248691 � OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK ����J� � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N0. ��� � LICLI�SE COI���ITT:� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY May 5� 197� COMMISSIONE DATF L��I�?���5: Th.e Fourth Distric� kuxiliary� l�merican Zegion has made application for permission to conduct a ta,g day on Friday� May 22, 1970, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. <nd 12:00 �..m. on the streets of the City of Saint P�ul, tnerefore, be it ^'SOLVLD: That permission be and the s�n�is hereby gr�.nted to the Fourth District I Auxiliary, American Legion to cond.uct such solicitations on the day� date and between the hours reauested. R � T1 � Z�i �: L Inf. �p_�;. by Council �.�ril 30, 1970 NIpY 51970 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �� �j fl���' Carlson Dalglish Approver� 19�_ Meredith �jn Favor �-ete�se�-� � • Mayor Sprafka J ,�gainst Tedesco -�y��' ' ��� ;,:: . t�: MY. Vies I?re�id�at (Peteraon) "�l1SHED �AY 91970� 0 , •, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL /� ���j� Q - � Capital of Minnesota ( ( / , � � t � �e a�t�e�t o c���ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, CoMR113810riC[ POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY,Deputy Commfuioner DANIEL P. Me LAUGHLIN, Lieense Insptetor ��pril 30, 1970 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Faul, Minr.esot.� Gentlemen: The Fuurth District ruxiliary, lymerican Legion m�kes applic�.tion for permission to conduct a Ta� �ay on Friday, May 22, 1970, between tl�e hours of 6:OG a.m. and 12:00 �.m. They have complied t•rith Ordin<:nce iVO. 13338, amendin� Cha�oter No. 450.00 of the St. Faul Legislative Code and Ordinan�es wrich deals tti�ith the solieit�.��on of funds. The ap?�lic�.tion is made by Nirs. h. 4J. L. And::rson a.nd TYIrs. Grace Keller. Very truly yours, • • �� � 1 i License Inspector � .-�'l/ � G i 0 � . • CITY �F STe PAtIL Office of LiQense Inspector 242 Fublic Safety Build9xsg St. Paul, I�innesota 55101 Application for permission to solicit fund�, or to conduet ta� �da�ys, upon the strests of the City of St. Paul, Minnssota, �:� Date of Application Apr.13� 19�0 l. Name of organization gQy�� Mstriot Couna�l Jbr�rioan L�g'lon Auxiliar� Address of organization � �d��� 2, Chief officer of organiza�ion ��,A yT ��r�p 0�•1 tb �r�. 90. Mit�nN lis $41? 3. Secretary of organisation �s� drao� IG�ll�r,� 1321 Drap�r, 3t.Pan1 55�i3 4� Name of person ar persons responaible for �he distribution of collected funds. 26 IInits o� th� Fewrt� Distriot 4��rican I,��ion Awcilisry 5, Purpose or object for �iah aoliQitation is to be made To O�ll�Ot �ot�y to b� �tid Wiliar� for Y�t�rax�s aad L�air tuili�a �ztras at Cbri�tras�ThaAlcsgi�riru ard at�r 6s Use to be �de oP funds collected �jp ��p�bpn� tM ��u , 7o Solicitation will be �de on p�j 22, 1Q70 dates, bet�resn the hours of 6 A�K� and 12l00 p. �I. 8e Looation where solicitation will take plaoe ,S't, psul, 1�inx�. 9e LYat the amounts of any vaa�es� fses, eommissians, costs or expensea p�id ar whieh are expected ta be p�id in connecti�n with solicitations Also list names of persons to v�hhom payments have been made ar will bs me�de and the amounts c�f such �yments9 (A financial state�nt i.acluding this informaticm may be att�checi, �te�,o —�. se�.,at.tw*i�rhttsaetnr ���� . � a , � 1�. Attach a copy oP bud�et showing solicitations for this fiscal or calendar y�ea r. llo Have you read Chap�er 450 of the St. �ul Legislative Code, which provides for the aecuring of permission to conduct the aolicita�ion of funds, or tag da�ra, upon the streeta af the City of St. Paul and do you fully understand the regulationa also provided in said ordinance? 12o Applioation made in behe�lf of the above or a izat'on bys �;/� , ���� , �,. _ � '� ��� � � Name,�/��> Lr/�.�� ���.r���-�c Title or Office%;2�'-;%���c�v� L�:�� �� ��1-�-�G � � Name Title or Office s2Ar� aF �rnrnrESOTa) �ss CQURTY OF RAMS�Y `/(/�,�, `���� .�`r-�''�-G�'`Z�-�cJ and being duly a�rorn say that they are the petitioner3 in th�e above application; that they have read the fbregoing petition and l�n�r contents and purposes therat�P; that same ia true oP the ir o�rn lrnawledge. /�j��.� � � 1���= � �*� «�� Subacribed and sworn to bef ore me this v�g �" day of �� 19�r � �-x-v-�� ` �G'l��- Notary ub , Ramsey County, Minn ota � I+�y coaimission expiresi/n " ���/�'� � DOROTHY J. MUNKEIWITZ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expires Oct. 25, 1970 . � f ti ADril 3Q! 19?� �!'�ar���9itr.q► Publ.ic 8at'�ty Buildin� Dear Bir s At„��t M:►. �sni�l MoLdu�hlin The City Cauncii �odiqr lntorme�3� apprvred the ap�pliartic� of �'e�urth Di sLsiaL Awdliary� �itxn Legi�n !ar persissioa to oo�adu�t a '!'a8 Da3► on lrid�YR t�qr 22� 1970� bet�een the houri o! 6 A.M. and 1� A.M. NiL1. you p1�sM pr�peuce tht a�s�r� resolutioa bvrsring this mattss! ��! �� y��r Gity al.ltk : �