248721 `r � �� . .. , •.. . ' � �� . • . . � . .. . � � � ., � � ' � •)��� � . .
� � .. � � � . . . � � �
File No. �
In the Mat�r of lyM�e�M�lY�'110'�'1i�� �M �� *11 �11t �'1I� � qt' � �,,
l�a�r�e ��rle t#r► t� �at ,� a�t +Mr �1 �r s�+� a!'�L� �rre. �ew �'�
�w �i► �w�i �s � � � � #M�' '� � �'� � ��.
'� � � ��M��
.,,�,,... .,
under Preliminary Order � approved � �• ��
Intermediax9 Order approvec�
A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon du?� notice, and the Council
having hear�l all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City af St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kirid of im-
pmvement to be made by the �aid City is
; ti�►s�Mi� �M #�rr�c +r�t � � � a� �r �. �e � i�. 1�r �+�►i�s
°' #�► �t � � sa�llt �t �' �r+�► �_ �e�+rt �w�'�o��lrrl� ia ���rr� �R �► - ,-
+i� a'�1 � �!t �id;�i1 �s t� �ri ��t t� � �daR �[r1�rl�c�,
�: �R r��r �+d +�! #d�!"��l,� po�[M �+i�r�il�� �w► �st�
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to 'be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for.
approval; that upon sa.id approval, the proper city ofifcials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAY ' b ��
Y� Na�� NIAY 61910
�'— Approvecl
Meredittt /
Petersp� �In Favor +
Sprafka Mayor
Tedesco �
p,,.ne a�.;,,$t �UBI:ISHE� MAY 9197Q
&66-2M �� R-1
�. , �� s
. � - •� Dist No. 2 v��n
• - �4�l�� �.
: � ����,
N.S. Niles Ave. - Finn St. to Cretin Ave.
S.S. Niles Ave. - Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave.
�.,., 4a: f�j
,,t . 6;.
'� � '\,
. a�A Fi�,F �:.
; �'�� �� ° �, �
ti� ., c
Y ;, � ,,.;i
°: �` �� ��.�Af' March 17th. 19 70
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary
order of the Council known as Council File No. 247840 approved
March llth. 19 70 relatiae to reconstructing the sidewalk on the north
side of Niles Ave. from Finn St. to Cretin Ave. and on the south side of Niles Ave.
from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary
and incidental to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:
1. The estimated cost thereof i ��/ �
s $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk
5 ft. wide and $4.60 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and ��
made a part thereof. �,
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X � -�
�4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
Commissioner of Public Works
�'�Ly of �aln� Patt�. '
. . a ���� t
� . �, .
J�t��rtmo�i�; of' Z'�1.nanco
1X3 Court I�1ou�o 55102 l�pril 199 1970
t�°o Ja���� �T I�.a1�;lishy Com�ni�sioner: -
I1ot:ico �.� herotry given to the Counci�. of tho City of S�in� Pattl
�ha� �r� occt�pznts of 21l�9 ;Jiles Avenue do no� tat�nty nood or l.�vo n�ay
3�t;cnt:�on of�.:y3n� for � recon�truct�d sidet��allc �s you propo�o 3n your
' 1'1�.l..l�ll�`�.� V.0�C� �,4,r�(l�Qo
I have recently b�en informed that the City hn� furtlior 'ncrc�a�oc1
My re�tl c;�tr}.•te �axes i,o the tune of :i?i0 arulutilly. Thia ap�,�r�ntly �ra�
brounlrt; ab�ut b�c:zus3 it ��as nece�sF�ry to rF,plc�ce t}lo �idl���7 of my hotiae
�inc� :it coiild x�o 1_on�er t;� p�inted, I�fY ��r��e ��u� ��lso in b�d cond:s�ion
uncl as tte11 .i; U�i11t; too :��n�i11, I dc.cided to rc�plcico it tii�.t�i a larL;cr on�.
I'o�^ ttiis zoo I t;a:; «dclitit�nFlily taxed� j]hy is oti� ���n�zlized for �n�rovin�
tllc app��ranc: o� one�;3 pro��er�;y? Sir, I �n �rr.ztly dittappo:In��d c�a_tkz Lh�
C:�i:y oi' ::aXrit �'izul �:zd ths r::inner in lahich 3t ca�.dttc�a i�t� l;u�ino�ae
Tl» eide���]-lca on our �ta eai, are defini�tely no� in poor condit3on that
tlax�x�.�n�� re��l�ccrnento 2�i�1_��ht I su�rgest that �_oro attention �» mAdo to ths
concli.�ion o� tha ;�cree�s, I a;n dr:ivin�- an olucr c�.r. th�t h��,_i had th:� front
end la�.ocl�ed ou�� oi uli�runc:n� :o �nuny �t:ime� th�at it; :Ls a71;ifl�t b�y�nd I'epajr
�nd no�a t�i11 c�s-� �'l�:_�st ;,��0 to repr��s• ito Shall I ;�cnd ih� bill to the
e:Ity b.�cau�a it is i�heir �troets thut cauac�d th,-� problc�in?
I c�m sorry T cannot accept your invltation i�o attend the 9:30 rnectin�
on I�4�.y 6th �:�cau;o Z have a job �hat nF;cessit�te, my ��x�o�encc. If I am no�t
tlierc; I do no-t fJe'e r�id. T t;ou7_d uu�;fre;�t yotaY• �echnic�l advisoru fir;�t �
cont;uc-c property ozrners on A1i1eu I�veizue to deter•mine uh,th�r �idei�alk
re;plr�cemcnt i� necr ssary or desired. I thinl� you i�ill flnd th�rc-, �� not
an overt�helmin� de�ire for this "recon�truction" uith the r��ult�inL inerc��;�e
in taxes. Incidentall3r, t�h�t 1.�ould L-e the nex�; atep Assumi_n�; the side!a�lk�
t�ere "improved"? llotild our taxes th�n be rFi��d 1-rcause of �h� "T.�provem=�n1:"?
Sir� I do no� tlant a new sidct��allc' h�.ve not a;,lced for onoe c�n not
Afford to pay for onr:� �nd �lill re�is� tl��o demolif;ion of �ha pro�ent on�
aYruttin� r��y property, I i1:I1]_ not b� ob13�;a-ted zn any t�t�y for ��h�i, you prop�se
in you•r Order ?L��f3/;C, If tl�ie Ci.ty of Sta Puu1 persl.:�ts in thc� recon,trruct3on
of i;he sicic����lk i_n i'ron�; of 21l�9 i•d9_lc�r it doa� &a at l�ts o�m e�cn:�e, T
hereby �;o on rcco-rd r�s str��;ing I trill not pay for tho xmprovem�nt,
' Since.rely'
�, , 1 „ i
^. ��._ / � �,
� �__
- � � �Q UoriE 1a A� t�.ndcr�on ��(',` v�1 � ' j�-
�� '�� �
'��'o'r o� /� �-O . ?_]-!,9 Nilc;� Avenue �
5 � � 6
� Srzint r'atil, P�1inn�sotr�
� 55116 1�,
�__�„ �1' � -
� 4 ,,:�. �,;_. ,a,��,�i � � �� ' i��5h�.*ht�
i�.rf'�dE, /'� ,�y
. .� ,,. . �"'."'��� �e� '�" �.f�=`.'i�� ���. .� � / �I � .
.. ��♦ .��:.�� .
;'t,� y
. ��x!' „ � _, .
� . . . . t;'f ' mf
.� . •k,. , :.t . ,�..
. . . . _ , :M1 , !l:
�. ,.C � � .. __ ... , , � .
. . ., . ��,.�,.. . . ,. ' \
Ap��.� �) 1�Q
_ .
� �h'. Donald A. Andereon
21�9 Ni1.ea Avenue �� ,
, St. Paul, Minnesota 5�116 .
Deat� I�br. And�,raon:
Your letter oP A�ril 19 ha$ been r�.ceived and copies sent to the
City Clerk for presentation tc '�he City Council on M�y 6, 1gjp�
a$ well as to the Department of public Works, und�r �rhoae �urisdict�on
th3s matter Wa$ ori�inal3.y inititated, for reply.
The suggestion poeed in� your letter that the property ownera be
eontacted to determine the nece$sity of th@ Bide�alk reconetruction,
ia �ust what is being done, and i.e the purpa�e of the publlc
The decisinn of the City Council is then d��ex�nined at the public
hear°i,ng aft�r coneidFration �f bo�h the recommenclations of their
technica3. advisors t'r;�m the Pu�ilia Works Department and the ca�ment�
and�or ob�ections nf the residents.
Your ob�ec�3�n �,*il_l, in yaur �bsenec, be ree�d at the public hearing
and becane � r>�'t c�� �}�� pen7.anent fYle.
Youre trul,�r' `
Jeme� J. Dalgl.ish
Coa�mis�i�nex �f Finance
by Paul Der��h
� 6, z97o
Hp�. Thamae R. �ru�,
M�yor - City of Saint P�.ul.
Dear S3r:
Attached is a copy o lett f Dona.ld A.
Anderson, 21�+9 Pliles Avenue y in c n with the re-
construeti�n of a sidewaik that d ess.
You will r 1 that ask that a copy be
sent to you for reply o the writ r
Very truly yours,
City Clerk
1�ay b, 1970
Hon. James �. I�a1.�,l�.eh,
Commissioner af �'inance.
Dear Sir;
Attached r your in matio . is a copv of �
letter of Aonald A. ndersan, 21 Niles Avenue, co�icernan�r,
the reconstruction t sidewalk a tha� �.ddres�.
qf a8 been @irected to th�
A2ayor wh h will r o the vrriter.
Very tr.uly ypurs,
City Clerk