248722 �;-- _. . ., _ _ �- � .. � - ` , . �►����Z FINAL ORDER COUNCIL FILE N0. By File No. �� In the Matter of !,"�N�� {�Ili �i1�M111k +I�A �t � �'�2Se�1 �Mi�► � 11�r � �► 11��3s �. � 1y► iat� a�. o�r � r�ai� � � �L irlrl�la2 � �� � ��� under Preliminary Order �� approved �R'�► �s � � i . . � � � � � . � . 5 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above imp vement upon due notice, and the Council � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations rel�itive thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precis� nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is �o lr00Y/� '�IM �k !� I�f� �i od" � +�i� �:1�a �Lt �!. 1M0 M�'�,f : _�. �it 'i�+i�d� a�i apl�r � �id�dY ta� a�ur� aiM�#�'s� to �o�M�s� �i �qP�"���w�, �� � �e�ri a� ��� paier+�i, �+ir�a'�ics soo� ad�t,� and the Council hereby orders sa,id improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works'be and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in acc�rdance therewith. COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council �Y � 1970 Yeas�� xays MAY b 1970 Da lg l i sh Approv Meredith / Peterson U Tn Favor Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco � Bvrne A�t �LISHED MAY 91970 6-66-2M �� R-1 � ` . Dist. No. 3 �� � , � ^ B.S. Wilson Ave. - Maple St. to Maria Ave. �Jf� �t ; _ �� � �.- � �' �-�� �� ,, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS �� ��,Q�, .�'�,���f,���q REPORT T� COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v/,�� .e, � '.' R M�k rs�o : . ,t:_ EC�� �.� ;�. V :- �EP7., � � 'r March 17th. 19 70 �''I1v�C,� � , � ���-~ y,,.. .., ,._;.' To the'Co���s�oner of Finance of the Citq of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Pnblic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 247883 approved March 13th. 1970 relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk on both sides of Wilson Ave. from Maple St. to Maria Ave. and bv doinQ all other work which is necessarv and incidental to comalete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cos.t thereof is $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $4.60 per lia. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X 4. Improvement is asked for upon petitioa � �.,=`�� Commissioner of ub� r .:.� _.e� ::.,..� � . �� . ,S� c �/ . � • , � St.Paul� �tinn. � April 20� 1970 Mr. Ja.mes J. Dalglish, Commissioner of Finance� 113 Courthouse� st.Paul, �ir,n. , 5502 Dear Mr. Dalglish: Please permit me to object to the proposed reconstruction of sidewalk in front of 731, 733 �d 735, my properties. The present sidewalk is adequate for another 100 years. It is much safer when there is sleet� snow or ice because the small degree of roughness provides better footing on the steep hill. A poured concrete walk would be too smooth for the hill and cause broken bones to the elderl� residents of the ar�a when they slip and fall. Flag stones can be ad3usted to bulges in the earth. Poured concrete sidewalks must be replaced totally when one end of a slab sinks and the other goes up. Concrete curbs that have been poured in St.Paul since 1930 have proved to be an error. After 20 pears they are in badly deteriorated condition and need replacing. The fin� granite curbs that were dug `up and given a�ray have proned to be worth �200 to those who cut them up into grave markers. Granite curbs are good for thousands of years. Conc�ete curbs need replacing in 20 years. rGreedy global grafters have multiplied taxes and increased operating expenses of all rental property. The owner has absorbed all those increases without passing them on to a tenant at 735 Wilson. Rent Cbntrol set a ceiling of �72.50 onto the upper apartment. The tenant pays �65. She does manual work and is able to support herself in spite of multiplied living costs. If I were to increase her rer�t to $150, which is about the prevailing rate for similar accommodation� the tenant eould have to live in a less desirable place. The downstairs rent was set at $�2. 50 by Rent Control. The tenant has paid $75 for three and one-half years. Next month it will be �80. Similar places rent for $160. Constant increases in t�es, assessments and other operating cost� are likely to precipitate an increase in rents to today's level. That would mean the tenants would m�ve to less desirable dwellings. A neW poured concrete sidwalk is not worth the hardshi�s it �ould create. These properties were on the t� rolls and paying taxes and assessments for 100 years. Assessments include those for &�ounds Park� enlargement of Niounds Park� Pvtounds Boulevard� Johnson Parkway and other Daytons Bluff im�rovements. After paying for all of eur own community improvem�nts , my properties were then assessed to pay for Highlan� Park: Please abandon the plan to reconstruct the sid alk Sincerely, � From C.E.MeConne11,733 Wilson, St.Pau1 �� „ . , . S_ yc� / . ; (^fr� . � ,,.� ,l�]�. St.Paul, Minn. , April 20 , 1970 Mr. James J. Dalglish, Finance Commissioner, 113 Courthouse, St.Paul , Mi_nn. , 5510� Dear Mr. Dal�lish: This is my protest against a new sidewalk on Wilson avenue , between Maple and Maria. The expense is much too great for the elderly property owners who are now struggling with the greatest burden of taxes and operating expenses they have ever known. Our incomes remain static and our expenses should do likewise. Moreover, a new slippery sidewalk would be too great a hazard for the elderly. Too many would slip and break bones. The present sidewalk is more satisfactory than a new one would be and sh�uld not be removed merely because a new poured concrete sidewalk �as more eye appeal to pedestrs.ans who do not have to pay the bills. Sincerely, From Mrs. Jennie A. Pinkston , 738 Wilson avenue, , St,Paul, Minn. , 55106 `}�,�r� ' � � �y��,.. u� ; -� � . 6, igTo Hon. James J. �al�lish, Commissianer of Fa.nanc�. Dear Sir; A�taclaed for your i �nati � a copy o�' a letter of C. E. McConneZl cancerning re a t tion of sidewalk on Wilson Avenue. Ycu made reference tq one of the ca�ments in the letter concernin.� a use 'ne �ranite curbs as grave marker�, and s sted th a le t r be directed to Mr. Alexander of the St. loud Grani Co�,pany asking if this is true. 13ecause o aur int�r in this matter, T tlzou�ht you might like ta wri the 1e to �4r. Alexander. Very truly yo�zrs, City Clerk AO/hp \ e7 Apri1 21, 1970 Mrs. Jennie A. Pink�tcsn 738 Wilso� Avenue St. Paul, Minn�so�a 55106 Dea�r Mrs. Pink�t tpx�: Your letter, �aith refer�nc� to sidewalk constructian an Wi�.aan Avenue beCween Map1�► Str�et and Maris Avenu�e has been ref�rred to the D�epartment of Public Wo�rks for inve:tigatian �nd to the City �lerk fcar the attentian of the Cit} i�ouncil at t�ae hearing c�n May 6, 197Q. Yr�urs very tr.uly, James .�. Dalglish �oamnisgioner c�f Finanee cc: City Clerk t°''� Sidewalk Dep�. S 9081 `; � y � April. 21, 1970 C. B. McConn�ll 733 Wilsan Avenue St. Pau�., Minneaot� SS106 ]Dear Mr. McCannell: Yc��ar lett�r, with reference �o sidewalk cons�ructio� �n C�ilson Avenue b�tween Maple Str�et and Mari� Avenue haa been referred to th� Department o.€ Publie Works for inve�ti$atic�n and to the City Cl�rk fcar th� atte�tian of the City Council at tl:e heaxin� on May 6, 1970. X�u�s very truly, ,�auuee J. Dalglish Co�aaissioner of Fiaanc� �c: City Clerl� � S idewa�lk Dept o 39Q$1