk . ' ORDINANCE 2`����4 ;� . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO l� `7 ���� An ordinanee a�nending �he Zoning Code, Chapters 64 to 6�, inelus3ve, of the Sa�.n� Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Distri�ts, Height Districts and Rezoning of aertain proper- �ies in the Cit� of Saint Paul, as amended . THE COUNCIL 4F THE CITY OF SAT�T PAUL DOES ORDAIlti1a Seation 1. That �he Zoning Code, �hapters 60 to 6�#, inclusive, of the Sair�t Pau1. Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Distriats, Height Distriets and Rezon�.n� of eertain properties in the City of aaint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following deseribed property f'rom "A�.' Residen�e Distric�t to "�" Residence Distriet, to-wits s� �o�s 1 and 2, and part of Lot� 3, 1�, 19, 20, 21, and 22, Bloek 32, West End Addition and nor�heasterly half oP vacated Albion Street; situate on proper�y located on the northw�st corner of Montreal Avenue and 35E in �he Citg of Saint Paul. Seetion 2. This ordinanae shall take effec� and be 3.n forae thirty (�0} da�s from and after its pa�sage, approval and publication. _ rss�lrcox ro � w ��� � � �� sle.Pa31,1 Leg�isiative�oae,re zoa. �ns,.�^�a.. tba 'amended as to�razone groye�. aeecrlbea ae ts 1 pna a ��3ti�� At 7 G�s � 14 i , �(4 2i anc� 8 oak�8,waet�e►d>:�oca'ted between and�[a�aYr�g Avms. attd on the esst side'�pf vesa �Aiblon Ave.: to 4'Iaes,"C"li�tde�e+e D�trieR,the Cous- �1ecr#'tl�4 Qi�9' od'.Baiet Faul:h�s tixed 'lqtY o2 A�lil. �820, pt ten o�ck�in;the �oreaoaa in:tlu Coun- be�q ia !he C��P HI� i�2 sRid �tty. ana ai sald t1m�•�pd g�a�cM, !he Covncil tv311 heat all'pe�qa� �►s� all ab� oas aud recon�4e�def�oas rela- +a�a��ia ���a �,a��,t. n«r�a�.s,awxa. , , �YC�:��', • (APHi 11,IY90) MAY 2 2 1�1a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Carlson Dalglish � In Favor Meredith Peterson G� �� Against Sprafka Tedesco �y 2 � lg�� r. President yr Appr A es • � C' y Cle Mayor �O .�--:.' Form approved Corporation Counsel ByC--- � PUBLISHED MAY 2 91970 Dapliwte to Printer . ORDINANCE �� }..:. ` COUNCIL FILE NO �� !�� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �L J -�� An ordinanee amendin� th� Zoning Code, Chaptiers 60 ta 6�, inclusiv�, of the Saint paul Legi�3ative Code, pertainin� tca Use Distriats, Hei�ht Districts and Rezon�,ng of certain proper-- ties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE C4UNCIL OF THE CITY QF SAINT PAUL DflES ORDAINa Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 6�, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Leg3.slativ� Code, pertaining to Use �istrict�, Height Districts and Re�oning of certain properties in the City of Saint P�ul, as amended, be and the same is her�by further amend�d so a� �o rezQne the followin,g described property from "A" ftesidence Digtriet to "C" Residence Diatrict, to-wit : Lots 1 and 2, and part �f Lots 3, i�, lq, 20, 21, and 22, Bloak 32, West End Additi�n and northeas�erly half o�' vacated Albion Street; situate on property located on the northwest corner of Montreal Avenue and 35E in the City of Saint Pau7.. Section 2. Thi� ordinance sh�l3. take effect and be �n force thirty (30) days from and after its paseage, approval and publication. �'�$ � � ���� teas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish � Meredith -- � In Favor Peterson ' • Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President (Bvrnel '���-�' ' °�'• '''�'' w � . • o , � � � � ' � CYTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • � �n�� + PETITION TO AMEND C�iAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- /�� � fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. , (Please type or print) � �ate: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL . � c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50°fo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) All of Lots 1 and Z, and part of Lots 3, 14, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 32, West End Addition, described on EXHIBIT A, a two page exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof. from ��A" Racirlanc-a District to "C" Residence District, �or the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) An 80 un it apartment building. , _ RECORD OWNER SIGNATU LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ' /� � . 1 d L Rutch k d x �� G�c�.t'� Weitzman i vestme t C any, a artnersh� com r�sec� i� William H. Weitzman an o n n s men , The 818 Corporation a IBIT Minnesota corporation, � contract urchaser .�-Percy and Margarethe �'� � �-� � � ' • �° Mars . � ;; 11 33 West End �Percy and Margarethe ��...�3�-�s� ►�"�, - '�-�. Mars , 12 33 West End �Bergetta A. Petersen 13 33 West End L Arnold B. and Martha L. � Dru s ch 14 � Richard J. and Bernice I. Duren Sterling Industries, Inc. St g I s In That ortion f Adrian Street, vacated a Minnesota corporation B ����� which accrue to Lot 6 Block 30� S West nd Ad ition. - Wm. H. Weitzman i art of 4 31 West End (See Exhibit B) i mprise o i ia e#- - 5 31 West End (See Exhibit B) . �ll�e�tzman an tuart .�, , See Page Two An Autho ed Partner � State of Minnesota ( � . County of Ramsey � ss . , �►S � F��: ���2�� being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true o_and correct signatures of each and all of the parties e ri e Subscrib�;d and sworn to before me this� �"j� �ay of �r.v�v�.n,�, �_,,,i J! Address; � �� Telephone No. Nc+ta�y ab),ic, Ra sey County, Minn. My commissi`on -ex[:ires Approved as to form 1/4/65 9Ap1E G�MCE6L�R Office of the Corporation Counsel � FrI 1/�/FiSMota}'9 Pub�a�l�+�'Go�s�f�l.� . My�fxA�fas MW 9.I974 Page One , : . i � • • � � • � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- - fication before signing this petition. FOr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. - (Please type or print) Date; TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of ,,;�two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) S ee Page One from District to District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ' . the Housin and Redevel - Part of 6 s 31 West End (See Exhibit B) m��}t�ut�orilty of the Cit West End ee xhibit B) . o a t au contract B purchaser xecut ve re t �art of 8 31 West End (See Exhibit B) �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� Part of 9 31 West End (See E}chibit B) Part of 10 31 West End (See Exhibit B) �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� That p rtion o Adrian Street, vacated, ' • which accrue to Lot 4 Block 31, West End Ad ition Donovan Construction onovan nstruction om a par o overnmen o , Com an of Minnesota Pan nn sota Sect on 14 ownshi 28 Range 23, a Minnesota corporation YY lying South f Montreal Avenue, the 1 es f i is ontained '�-, � n IBIT , one a e e�ibit attadled giere o and ac{�e a art�iereof. State of Minnesota ( � � . County of Ramsey ( SS ;,' V�.; �✓ •.� S � Y'Cl' V� 2�r/�being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of �p pages; that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties s d scribe . Subscribed and sworn to before me � ' this �� day of �v , r�: C Address: Telephone No. Nora public, Rams y County, Minn. My commissioa� expires Approved. as to form 1/4/65 - ' 9ANE E MOEWfR Office of the Corporation Counsel � FG3 1/5/65 1'�'oWry Dubtic, Ramsey Cotsnty, M�nn. MY Camm�sslon Expt�es May 9. 19T4pdg@ TWO `� , , . ' � . . . . ,_ 1 . �' All of Lots 1, 2, part of Lot 3, part of Lot 14, part of Lots 19 to ' 22 inclusive, Block 32, West End Addition lying Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Southwest ' line of Lot 14, said Block 32 distant 75 feet Southeasterly of i the most Westerly corner thereof; thence run Northwesterly to ', a point on the Northwesterly line of Lot 22 , said Block 32 distant � � ' 130 feet Northeasterly of the most Wester�y corner thereof; thence run Northwesterly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 3, '� said Block 32 and there terminating, and Tt-�at part of the Northeasterly half of adjoininq Albion Avenue, I� vacated, lying between the extension across said street of the ' Northwesterly line of said Lot 1 and a line extending from a ', point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 14 distant 75 feet ', Southeasterly from the most Westerly corner thereof to the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 31, West End Addition; ; all according to the plat thereof on file and of record in ths ! office of Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey.County, Minnesota. • � � ; ; „� ; � � �2':,,<,,.,,� ;� ; �e..� � � , . � ; i � PAGE ONE OF EXFiIBIT A ., cqrnor o� Lot 11, , � ;10� und� of ruco�d ; - ' , : �' /' �� . . , JOt.B.• , . �, Q, � ' �00- ' : A� ' 99 `� � , _ : � ��� �� � � � �� . . _ A,.��� , . � � . � �� � � � 3 �` .�92' � \ `� ,-� � � � . \ °� � DR/L L HOL E%K \ P ` � /:L/MES7'O�E B�0 .. ..-..... .. . , ..... ..._...._ , � . , 6 .. . . . ... � � i�•�� . - " . ` � `�'' � ,,,-'- . ' � .. \ \ ; ��i , �� � � t o \ \ ,r , � � ` 143°36% � . � \ �, 90 `�, �. , ` %" . \ � . � , . ; � ���. y .,.. � . , ,, , �� � � �� � ,� . �, ; : � .� . . , ,� �/ � ` �` � � \ ' � /�o/. �' � . � ' � � ; / . . . � y 1 22 • ���� �� / � � � . �?� � � . �' . � . , �, \ � . . , � , gt� � K ��. . i - ,� `. .S . / •,\ . ;,� � \ � � ; � ? ,- � // ° � � �°• /� .r. �i� � .•� . \ , • � : i �� . � � , , � � � � �. \ � �:�, } � ,i 6 / : - \ �� '�� �. . �o "/ �. 2D / ` .: . � - \ '�°�' � �� : . ! � � - " � ,, , /. , , \ , . ,� . , � � , �s� � . ' �, �� . - . , . � / �' �; � . \ � � , r \ / : �.; �, � � o �� . .. . ; ;,,, . � - , I � '` � �� g l—mG� ;� � , '/4S'°/9%�� � � - . / . . \ � � �' . � ; / , . � .� � ` � } �. ' .�. .,� \ � • ' � �� , � � � ` . ` � �i� I � ; .�� � . �°" � �� � � . �. . . � y � � ; � , . ; . .� � . �, � .. � � ;�� � y ; ,/ � _ � . . . � �. � � . �� �� I � ,, . � � � � �\ � � . ��1I � . t\ k : � . ./'� . . �, � � ` \ . � . . \�,' . 1 � ,/. ; ' , .� � l �2 1 ; i _ . �o. �;, �'' . : ;,� �- . f , � 4 � � "�:,.� S� /P6°s3% � . . � �/� � . , ; \ ; � , �/; x " � /� � . � , � �� ' r . { , // f� ` �� . \\ I I . � ' ' ' �� � , / � 'y0,° . /3f'4s`/r' , , ,; , , , , • , , --- -------- �-•-- ----/,27BZ'---- ---- . . . _ i : . - .� , . �► < . ' - . ' .' ' ; � ` . '' � �/l��/ Y"IQ,��-�- .�1 Y,�. M° y �. . . � � , � � . . PA�� � o o� E�z�rr �. , , . , . � .„ . . . . . ,. , , . , . . • , I . - • � . . , � .,�'` . � , All those parts of Lots 4 to 10 inclusive in Block 31, West End Addition, lying Westerly and Southwesterly of lines described as �. follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Block 31 distant 335 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence - � running North at right angles to said South line for 159.87 feet; thence Northwesterly to a point on the Norfihwest line of said Block 31 distant 247.18 feet Northeast of the intersection of said Northwest line with the West line of said Block 31; accord- . ing to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of ; Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. ' i � ; , � . . / , , EXfiIBIT B . . • �i . , � That part of Government Lot 3, Sec. 14, T. 28, R. 23, that lies S, of Montreal Ave. and NW of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific rail- road right of way, containing 2. 77 acres more or less; excepting therefrom: That part of said Government Lot 3 lying in the NW� of the SW�, Sec. 14, T. 28, R. 23, described as follows : Beginning at a point on the NW corner of the SW� of said Section, thence S' ly on the W. line of said SW� to a point on the NW' ly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. right of way line; thence NE' ly on the NW' ly line of said right of way to a point that is 50 feet E' ly from the W. line of said SW�,; thence NW' ly to a point that is 40 feet E' 1y from the W. line and 230 feet S' ly from the N. line of said SW�; thence N' ly ' 230 feet on a line that is parallel with and 40 feet E' ly from the W' ly line of said SW� to a point on the N' ly line of said. SW�; thence W' ly , along said N. line to' point of beginning, subject to Montreal Avenue; � Also excepting therefrom that part of said Government Lot 3 which lies E' ly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet W' ly of the follow- ing described line: From a point on the E. and W. Quarter line of said Sec. 14, distant 658. 89 feet E. of the W. Quarter corner thereof, run N' ly at an angle of 90° 43' with said E. and W. Quarter line (when mea- sured from E. to N. ) for 294. 33 feet, thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90° 00' for 48 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described,� thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90° 00' for 100 feet thence deflect to the left on a 1° 23' 09" curve (del�ta angle 16° 51' ' 24") for 1216.27 feet and there terminating; Excepting and re �j�i� Ea � h ��e �erpetual right, privilege . ' and authority to�o�st�r��,��, q��� af: a� , rebuild and remove its mains and service later�ls fo the t�� �Smi s�.on and distribution of gas, ���i� � n , r� �" g�' �-' �� over under across and � including any nec s�s��ql�a p��)�:��a�� ��� °���j�' ' ' : �l�l�I�I r l� n that ortion�of t�he a olve �escri`be�property described as follows upo p Commencing at a point on the W. line of the property being conveyed, I said point being on the E. line of Elway Street and 131 feet N. of the SW corner of said property; thence E. in a straight line to a point on the NW right of way line of the Chicago, Mitaaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway, said point being 217 feet NE' ly of said SW corner of the � property when measured along said railroad right of way line, thence SW' ly along said right of way line a distance of 32 feet; thence W. to ' - the W. property line at a point 20 feet S' ly of the point of beginning, thence N. 20 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating, ' together with the rights of ingress to and egress from said easement area across the property being conveyed. Northern States Power Company, — -°- also reserves unto itself the right to restrict any and all above or below grade improvemen�CS or construction within the limits of this easement area. ----- . _ _._.. _ .....� � � � � � � . .. . 4. . � , . �iIBIT C - , , :�' �. , ��. � , �� '� r . ♦ . • � ` � • , . . . ' y . • ' • + � • • , All of Lots l, °2 , part of Lot 3, part of Lot 14, part of Lots 19 to 22 inclusive, Block 32, West End, lyi` ng Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Southwest line of Lot 14, said Block 32, distant 75 feet Southeasterly of the most Westerly corner thereof, thence run Northwesterly to a point on the Northwesterly line of Lot 22, said Block 32, distant 130 feet Northeasterly of the most Westerly corner thereof, thence run Northwesterly to the most Westerly corner of Lot 3, said Block 32 and there terminating, and That part of the Northeasterly half of adjoining Albion Avenue, vacated, lying between the extension across said street of the Nor�hwesterly line of said Lot 1 and a line extending from a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 14 distant 75 feet Southeasterly from the most Westerly corner thereof to the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 31, West End, �c �c � � The ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DOES Yiereby certify that from an examination of the records in the Real Estate Division in the office of the Register of Deeds and/ or Registrar of Titles, in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, it appears that the apparent owner or owners of the property within a radius of 100 feet of the above property, are as followst 1. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, �, �, 9,, 10, 7�1, 12, '13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 31, West End Addition, and That portion of Albion Ave. lying between the S' ly line of Adrian St. and a line drawn from the SE co'rner of Lot 11, Block 31, West End Addition, to a poi�rt on the SW' ly line of Lot 14, Block 32 , West End Addition, 75 feet S' ly of the NW' ly corner thereof, subject to the right of access across the last above described line to adjacent Interstate Highway 35�, as heretofore acquired by the State of Minnesota, except those parts of Lots 4 to ll inclusive, Block 31, West End Addition lying E' ly and NE' ly of lines described as follows: Beginning at a point on the S. line of said Block 31 distant 335 feet E, of the SW corner thereof, thence running N. at right angles to said S, line for 159.87 feet, thence NW to a point on the NW line of said Block 31 distant 247. 18 feet NE of the intersection of said NW line with the W, line of said Block 3; and all that part of vacated SW' ly half of adjoining Albion Ave. lying between the extension across said street of the NW' ly line of Lot 1, Block 32, West End Addition, and a line extending from a point on the SW' ly line of Lot 14, Block 32, West End Addi�ion, distant 75 feet SE' ly from the most W' ly corner thereof to the SE corner of Lot 11, said Block 31. Apparent record owner: Wm. H. Weitzman Associa.tes No. 1, a partaership comprised of William H. Weitzman and Stuart H. Nolan. * � �c �,�""� r�:�. �`�- , �`�,,, � � , � � - %^. �� ____ - _. 6. That part of Government Lot 3, Sec. 14, T. 28, R. 23, that lies S. of ` Montreal Ave. and NW of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific rail- road right of way, containing 2. 77 acres more or less; excepting therefrom: That part of said Government Lot 3 lying in the NW� of the SW�, Sec. 14, T. 28, R. 23, described as follows : Beginning at a point on the NW corner of the SW� of said Section, thence S' ly on the W. line of said SW� to a point on the NW' ly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. right of way line; thence NE' ly on the NW' ly line of said right of way to a point that is 50 feet E' ly from the W. line of said SW�; thence NW' ly to a point that is 40 feet E' ly from the W. line and 230 feet S' ly from the N. line of said SW�; thence N' ly 230 feet on a line that is parallel with and 40 feet E' ly from the W' ly line of said SW� to a point on the N' ly line of said. SW�; thence W' ly along said N. line to point of beginning, subject to Montreal Avenue; Also excepting therefrom that part of said Government Lot 3 which lies E' ly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet W' ly of the follow- ing described line: From a point on the E. and W. Quarter line of said Sec. 14, distant 658.89 feet E. of the W. Quarter corner thereof, run N' ly at an angle of 90° 43' with said E. and W. Quarter line (when mea- sured from E. to N.) for 294. 33 feet, thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90° 00' for 48 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence deflect to the left at an angle of 90° 00' for 100 feet thence deflect to the left on a 1° 23' 09" curve (del�a angle 16° 51' 24") for 1216.27 feet and there terminating; Excepting and reserving an Easement for the perpetual right, privilege and authority to construct, operate , maintain, rebuild and remove its mains and service laterals for the transmission and distribution of gas , including any necessary appurtenances through, over, under, across and upon that portion of the above described property described as follows: Commencing at a point on the W. line of the property being conveyed, said point being on the E. line of Elway Street and 131 feet N. of the SW corner of said property; thence E. in a straight line to a point on the NW right of way line of the Chicago, Mi}aaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railway, said point being 217 feet NE' ly of said SW corner of the property when measured along said railroad right of way line, thence SW' ly along said right of way line a distance of 32 feet; thence W, to the W. property line at a point 20 feet S'ly of the point of beginning, thence N. 20 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating, together with the rights of ingress to and egress from said easement area across the property being conveyed. Northern States Power Company, also reserves unto itself the right to restrict any and all above or below grade improvements or construction within the limits of this easement area . Apparent record owner : Donovan Construction Company of Minnesota, (Minn. Corporation) . � � � Y,�� � - �� '��.� ,,�.� , •� , . • - � " , - . � , 7. Lot 12, Block 33, West End. Apparent record owners : Percy Mars and Margarethe E:H. Mars, husband and wife, (as joint tenants) . � �c � 8. ot 13, Block 33, West End. Apparent record owner : Bergetta A. Petersen. � �r � 9. Lot 14, Block 33, West End. Apparent record owners: Arnold B. Drusch Sr. and Nlartha L. Drusch, husband and wife, (as joint tenants) . � � � Taxes and Judgments, not examined. Witness the signature af an authox ized officer of the said Company this 14th day of October A.D. 1969 at 8 o' clock A. M. ST. PAi#L ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY By �.jCC=-.y' ,�'' ,2 �.�rr. -� An Authorized Signature. FOR: Robert A. Dworsky `^r,:• :.f .��� z" t`4ti. T�4 e;�� � <y . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 r . r ,�►�����4 f ��. Ap il 22, 1970 .� ���/� ` Mr. Harry E. Marshall � � ` City Clerk j Room 386 City Hall � Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Weitzman Investment Company to rezone from "A" to "C" Residence to enable development with an 80-unit apart- ment building property located on the northwest corner of Montreal Avenue and 35E. This property is further described as: Lots 1 and 2, and part of Lots 3, 14, 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block 32, West End Addition and northeasterly half of vacated Albion Street. This matter was considered at the March 5, 1970, Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that this property, totaling over 48,000 square feet, is vacant and adjoins a new high-rise for the elderly to the west. If rezoned, the petition proposes to combine this property with other already-zoned "C" Residence to create a site for the proposed 80-unit building. Staff conclusions noted that the adjacent commercial, freeway, and high-rise uses represent more intense uses than would be allowed by this rezoning and that the five single- family homes to the north are too-few to establish a low-density character to the area. The staff also noted that the proposed use would be compatible with the adjacent high-rise use. Mr. Robert Dworsky, attorney representing the petitioner, explained the proposal to the Board noting that there are only a few remaining pockets of "A" Residence zoning in the immediate area. He also noted that the proposed develop- ment would have a parking ratio of 1.7 or 1.8 to one. Several area residents appeared and voiced concern that nuisances the neighbors encountered during construction of the high-rise would again be brought upon them. Problems of blasting, construction traffic, and night construction work were mentioned. Mr. Dworsky explained that there would be no significant blasting in conjunction with the current proposal. He noted that the problems encountered with the high-rise were aggravated by the time schedule they had to meet and that this would not be a factor with this development. After some discussion it was the finding of the Board of Zoning that multiple- family use would be proper for this property, but that development of the property should not create nuisances for surrounding residences. The Board, therefore, by a S-0 vote, recommends approval of this petition, subject to the condition that a letter be submitted stating that nuisances will be taken care of, that crews will have daytime hours, and that rights of the residents will be respected. Such a letter dated March 23, 1970, has been r ceived and is attached. ��� ',- Y Youx's, � / �,' �,,/ e ,,� � / !�c ciYT/� .G'ety�'�,r-- % �/(��/� �-''��.yryl2t�� � PETER J. MAIETTA''� t� ' p�•ga /'� Secretary, Board of Zoning CLS � ,� Enc 1. '� �o Z. F. �k6947 March 23, 1970 Zoning �oard City of Saint Paul Cammerce I3uilding Saint Paul, Minnesota In Re; Lots 1 and 2, and part of Lots 3, 14, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 32, West �nd Addition Petition to rezone above propert9 to "C" Reaidnnce Gentlemen: This letter is intended to fnlfill the reqnest mada by the Zoning Roard at the hnaring on March 5, 1970. It ie rngrettabla Chat eama of the problems izrtrolned in the constructian of tha high ris• at Montr�al and �:lway cauaed annoyance and , incanvenienc• to the nsighbors. These problema and the praeaures of ineat� ing der�dlinea were uniqus to tha high rian aad ahould not ariae in comren- tional conetruction. Preseat plans are for a three-story garden apartment with underground parking. Since t'he garage structnre is planned to rest basically on the uaderlying rock, only a minimal amount of rock excava- tion for utility lines and similar items is expected. It is planned to build anp improvement in the noxmal manner with construction during daytime hours. The contracCor and sub- aontractors will be requirad to ca�ply with all applicable ordinancas, codna, rules and xegulations relating to conetructi.on and fiha use of adjoining straets. Tha developars o£ thia property will observe and respect the righte and internsta of ad,�oining raeidents and sincarely regret any inconve.nience cansad during the constraction of the high rise. Youra very truly, WEITZMADT INVESTMENT C�IPANY UU i ~ l� L� i� � Ui� � By M�i� ti •� ���"� Ro art A. Dworsky, Its Attorn CITY PLAr�N1yG BO�RD Saint Pw�ul, Mi�n�.:t�'� � , � � �, 9 � � � ......�.�� �alt.) uate I Rutzick (Alt.) MINUTES OF THE �IIBLIC kIF.�RIIvG BEFi�ItttE 'rHE BO�iRD t?I` ZQN�I+TG on Thursdny, Plarch S, �.97Q, at 2:OQ PaMe P12�SENT: T�Iesgrso Ames, Gad�.er., t;auge�r McPartlin,, and 2�I�ie:t:ta� of th� Bosrd and Messrs. Brown ar�d �oXenson �r�d k�irs. �rantzen c� the staff. WEITZMAI� �NVES°�ENT C�FAAIY �Haro2d Rutch�,ck : A �etition �.a xez�ae fram "A" to '0C" Reaidence to en�ble d�velapa�e�t wgtt� an 8a-unit t��srtment building praperty located on the nor�hweat cornel of M:sntreaZ Avenu� �nd Inter.state Highway 35Eo Mr. Robert 7}cc�.7or�lcy� at�orxxey for the pei:�tioner, :��at�d thnt tl�e mstt.er has been carried through und�r the �a�me oy "H�;old L� itutchisk"s but �his :ts �rronenus. Mx. Rutchi.ck is uo �urth�r interested except a� a hold�r of a contracti �o�� deed. Weiezman Inv�stment Camp�ny is the pro��^?- petieie�n�r. Mr, Sorenson s�amm,�iized the stiaff. report statin$ titat th� pr�posal is to construct €an EO-unit ap�rtm�n�t bu�lding wit•h parkia;; provaded for 136 cars. 7b of the parkin�; spaces �a1]. be �r.n�;ected und�r ��e ag�Atu2o-_�zt structure. The irxegularly-ahaped site ha� �n area o€ Sp�x'Ox�.1�tC.�P.v 48;.�J25 sq�aar� feet, The entire develapuient si.te hsv a proposed s�ea of app�axir��ely 80,OU0 square fee}, i�cluding a portion tthat �yas previously rezcai7c�d. �oni.s�g in the area is mixed: "�,°' Etes�i�dence i.s a�j�ce�t to �kse north, "C" Resf.der►c.� adjoins to the west, and tlaere :�s Ca�ercial zoning to the south. P��esentiy the site is vacant and at the grade� of Adrfan Street and Mantresl �iven�.�. A re�w high-rise for �he eLdPrly adjoina L•o tt�e west and s new offic� bui�dir., is sou�:h across Montreal Ave�ueT The f�e�wsy expo9es stg•a�ified rack wh.��t� ��peara to underlay the entire site covered by a 4�G foot layer of esrt�z. Mr� Sorensan concluded that a l�tt�r from the Stste Hig'tzway t�epartment indicstes no abj�ctiozi to the rezQx�in�. t�djacent uses are ma�e inter!.� a, and an 80-un.it apartmet�� bu�}.ding may b�e ccrmp�tible wi�h the higtt-�ise nea�:��. rinal�.�fl th�t the nresent "pocket" of low-d2�s�.�y reafdential use cannat � A conaidered a determining I�nd-use i�e �Y�.� a�ea. Mr, Gadler �ueationed �the �xr�cess cs� pres�nti�g a sLte �s:3.an. He £e�t the Basrd shauld know the plans befor�: a rezaning is grauted. Mr. Aaixe:� exp�ained �hat building plans are brought into th� �ity Architect's o£fice a�d must meet, all Gity rer�uir�m�n.t:�. Mr. Gadler �hen ques�i�oned �ir pol.I��fon; Mr, A�s :.aid s ne:�� requirement was passed reg�xding �aacin.er.a�ors, and n��w buildi�sgs an.� apar��a�n�s have ro conform ta it. l�i�c� Sorenson further expla�ned tha[ wh¢n s�methin.g 3s spprov•�d by Council, s notice is ser�t �c� ��� Po2la�fon G�s�tro:i. A��ncy� inf�a.�m�.�.g t�.� n of the new propos�lo Diacassiaa of �he Board foTlowed re�;arding build��s snd deve�opers being m�de a�r�are of the regulations as f��- as air pasllutian goes o �?� ` t, . 'd'uj 1 1 �i1�1 �.t`:�i.Dt» 6�i���.\d � �.�Tx�.1��5� +� ..._ ' ::Cl �.t. :_... _........._._.._.._.__�_a_._P._.�_,'.�.�._.�_...�• �'S�jq.�E.i?1�� tc.���:�k; EC{��atzn�er, . r:,t-vb�;:�e�1` ;?Abt��t: i�Lyr:kt`Sk r ��r.::a3f.!�C�r4 �? si:#�`.t:a, �ar i'I�P_ x;�tis"t� c2 C�i.e l.�rc� �r: :� ,.rt T.h�a i?�"'�$ :'tr ��'/P �:b'.'.ZC7L�k�Y� �`JR"�f3t7£iP�l�i.. �;'. �3Ci)���.i3P.ta #:j'.`z'r�� �"�?2 'J1�:,` iLP,}W �1;_:.`�'�•v' 3_�" :'' i�t�€1:'C� G1��� lo>:'. "�.RS�� lli C:fJfi3UL1C:�;C)It 1:��.'C.�i �."c'�' �K'Cc'". t, • �: ,z .• � 1 ��LS� �5 31Z'�.�u :'�i",e?4t ��' itE!;1 ,,��iEfi['. 1�('_ ::&�.ti �(l£' l:i3t7E?:'S�Ot_}G r;hY r.i-�ere Y.T1���i1� �.>L' £•Ji11E3 ie�i.,��'l�JO�°�)!}t7CF .',9j7jli:}S�t1491XA r1:Ot�k.' t�"dL .;:g:EC_iar� c�f` �Fc��s 1.E7-Y�n.it �a3:�;h--�°:��,� f�x ki�� eld�r��� l�sr� �.: ,dverse c�fS-'�c�: e�� the a�•-N� �-_:=��.ci�r��s . 1'h�.s w;s causECi by t!ze tfmE �.l�ui�rr.t Ec1� k�� i ��in.; [h� ���ii;;-rz:sa: i:v713:i+:C':�CC�.O[i 47f';,S U7t 8 :�r:l•'�iCSt,ST' f�c9$:'LS'r da?.ach WCi�l�d i'B:Ar'.: li$I)i1�!jD ,�i.�g`; ��.�'= vl'''��Ca1..� ����_zdi�:� pr.o�.�cssal� 3i� f:�.r...??ar .::x��.�aiY��u tkia� tl�:� steb�c�;�R �,s.�e !o�;>> ��:r�'h�3^�+�c: G`b Ct:iiLtCE�£' WP.PtB i:�2.1 `JL�'ii�Y' 't(•1t I�.4!u't.GrPc,.f;._ �.fli1�.,. �BRii as •�' " CTLI�":. ;,-3 C�'�l� �:.a"��1 �),? �t�;E'c' ?�U C::VE'1QT,J� tiJ3f:Sf �"A���'! Cjc'�a,i<*�7 .1!Ii?�. '1:�,�iTyS. `iilk'_'L`P? °.�,�:�? .l�llS� �! 5 ''t',il �`k'U4�1.5?g£i� �PtiC�CE�:.,"'i af a RF�sid�r�;e znnits.�, :�7 *_t►� �n�v��t.�.at� �,-e�; tt�� F:�s; is 'crmmp�-c.7.�i , �:pxc'u3trx�a�, �:��, sr�rs:'�;.:.���:,_I.�a�am:ily.. �'i't." . vWC�;•.��Y� Sg *�"��,�i '��'S�IS� E�iC' ["1i. ;`r'-,:?c��. �fiC:3t'ia���; SUifia'. li£?.t�£'.Y'��,'�t ;7.':::) ��TdC;yi�a Cti F;kV(' v'� (?8�ri.:i.:1� :'c'9':�<? C}:" Z.,,e L7� . �Fi t�:i .'S , 1�'(SI' �ii�,Ct't.�:'ul� 1k'���JY!�'� '� '�E? CIE.'VE''�.�i.)�g ;�,:£s�.ta 4'� i.�' t�;ark� ; z�ti;� i� n::� �,�;:fir��a����., In nrcier. i�c� Nr.•�r,�id:� zr �z°� gr��r,. :-:*��;.��� Ytie ! s; �� iy!'��j`Y biT �a. 31O'L � r' ¢! 'w'Sr.i?';fi7l�� �)C?CD2. kf•;: ��)E' �i!L�.Gl1'l� °�`YkSf�:?+.; f�,:'v4? t.'�.L i ':i2S 4%t�Yk:t?(j .''.Y�; i�t?..Z.}1 �;1� l�'=zi `..`1� �'K3`•;�.71�E`7.'. '��glt.. �Cfl:L�C`3.�� L;�.�.j t)E Jg t_'3JR;?�r.:lC:�"'!"'.' �`:Cr `_�L�' c1E��!`i%,,at. �1. .',E'�`1t�TY C•a ,*..[t.t� 23'lc:y.. + Y'S. i':Hi } c1t:�±il.t? _ ,. r'i�il`tiy <l<� r�C}i'�.YsC�. $��riC „ e�4pLA9"�'.C� 3A1 a:(� ��;�1C�,U:�� '��{;�, ''gtili?, .:c,cn;:ern tEt�:,: t�!:�e t-�uf.sancs:�s �h.i� r.�.�.i;�i?d�a:.-s ':fx,c� �o witiz�t.�tyd i a�r. �tse ���:i1� .��� �:f :�? k�1.��')-'C]�.Ct' �riC�[1LGT �t? �3iC{1�,r1��: EIUJf"s 2:l'!E''R�1 ?9�t'R.1_CA W'�.�� r}1R5 iYf' ?iFD���IUf?y9'i: !->`t�,, '3�$T.. {�.r^,Y IT.�1?'� ;�k'r.e'.t Li-k3 k:tit� �3�.fiw3.".:�.�e� L';�;��; SJOCR�.+j S"e�'S.�.Co i'�C7 �)�? C�'C?[4a L:.� �".l°+tSB�i.C'�.r:� T et '.S"1cFe�y:��Ot.[.6C4 �;;�1'��E.f�, `�!� •vLtE:-:iL:.t:tl2:� C�{E'. ��C� ?'ri.w� �.�Q��.Oi'i r# :t1 Aclx'lac: 5r. _��;:; l::c�'i:�e.' S!S''i?�i.l:�f'.f��'� �'d$'[3:�C:t�iiiC� ��!i�� t'�ts? 't17.�`.���°•'t:l.�( !��."VI:�C�i?;'<SiE1T��:. }'°��'��C �:�I� �R.11,�t?�� . . 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Ci.$)C��: *,'rt�'L't:�LsF t3C 1`t.'bw.�=�!±it�k�� :�t;-n�±�:s �;�� �,�Yc�� v�v�eiers wus kSmU�:t na��=exz��t��-r��, S.Ee ��el� x',��t c:'t�c� ��n� c,�xt. s�ruc-t�,�� cc��,�acs�� we.�A `vi�rol�te j�.s�. �s �t�r�v �:r�,l�s i` r_h� ���i ;>r���sml 3.� �r>a�fi:r:d:, �;_: „ �w�r�sK�� s�iU the be:;.l��i�,n� i�; «� ;x-��r�k;� ei3teY�L��:;e �nd w� 41. na�t kaaue � v�r..e 2�r.h�edu'�E i::r� �;��:a� �s d�%rl tl�� lai.e�C��r��,�� ��;a,s *"ar.s c1ut��`3r,�ts�t: 1as:�;: �; si.:� ��:X be r�a:c��s�c� w�E:►�.r.;ut :� ����;���w �ro:�i�s;�l �tirxg ;:si°���en��r' ,",�'r: ?t�e��tir� s�#..ci � ;�i•�n ��x.11 b�� 'v�oughC iae.��a°�e � -� 7.�n�r�� �fra�ar:1 w���� w� �:Il E1�DE?�.�L'.f�'�{.C,1'[5 ��.(FI_ r`:i F3'+:'�'�:i.Xz� �(?$: i3Esf's5i.� 'if+ L'?u`3t�;?;, �'ii ,., l�S�l'�."S � �'x6� �:�1� �2"t�d3 2"f�:�'1'JG_Cl`,..8 f'�'z�E.'j� 4'�„� � `R':: `r`.V{ ,P1TiC�11r:'V tzlY�'ti.F.' J� � �3;h::�a C �1.4°£�T'tl'��:; iv'dll4`f"2 4!' ,z '��I'�4:itlg i.l'�'' �tk`Y'Ci1�L �.S �)f>�f,�k, %:,"?+� ::L�i.!�.YY� Ii{�t;t�T G., Ei p: ��1E!i_: 'Z:��i E° ��'fl 2 Y E1L#�e� 'V°�.i�'ttT ::��t,{ ', f 1(: £'i t f.:� i:k I�J 0.13i . xrka«i�:� t'��f� �5.��;:�.tt�g c.�:�.� �;� u��u.��e� �.c�. G;c:�:oa::��ni� �.Fi�ta cFan�t::x �r.cf;ret �a�' �1t� S7t!�.�fE;�Ps�;,., x?�'..t•:�. M,�x. c���.ii�>r �.��; c��r����-reFd �x.�:��:. i`h� ���m�,c=x �:� ����;id�:s+�e }i�vtT::; sibi�.�c: �4�� pc�tltia�,. �;�. S�:r��s�,c -�x�I�jxs�-.,+. ti7a��. l� of *h� ��:+ ne��;�s�ti�y ;:a3r°ce�s ,.: .��n� ���� �F�a� s�,�:n�r.� l� t�''.La• r.,-f F . ��. t•:aslt*'S ., �tk C�ai? C;�3 �: £:t� r b ; t•s �f � , i<�.�_a �1: ;)�t� ;��ai, i�;n, ��v;� r�zr.�r "ft8`> �kA? � _'t��w�it: �,?�°tJQ:S Q� i�i'flllF.Td:x` tit.�'t:ii� E':i1.� 3�i} °�G'�3� rl��.a.'} iJ� 4�1^ 8tt, i�? e. �S� C? ;1:... , e"��.4.�1 LAG?�.�y�th�?�+'.'C:Cer;� g�K,�i1�.C�1.'XI�.$ �.17 iI1�.Tf,x�''� �t�'.:. '�IC.�.3ad�'��:�,iCi 1.2�'?�:a K8 ':i '.rri.�,.tS�t`.`�� ':.:1.:.C1F.F �5^f`s^fii.]if �5 �QC �:11?- ikll�:�(TT�ti8i2C �rfc"I:y 131i��^�i�Tll:':Q'S C•�91•^t@+.� ;itl:)ll�.tF �:��' d�jY ?:hal i'�� '�Q j)C,'�,!,C'��Y 1(:l'LF ri�;hts of t°;��� ��0�>�1�°� o��.nHr�.: � w , W�IT_��t INVE�T'�IENT CONIP'ANY Haro�.ci I�u�ch�!ck3 (Con�inuedy: - The Board advis�d Mr. D�aorsky to write a letter to ;'he Plan�fng Direc�or steting that nuisances t�il.�. be �ak+�n car� of, crews wi3.I hau�e daytin�e workin� hours, �nd the rig'hts of t�Ye reside��s ��ill be respected. r;r, Dwor�ky said h� wc�ulc� do this and a�so said thx�t at Che time t�ey come in for the parking lot periui�, they gl�n to :��ve a Iandscap� p1an. He Eeid they will preserve evcry tre� possible, plus Chpy antend ta plan� new ones. 5ubject to the le�Cer fram Mr. lha�►rsky, Mr. I�cP�rtlin moveci for agpro��L of the petition for rezon�.tag. �he motic��a wa� s�cc�nded by Mr. Gaug�r, 8nd carried unanimously. I�Ir. Gadler voted ir+ favor wi5�.h the promise of the pefcitioner to respect th� neighbors ` ri.ghts as Far ms r���se, dnst� and ok'ier nuf�ances. Seabmitt�d by: Co2one! Lo Sorenson Robert Zo Ames, Chairman _4. v � CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 � April 10, 1970 City Clerk 386 Citq Hall File X856, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Pau1 at 10:00 a.m. on A�ril 23, 1970, on the petition of Weitzman Investment Co. and others to rezone fxoa� a Class "A" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District oa the following described property: Lots 1 and 2, and pare of Lots 3, 1.4, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 32, West End. The property ie located between Adrian and Montreal Avenuss and oa the east eide of vacated Albion Av�. For further information contact the Planning Board, Room 1010 C�tnerce Building or tele�ahone �23-4151. JAMwS J. DALGLISH Gom�issioner of Finance O . • . Harry E. Manhall cITY ��. Albert 6. Olson City Clerk and " �`�4�y� Council Recordeir Commissioner of Repistration � �,s ° °sel;=.;,�o; dd. ° ^.. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota 55102 Jan. 27, 1970 Zoning Boaxd Commerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City Counc3.1 referred to you for recommendation the attached petition to rezone Lots 1 and 2, and part of Lots 3, 14, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 32, West End Addition, located between Adr3.an and Montreal Aves. and on the east side of vacated Albion Ave., to "C" Residence District. Very truly yours, City rk � ng � _ . � � � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA ' I 13 Court Hou:s,65102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner t LOU15 H.MeKENNA,Dsputy Commiuioner Phons:223-4646 January 27, 1970 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I heve checked the attach�d petition of Harold L. Rutchick, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lots 1 and 2, and part of Lots 3, 14, 19, 20, 21 and 22, Block 32, West End Addition. The property is located between Adrian and Montreal Avenues and on the east side of vacated Albion Avenue, from a Class ''A" Residence Distrfct to a "C" Residence District and find that said petition is sufficient. You s verq tru_ , f%' ames J. D glish , ;% Commissio er of � nce ;,; Re: R-856 c.c. Mr, A�es N. R. Aeiden Frontage: 10076 Parcels Eligible - 20 Parcels Signed - 17 or 85� Needed - 14 or 66 2/3'x �p0 Apr 23, 197� Zonin� Board Co�nnerce Bld�. St. Paul Gentlemen: The City C�uncil tod , after:ap �ic h in�, laid aver to April 3�� the matter �f the pe t3on of �ae t man Investment Company to rezone to "'C" Resid�nce Df.� ict Lote 1 a d 2, and part o�' Lots 3, ��. Z9, 20, 2]., and 22, �loc 2, West Addition, axtd northeasterly hal£ of vacated A St. V�ry truly yours, Gity Clerk ng \ t� / � I st �`` � � ' 2nd� Laid over to 3rd and app -�., � J�4dopted �/� ��% Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison �Carlson Dalglish � �Dalglish � . Meredith �/�(� �' Meredith Peterson \,Peterson S rafka � �S rafka P p � , Tedesco � edesco Mr. President Byrne � Mr. President Byrne �O