248704 r � � � 248��4 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK , , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL�O TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY COMMISSIONE DATF RFSOLVFD, That the Council of the City of Sai�t Paul, with the consent of the Gammissioner of Pa.rks and Recreation and Public Buildings, does hereby authorize the Department of Public Works to construct, operate and maintain a public storm sewer in, under and over a portion of Phalen Pa,rk, more particulasly described as f'ollows: A perma.nent easement 50 feet in width Pram the east line of Forest Street to Lake Phalen for the purpose of constructing and maintain- ing a public sewer on, under, aeross, and through Gover�a�nt Lots �+ and 5, Section 21, Township 29 N. , Range 22 W. , and that paxt of the Northeast 4 of Southvrest u of said Section 21 lying Northerly of a line commencing at a point on the Easterly line of said Southwest u, 1522.30 feet South of the Center line of said section; thence Northwesterly on a curve of' 950 feet radius 1065.07 feet; thence on a reversed curve of 1817.35 feet radius �1017.6 feet to a point on the North line of said Southwest 4 1287 fee� west from center of said Section 21, the centerline of said eas�nent is described as � follows: Beginning at a point on the north line of said Southwest � ,�–� of Section 21, 8 feet west of its point of int�rsection with the . centerline of Forest Street; thence in a northeasterly direction o D at an angle of 15° 00' 00" to the left f�om the north line of said o -�v Southwest 4 of S�ction 21 for a distance of 154.55 feet to a point; ° � thence southeasterly at an angle of 30° 00' 00" to the right Por o � a distance of' 15�+•55 feet to a point on the said north line of the � m Southwest 4 of Section 21; thence east along said last deseribed line a distance of 95.91 feet to a point hereaf`ter referred to as � point "A" ; thence continuing in said E'ly direction on said line � for a distance of 688.86 feet; thence SE'ly at an angle of 4°4'18" to the right for a distance of 478 feet more or less to the shore- line of Lake Phalen and there terminating; also, com�encing at point "A" in a SW'ly direetion at an angle of 52°32' to the left t`rom the said north line of the Southwest ,�–� of Section 21, Township 29 N., R�nge 22 W. , for a distance of 247.�+8 feet; thence S'1y at an angle of 37° 28' to the left for a distance of 65.0 feet and there terminating. A1so, tem�porary construction easements 15 feet in width on each side of and immediately adjacent to the hereinbefore described permanent easement, said temporary easements to terminate on December 31, 1971, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O ! ' ' ` ;z'48 �'�4 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK r . � CITY OF ST. PAUL fOENCII NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM�SSIONER DATF PAGE 2 which public storm sewer is a part of the ARCADE-WHEEI,()CK �TORA2 SEWER SYSTEM authorizeci by Couneil Resolution, C.F. No. 247873, approved March 13, 1970. RES�LVED Ft7RTF�R, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to record a copy of this resolution in the Office of the Re�ister of Deeds. Certified copy of foregoing resolution sent to Register of Deeds on May 5, 1970. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council M'AY 7 �'� 19— Yeas Nays �� 5 ��'Q� Carlson Dalglish pprovec� 19�_ Meredith n Favor �...�_ � Sprafka. v Mayor Tedesco A gainst �'4 �UBLISHED MAY 91970 �Mr. Vice Yresideat (Yeterson) � fl µ � c. ' w4 . ". . ._ _ .,�� k�,t-�',��� �.k', r ,4 �� , ! ye, i � M s y.y � ��� .'���� - � � � .�'A �.-t �..�� ,���r i L � r�! April 1, 1g70 ' �/�/�� '.:;1.5 �`. v � , Mr. J. William Donovan � Valuation Engineer l.���� 286 City Ha11 �R� � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Donovan: Subject: Arcade - Wheelock Storm Sewer System Concerning the above noted project, the Parks Department does not oppose the granting of an easement to the Department of Public Works. We would, however, like to �o on record as hav- ing expressed deep concern about the possible effects of this and other storm sewers emptying into Phalen Lake, as possible sources of pollution. In grantin� an easement for this project, it is with reluctance that we approve the construction of a sewer across park prop- erty when the long range effects of this construction are un- known. As a condition for this approval of the project, the Parks De- partment requests that the Department of Public Works join with us in a joint testing program to be carried on over a long period of time , to assure that the contamination of the lake does not reach a dangerous level, rendering it unsafe for any and all conceivable recreational uses. Yours very truly, � Bernard L. Edmonds Superintendent of Parks BLE: Is Y .. ♦ . , � O• • , � � r r� � STATE OF MINNESOTA � County of Ramsey ss. CTTY OF 3AINT PAUL I�---------------------HarrY_..E.__Me►z'�ha].la----------....------------•---•--......__City Clerk 0 :.`' of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certifq that I have s a— 248704 � compared the attached copy of Council File No........................................... � � _ ae adopted by the City Council.-----------------M�Y... x-----......-------....19.----70------ � and approved by the Mayor....................... --�'Y.._��._--------------------19.•-----7�---- c � with the original thereof on flle in my office. � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•-•------._..._....------------------ � '�'.i ------------------------------------------------•---------------------------•--•-----......------------------•-•--------------------.... W U 4 ..-°...°°-----°-----------°•----------°--•------°-----°°--°°°°•°'--------°°--°•-'°-°--°-°^°-----°-•°•--•--•-°- � � ..............."'-"--"'--..._..-•-'--"'•"-""--°-°--.._..-'--"'•----""'-------°--•'-•'-"--'--"-'•'--".....°-°-----°-° �'y� , v�j � '"""""""'"""""'"""""""'""'""""""""""'"""""""""'""""""""""""._...""""....."'.............""""" � � � ""'""""""""'"'""""""""""""'""""""""""'......................."""""""'""""""'"""""""""....""" """...."""""""'"'"""......�...�........""""""......."""""""""""'...""...""'.....�.�..."""""'"....""" """""""""""""'""""""".�.....""'"'"""'"'""""""'..."'"'"'"""""""""""'..."""".........."""""""""""' """""'"""'"""'"""...""'"'"""'"""""""""""'.._....""""""""'"'"""""""""""""""'""""..."""""..._ """......""""""""'""""'.._._..."'"'"""""""""""""""""»""""'""'...�........'""""""'..�..""'""'".. � �; fi I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of r,�,, _ _ • said original and the whole thereof. `� ? ' WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. ;, this...-------5th..............day of------------- ---......�Y�---•----•--...------..A. D. 1 ....7�_. � ��- ; �� � --- - --- •-----•------ -•-.- ------------•------------- City Clerk. � !, : jy ;vo i % I � :v U �_ � v :�CE � . DUPL;CAT6 TO pRINT6R ��� l�� CITY .OF ST. PAUL cooNC�� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � PAGE 2 � � w � -a c�. � �rhich public atorm a�rer is a part of the ARCA;DE-''t�SLpC� STO�M S�R � �Yf�T�M a,u�horized by Covncil Re�olution, C.F. No. 247873, approved � l�.rch 13, 197�• � R�SOL� 1+'��R, That the City Clerk is hereby dfr�cteci to record a cc�py at' thi� resolutioa in the Oi�Yce �f th� �teg3ater of Deeds. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii�� � ��70 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson � ��� � ���� Dalglish � Approved 19—_ Meredith Tn Favor ,g��r�t,;,_ Thomas R. B,yrne Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst 1V��s t�eil�;�`°,q"'"r#��`��'�• �a�i.. �1!J: �''t���tlailY ,�� �..�.; _ . �� teteOB�� _ � � OUPLIGTB TO PRINTSR . ��"' • � ,4' . CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�N�i� NO j ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c MM SS�IONErt Robert F. Peterson DATF � � ""'� R�SOI�Y�, Tha:t th� Council .oP th� ��ty of 5ai�tt P�u3� wi�h the conse�t � of the Ccm�missic��ter caf Pa,.xks and R�creat20n a.nd. Pulali� Buirt.d�s„ do�a her�by � authorize the l��pastmen� of Pub13e �torks to construat, cpera,t� and mainta�n �� a pvblic storm sewer 3.n, under and over a portion of Pha3.e� Park, mare ;�� pa�icu.t�rl;� des�ribed as tflllowst � o A p�rmanent easement 54 feet in width �rc�m the east line of Ferest � Street to Lak,e phalen fflr the purpose of cor��xr�tet� and ma3ntain- ing a, p�.blie s�wer vs�, �nder, across, and throug�t Qravernm�n� Lats 4 and 5, Sec�ion �l, Tv�wr�sh3p ^9 1V., Ra,nge 22 �., a,�d tha�t paart af the Ne�rtheast 4 of Sm�h�est � of �id gection 21. Iy�.ng �forthe�ly o�` s. lizi�e cc�mmencir� at a point cs�t the �sterly liaa� of said Southwest �, 1522.30 feet South oP th� Center line of' said �ection� th�nce Nor�h�ester�,.y an a curve of 950 f�et r�3ius 1fi65.�7 Feet; thence on a revers�d c�rve a� 1817.35 feet ra.dius �.417.6 f�e� to a pa3nt on �he N�r�h �.ine v£ sa.id. �outh�est � 1287 feat w�st fraan C�r�ter of sa,id Section 23., the center�3ne af' sa�.d ease�ent �.s deseri'bed a.� ft�llaws: Begianing at � po�n� on t�e north 13n� of sa.id Sou�hwest �, of Section 21, 8 �eet wes� aY` 3ts poi�et o� inter��ct3on w3th the e�nter2lne of Forest Street! thence ix� � raorth�aster]y dfrr�ction �.t an an�l� of 15° OU' OQ" to tlae lef� �°om the r�orth Zine of said Southwest � of S�eti�n 2l for a di.sta.nee of 15�.5� �'eet to a po�nt; thenee southeaste�cly at an an�.e of 34° �(3' Ot�" ta th� r1�►� for a distanc� of 15�.55 feet �e� a point on the said north lins +af the �outYnrest k of Section 2i; $hence east alon� said ].ast described ].int a dis-�ance of 9�'j.9i Feet tca a p43x�� herea�er re�erred to as po�.zit "A"� thence coxit�nuix�� �.r� said :�'Iy �.irectios� cro said li,ne for a c�i���nee of 6$8.$6 feet; thence �S'ly at s� an�,e of �°4'1$" to th� r9.� fcm � distance of �+7$ £eet mare or l�ss to th� sl�4x°e- line c�f �,ake Pha,�.��a �n3 ther� tex�inat�ng; r�,1.sc, cc�ne�ci�a� �� poi�t "A" in a SW'ly dir�ctian at aa� axig].e of 52°32' to the i�ft Prc� the said narth iine o� the So�zthwest ,�-� af �ection 21� Township 29 N,, R nwge 22 W., Por a d3.stanae a� 2�-7.�8 feet; thena� 3'2y at ar�, ang].e of 37° 2$' to the lef`t fc�r a aistanc� af 65.a �ee� and t�er� terQCin�tix�. Also, te�aporary construction �as�:ments 15 feet i.n width can ea�3ai side of and �,mmediately ad�a�ent tn t�ie h�reinb�fore deserib�d pez�man�:nt easemex�t, sa.id temparary eas�nents ta ��r�ti�.t� on December 31, 1q?3�, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Meredith __jn Favor Peterson Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 55 ` '�,�. ��\\ �i ' e,r � " / � � •���rr ^>� � w k � � i � �� �_ \� i / t g��, �'�� �� � \ � �s `+ � �\�w � . �`��' 1 - i r��— � �; a� y ,,;/` / '.r-�� �J �+r i � �fF F / ".� �,$ Z . / � �� � \ �:��j � � . /, _'� x , p.. �� � / ,� ;z M��.( /S, � �.qa� � �� �` . � � �rfA3L�''e.���"+v3 �'\ k. .p � �;� �� / � � / / ��r� %% �:'�u'.�`f �,ti�y� 7rt5�;{��"'��\\ 6' �����P'k ���'` ?/ ��% \ � ' �"�, ? ;�n�'�''*�' � �,°� � '�1 �`n / � �}M T ,�`K�� 4�'� Pk'� 'bM.e�I � -�' S :6 .� �� • / \ �' '^4'M �!•{�3m"�ti "v«„1+�' � 1 �k` �,.t, � � v « { / � i t � . �, ,� �, c� �; " � 2�s a�#� ; � � . / / \" � �t �" -0 1� f��,� �. `\ � i ���y� ��� � � �; I / ;, / \�,,��,h� ���}�� !E � �. .' 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