248707 � � 24 ►.. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 8���� :'. 4, � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ' OUNCI RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN7ED BY COMMISSIONE �� DATF In tf�e matter of hazardous b�itdings being that twa-story duplex dwetling and detached shed known and described as 790 Capitoi Heights in the City of Saint Paut and situated �pon thase premfses legatl�r described as westerty one half of Lot 5, Block i3, Ashton and Sherburne's Additton to Saint Pa�l, according to the piat on fiie ar►d of reeord tn the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey, Minneso�a. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Resolution C.F. 247594, approved Februar� 24, 1970, a public hearing was dc�ly hetd on Thursday, March 5, 1970, before the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paut, said hearing perta�ning to the condition of the structures located at 790 Capitol Heights, Saint Pawl, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Upon the facts presented at the said hearing, consisting of photographs, inspection reports and the recommendation of the City Architect, �t is fuund and determined by the City Cour�cit tt�at according to the records and files in tF►e office of the Register of Deeds, the last record owner of �he above-�described property is Equity Cap'ital Campany; that there exists of record Midw�st Federal Savi�gs & Loan Association of Minneapolis, mortgagee and purchaser at mortgage forecTosure stle held Sept�nber 13, t967; and that �' o th�re are no other lien holders of recorcl; that tt is f�rther determined that �o the a6ov►e-described butidings constitute�' hazardous buildings within the de- finttion of Minnesota Statutes, Section 463.t5, for the following reasons: > c> � ° -�°o a. The buitdings are standing vacant and are subject to entry by unauthorized persans and to vandalism; h < � b. The e�ct�rior of the build�ng is in a dilapfdated condition in that the screens are torrr and seven (7) windows are removed, the sidfng � is very much in need of repair, the stairs are rotten and are broken, � the cornice is rotten and part of the chimney has deteriorated away; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson Dalglish Approve� 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O r y OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 248�,�� t w � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF c. The tnterior of the 6u�tding is dfitapidated, the basement stairway is in very poor condttlor�, and the ftoor is littered with debris, the floors of the building are saggtng, piaster has fallen off the walis and ceilfings. TF�e sink and bathtub harre been removed, and the floors are atl 1�'t�ered with debris. d. The shed has an extensive ftre damage, and the dirt floor is 19ttered with debris. e. The buildtnqs are �tnfit for human habitation in �heir pr�sent cond�Ct�on and must be corrected so as to comply with the St. Paul Butlding Code and Housing Code; f. The buitdings constitute• a nuisance and a hazard to the publ�c peace, health, safety and welfare becawse of�3r physical damage, di�apidation, abandornnent and inadequate maintenance; now, therefare, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Mjnnesota Statutes, Section 463.15 tf�rough 463.26, and based upon the fnrego�ing findtngs of tf�e City Council, the Council of the City of 5aint Paut does hereby make the following Order: ORDER l. The owner of t�e abave-described buitdings shall make the same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, heatth, safety and u�elfare by having the sa�d bufildin s razed and �he materials therefran r�noved from the premises wtth�in thirt�y �3Q} days from the date of the service of this Order. 2. Unless such corrective ac�ion is taken to comply with this Qrder or an answer served upon th� City of Sa�nt Pau� and filed in t�e afffce of the Clerk of tf�e Dtstrtct Coe�rt of Ramsey County, Minnesota, withfn twenty (20� days from the date of the service of th�ts Order, a Motion for Summary Enforc�nent of this Order to raze and re��e -the said buil.d�ngs w�lt be made to the Ramsey Co�nty Dfstrict Court; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays CarLson Dalgliah Approved 19— Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafku Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � a • � ORI6INAL TO CITY CL6RK 248� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N�'• � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF 3. In the e�rent tha� f,�e b�itdtngs a�re f.o be razed by the City of Sa�rtt Pau'I pursuant to �udgme�� of the D�Istr�ct Court, ait �ersonal property or f'fixtures wh�ch ma�y unreasonably interfere wi�h the razing and re�rwval af thesebut'�dings sha1;1 b� �v�d wntth�n ten (t0� days from the entry of ,�ttdgment; and if not so remQ�ed, the Ci�y of Saint Paul shali re- move and d�spose of such personat property and fixtures as pravided by '[aw; 4. Tf fi.�� Citjr of Sa�nt Pa�l is compe'��ecC � take a�y coxrective action herein, aiT t�ecessary cosfis eacpended by the City wiil be assessed agajr�st; �he a6ove-described rea7 estate ar�d cott�cted as othe� ta�ces; and be it FtJRTHER R�SOLVED, That a cer�ified copy of fi��;is resat�tion and in- corporated Qrder here�tn be served u�� the 1as� record owner of the abave- described p�opet�y in the manner prov�ded: by taw and atso upon o�her in- terested parties ir� the manner provided by taw. May 7, 1970. 8 certified copies of the fore�oing resolution given to Mr. Jerome Sega1� Asst. Corporation Counsel. MAY 5 197�A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson 1�f1�1Y 5 �]Q Dalglish prove� 19— Meredith _� Tn Favor ppta� r�nn�_ � Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco A gainst �����:: p� s �AY 1970 �(�r. �'ice Yresic:�:t (reterson) PUBLISHED e� �°� 1 � A � . ITY' � � �AINT PAU ��`� ���'�� � � �s �`' � �, n� � � Gapita) af Minnesota ",,y�� `'� � � z � r r � ° �� �� � , � � x � �i, � , � �- „/�'�` . . . . ��,� � rk�' . . � . . ��k�. i i' f � :�„r .,,�..;�=.� .-� ,: �' 445 C' ` � ��� �� w r ��i�� ���-.� � ,x, �� k;�;��; �� _,,,,mi„���� P��'`..e �� �:� � ���j�# '� �� �� r �``��`� a� � � :�; �: BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 March 5, 1970 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 1935--790 Capitol Heights Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the property known as 790 Capitol Heights, a duplex dwelling and detached shed. The owner of record is the Midwest Federal Savings and Loan Association. The legal description of the property is the westerly one half of Lot 5, Block 13, Ashton and Sherburne's Addition to Saint Paul. A re�ent inspection indicates the following: EXTERIOR. Size 23'x48'x24'. Partial basement. 5iding deteriorating, the cornice has dry rot and part of one chimney has deteriorated to the point where part has fallen dpwn. The screens are torn, 7 windows removed, and the rear exterior stairs have dry rot and are broken. BA5EMENT. The ends of the joists and posts have dry rot. The basement stairway is in very poor condition, and the floor was found to be littered with debris. FIRST FLOOR. 4 rooms and bath. The floors sag, plaster is falling off the walls and. ceiling, window:s are out in all the rooms, the bathroom floor is rotting due to excessive moisture, plaster is broken and the sink and bathtub have been removed. SECOND FLOOR. 4 rooms and bath. The plaster has fallen off the walls and ceiling, the floors sag, windows are broken out, rooms are littered with debris, the doors and trim are in very poor condition and the plaster is falling off the stairway walls. �- . �" Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor � • � and Members of the City Council -2- March 5, 1970 PLUMBING. The fixtures have been rexnoved, and some of the pipes were left uncapped. Water was found to be running into the basement. The shed at the rear of the lot measures 20'x24', is poorly built and has a dirt floor which was found to be littered with debris. It has extensive fire damage . Because the dwelling was open and van�ala:.zed, on February 24, 1970, the City Council ordered the Public Works crews to sacta.re all openings. On March 2, 1970, our inspector reports that it is still secure. Inasmuch as the above structure constitutes a hazard to public health, safety and welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, d.ilapidation, physical damage and abandonment, it is the recommendatio� of the Bureau of Public Buildings that this matter be referred to the City Attorney for condemnation through the District Court. Ve t uly yours, . Robert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs cc: Messrs. J. J. 5ega1 J. Talbot W. Timm A-tar. � 1g70 � � � e ' C...�..._�_ ' ,`�` �� ` �, ,'`,, ,h "?r. Daniel A. Klas ,=�_ --,` ",�,� ' \ Corporation Couns�l %fr''�^.y`` } , Building ,;/,�' /' � / -•' bear Sir: \`~��,� ;%f.�'� ti� , The City Cauncil reques�ed:_t� you` �epare a resolu�ion ed orderir,g the correcti¢�n/of wr lc�ng a moval o�' iche hazardous �tr�..eture at 79� Cap��ol Heighis. � , ( ��` � , Verv trfaly vo�xr�, �------.. ���, �: ��_,, j� � City Clerk � n� � � . �,` , ,:'�/ �,, _.._.. � ��r ' � ��',;,—.,.��(��� �a DUPLIWTE TO PRINTER /'�'N�� �p �'4.fJ(Y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ' F s� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N4'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MMISS�IONER Vict�r �. Tedescu DATF �'ebruary 20. 1970 WHEhEA.�, the Czty Architect �zas requested the C�ty Council tU hal.d a public hearin� to consider tlle advisability and necessity of the correctic�n rsr wrecking and xexx�:aval of the duplex dwelting at 790 �a�aitol Hei�hts� more �axticularly described aa the Westerly csx�e half of Lot 5, Block 13, �A.�hton anc� �herburne's Addition to �aint �''aul. ` because said buildi.n� i� re�c►rted to ccnstitute a hazardous strlacture� and �i�RE��, it appears that the last lcnown record ovvner of the property ,: is t�ie Midwest Federal �avings and Loan �s��ci�.tiQn; therefore. be it `f RE:OLVET3, that a Fublic hearin� be ,held by and befare the Council o€ the � �° �1� Ci.ty cf �aint F'aul, in the Co�.tncil Chamber of the Gaurt House ita said city at 1Q a. m. �n Thba.rsday, Ar?'arch 5, 1970, to conaider th� advisability and necessity �{� ��f c,rdering the cor�ection and /or wreckin� and removal of the strueture an the abc�ve �� �' deacribed praperty beca.uge said structure is *e�arted to cc�nstitute a hazardous �ti buildin�; and a hazard to public health� �afety and welfare; be it FtTRTH�R ���OLVED, that the City �3.rchitect� e�n be�ialf of the City C��ncii, notify by mail the record ownex° t�f tlle property in question at tlie la.st ':�awn address, as �ve�.l a� ather interested p�ersons cf record, �af t3ze date and time of the h�arin�. �i'�:.� � _, ���0� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,�• fV Carlson °;'` - � � Dalglish Approver� 19.—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne � �q � � �� �L , �W C�� ...�. ,,�`,_ �.." � ' O . p DUPLIC.'.TE TO PRIN7'ER � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�Nci� NO. � ��U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF RESOLV�1�, TIiAT TH� I'LANS AND SPECIFICAxI0N3 FOR TkiE CQNSTRUCTION OF AN ORNAMLIdT�L STREET Z�GFiTING SYSTEM ON A1tCA1�E STitE�T FRAM c:AS� AVENUE TO IVY AVEb1U�, AS SU�MITT�D H�REWITH FREPAREll BY THE I.IGHTING BURE.�„BJ UNDER THE DIR�:CTION OF THI:: COMMIS92C3N�R pF PUBLIC UTIT.ITIES, BE AND TkIE �r� AIttE HEl�:$Y APPROV�D, THE SAI� �EI�G SATI��'ACTC�ItY '�0 THE CON�.�+iISSION�R OF PUBLIC U�ILITI�S A1VD THE PUI�CIi�SING AG�NT I� �,:�i��3X �3UTHGRTZED TO ADiIERTISE FOR I3IDS TH��REON IN TH� MAIVNER Pk�OVIBED Ii� �P,ND BY THE CIlAR`TEtc. � ���,a,'� 1'^�h .. �,x;<, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays >�,°""` �;,;, Carlson Dalglish /� Approve� 19— Meredith �� n Favor Petexson� Sprafka �" Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President,Byrne � ..._� . _ . O