248692 , � ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK �/48��2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E � LICLi;Sr; COI��•iI�rT� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May 5� 197� COMMISSIONE DATF 4� T����;tiS: The Fourth Distric�, Veterans of Foreign �tiars has m�.de applica.tion for permission to conduct a tag day on Friday� May 22, 1970� between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:OU a.m. on the streets of the City of Saint Paul, therefore, be it R�SOLV�D: That permission b e and the s�xne�s hereby granted to the Fourth District Veterans of Foreign tiJars to conauct such solicitations on the day, date and between the hours requested. RENE ��TAL Inf. app. by Council hpril 30, 1970 �� � ��0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�Y 5197� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith � Tn Favor ' Mayor Sprafka � Tedesco A gainst ���.. �•��t c����� !�UBLISHED MAY 91910 0 ' . � CITY OF S'AINT PAUL � /� /' � Capital of Minnesota ` ! � �(_ 9 � � KJ / �e a��i�er�t o c�b�ic �a et p � POLICE T2rit11 and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commissloner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenae Inspeetor 1�pri1 30� 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, rLinriesota Gentlemen: The Fo•��rth Di.strict� Veterans of Foreign �lars make aprlication for per�issi_.;n to cond�,ct �, Ta� Day on Friday, Ma,y 22� 1970, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 12:Ou�.m. 1^hey have complied with Ordinance No.13338, aMerdin� Chapter No. 450.00 of the St. Paul Le�islative Code and Ordina,nces which deals with solicitation of funds. The ap��iication is Made J�mes �3ova and John Po�s�rt. Very truly S�ours� ���.�;�e P�` License Inspector �'�1.1 � V � 0 c � r ' ., . � C�TY CJF' ST. P�,DI, 4Ffice of License �nspector 202 Public Safet� Buildi.n.g St. F�aulp I�.nnasota 55101 Application for permisaion `to solYCit funds, or to conduct tag days, upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, I�inn.esota, Aate of Application�� �/ �/� 19 �� le Name of organization //��,�i�i9i�.,s �/� ��i��j..��� ���,$ Address of organization s�, ���i/�� �//(��, �� ��S T, 2. Chief officer of organization (��/Lf�',j' �Q�� 3. Secratary of organization (fQ�/� pUSS,�j�j 4. Name of person or persons respansible for �he distrihution. of callected funds. �',�/���'�S �f` �/��J �as �-S ,�`�q�.v �r L�r�,��S 5. Purpoae or objact for which s�lic�itation is to be made �/,D T� .D/S�1�L,C� l/�=7�,�i� iV s /1�a�J 5 �1,�-�.�i�/ti J 6. Use to be made of funds collected /���/E/� 7e Solicitation will be made on � � �/� � / �7� dates, betvvesn the hours of ��J� �nd �� •�,M 8, Looation �rhere solicitation vvill take placse �/��QL�Cy��(/T �/T� 9e Liat the amoun�s of any wagess fees, commissions, cos�s or sxpsnsas pe�ic? ur �iah are expected to be pc�id in conneatiQn ve�i�h solicitatione Also Iist n,ames of persons to ,�rham payinents have bsen made or �nrill be tt�de and the amounts �f such p�ymentso (A financial state�nt iaeluding this inform�tian may be attachecia) �;�D.�l�,�.� c��) T S � ,� . i 1�. Attach a copy of bud�et ahowing solicitations for this fiscal or ealendar yea r. 110 Have you read Chapter 450 of the St. P�ul Legislative Code, which prorvides for the aecuring of permission �a conduo-t -�he solicitation of funds, or tag d.ays a upon the streeta of the Gity of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulationa also provicted in said ordinance4 y�S r 12. Application made in beha of the above organization bys Name _����/e tle or Office 7` T��f�T. (J�f�C Name Ti�Gle or Of f'ice ��-� s2a� oF �rnrnr�so�p) �ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY � ���� and � . being duly aw�orn say that they are the petitioners in the above application; that they have read the f�regoing petition and l�na�r gontents and purposes thereaf; that same is true of�he ir o�m lrnaasrledge. � 6; % �'i .��. � --��%L�C/f� Sub�eribed and sworn to bef ore me this � -> > day of__��'�,�� 19_�c� J �� � i� Notary ubl°, Ynsey County, Mi.nne ta My commission expires r � -aS � / � �c� DOROTHY :i. MUNKELWITZ� Notary Pubiic, Ramsey County, Minn, My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970, � Y ` • � April 30, 1970 Hon. Wm. E. Carlson Comsr. of Public Safety Public SaPety Bldg. Deax Sir: Attention: Mr. Daniel MeLau�hlin The City Couneil today informally approved the application of Fourth District, Veterans of Foreign Wars for permission to conduct a Tag Day on Friday, May 22, 1970, between the hours of 6 A.M. and 12 A.M. Will you please prepaxe the customary resolution cavering this matter? Very truly yours, City Clerk ng