248688 � Orieiaal to City¢lerk - ' ������ � � � . � = ORDINANCE � - �o� � � o �� -_. ,� � PRESENTED B "'� '� �`��r� ���� .An Ordinance amending Ordina e No. 11761, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Min.ne sot a, it s successors and assigns, permission to use the streets �nd other public property located in the City of �aint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 1g61, prescribing rates which the Grantee may charge for such service , and de- termining the amount which the Grantee shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. " WHEREAS, Northern States ��o�ver Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the S ate of Minnesota, being a public service corporation; supplying gas public utility ser- vice within the City of Saint Paul under Ordinance No. 11761� approved June 21, 1960, and the Grantee of a permit thereunder to use the streets and bther public property located in said � City for said purpose for a period of ten years from and after January 1, 1961, on May 23, �g68, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of said Ordinance, filed its Petition addressed to the Council of said City for said Council's review of such operations of said Northern States Power Company under said permit for said Councilts prescription, by Ordinance, of reasonable rates which said Northern States Pow�r Go�pany may eharge for such gas service within said City as shall be thereafter furnished by said Compariy thereunder; and WHEREAS, pursuan t to said Petition of said Northern States Power Company, said Council has reviewed said opera- tions of said Company under said permit and has conducted public hearings on said Petition, has heard all parties con- cerned in connection with said Petition, and has conducted . its investigation in the premises ; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that said Company is entitled to increase its revenues, including therein� among other things, an amount to cover the use of normaliza- tion accounting, rather than flow through accounting, for the income tax effect of liberalized depreciation pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1969; and ' WHEREAS, said increase in revenues under normaliza- tion accounting is granted subject to the condition that in the event the provisions of the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1g69 relating to the use of normalization and flow-through methods of accounting as they pertain to rate making are held Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk �O Form approved Corporation Coun By . � ' � • . Page 2. to be unenforceable in a final adjudication by the Minnesota Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit and the United States Supreme Court, the Company shall , in the same manner as refunds are passed on to its customers under the purchased gas adjustment provisions hereinafter contained in Company' s General Service and Inter- ruptible Service rate schedules , pass on to its customers an amount equal to the difference between the effects re- sulting from the use of normalization accounting as compared with flow through accounting during the effective period of said rate schedules , but not to exceed a period of two years prior to said final adjudication of said appellate eourt, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That Ordinance No . 11761, approved June 21 , 1960, as amended, shall be and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars , to-wit : That the first sentence of Section 4 of said Ordinance , reading as follows : "The following schedules of rates shall become effective as to all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effe_ctive. d.a.te of this ordinance, subject to the general rules and regulations on file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities , and shall remain in effect and continue in force until changed as herein and in Section 5 provided. " and the schedulesof rates for General Service and Interruptible Service thereafter stated hereby are stricken therefrom; and in place of said stricken sentence and schedules of rates , the fol- lowing provisions hereby are inserted in said Section 4 of said Ordinance : "During the remaining period of this permit the following schedules of rates shall become ef- fective as to all bills computed from regular meter readings on and after the effective date of Ordinance No . T!-/���� , subject to the General Rules and Regulations on file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities , and shall remain in effect and continue in force until changed as herein and in Section 5 provided: . � , ' , , . � ���� Page 3. G�TERAL S�VICE � AVAILAFTLITY AVB.ii.�,b�e to ar.y residential, couunercial, or ir.dustri.�. customer fcr gener�.1. use of =,atural gas s�rvice. RE1'LE Firs� 2 OOG cu. ft. per month @ $1.85 per Mcf Nex+ 3 COC „ „ " " @ .85 " „ Next 5 000 " '� " �� @ .75 t� �� Nex� 39� 000 ,� �� �� �� @ .74 �� �� IVext 400 OO�J " " " „ @ .72 �� �� Next � 200 000 " " '� �� @ .bg " '� �xcess T� ,� „ „ @ .66 �� " PURCHASED GAS F�JTJST��ivTT In tre event there is a change in the town border rate under w:�iich Compar.y purchases gas sold uiider the ab�ve scheau?e, tYie-re shall be add�d �e or deduc�ed frem the monthly bill comp�ted according �o tne abave schedu�e tr�e produci oi �:�a monthly consumptior a,nd the amot r.t re� M��f to t�e ne�.rest 0.1¢ �,y w:�iich t'r_e avera,ge anr.ua:L to��n bcr-der• pl:rci�a.se cost per �1Cf t0 C'JIP_p�:y"� UFiS@C1 U11 �Yl@ n,,:r.iner Oi �i8,ti'S 'i�S� OI ��?� �:nn+.,r�,cZ tit:Tl?cLL`i�. IluCC6- ScL7'�i +O serve tr':@ tOLt3.�. (�,-2ri?�'�� SE:`��CP. T't?t.��.?2't?P?citSy �.S».?71��T'? 02' .'J..F..F^�' .,''i.�''x ....: ��i.�'-. aV��I'2.r�C :'."ii�F�1. GGL*T'i CC.":'LE:2' 1�1..3 'f?.uc� �±����; �ar i�icf ecm�u�f9� pf �",�lE.' Sc.i1:E'. b�,sis and on No�4-n Lorder �a��H CO:iJ7.s�ing o�° :� �ei:�anc� c:l:�.:�e o� �3.Chl v�r Mcf' per morl�h and a comr.iodz�v charge c-F 23,1'+ cents per ��.cz. In the even�c '�he total v�iatior. i5 a posi�ive aa-r.our.t, such amo:int w�ll be �:�altiplied b�,• ?.053. ?'he avera�P a:rLraal toTan border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed. wi�r tile �ase �f �ne billirig demand uni.ts ai�d annual volumes of natural gas pu.rr.hased. from Pdarthern Natur<�,1 Gas Company for resale to General. Service gas customers served by Coru�p�;siy in its P�linnesota service asea, adjuste3 to reflec� r_orr�al temperat��;res, for the calendar year preceding tY�e change iri the town border rate. In the event a r�f'�and is received by the Coffipany from Nor.thern Natural Ga.s Company attributabse �o the cost of gas which has been sold by the Co�panyr under the f"ore�cing p�;.r�`�ased �as t�.djustment cl�use, suc:h attributabie ref`and, IriUl.'tlpl�ed by �'r.e faci.:cr l.G53, ��gether with interest thereor. rece_v�d by the Co:�r�ar.y wil1. be ��p�l.ied as a reduction in the purchased gas a.djustm,ent untii the �r!ount cf such s.ttributable re�;�nd arid interest has bee�r� e�:p�:�aed. Su�ri unii reduc�icn will be ex�ended over a per�oe. not to exc�ed +w��lv�e e:ont:hs9 MOiVT�iI,Y M�i:L�^'`�it7bl C�-iARGE y�2.00 HEATI�IG VA::L� Pdataral gas with a nominal hea�ing value of 1000 Btu per cu�zc foot. �J' ' . . ' Page 4. INTF.RRUF�I�3?� SERVICE Ci� AVAILABIu�ITY Available an r�,t� interruptible basis to a commercial or industrial custome: whose ma.i:imum hour�y req�.zirements are in excess of 1000 cubic fset and who wzll a.aee (�.) to cur;ai7. his use af gas whenever requested by Ccmn�.y, (?) to provide and m�.inta,in suit�.ble and adequate standby facilities, and (3j to h�.ve available at all tin:es sufficient standby fla.eJ_ to maintain continuous pi�nt oper- atior. d�:sing periods of curtailment in the de]_ivery of gas sold hereundez•, Tf customer a.grees t� confine trie use of natural gas under this rate to -the months af Apri1 �hrough Octot,er in any calendar year, requirements (2) and (3) above sha11 not apply. CHARA�I'ER OF SER��ICE Delivery of gas hereunder sha11 be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be ma.de as far in advancE as poss�bi.e. �'iTE Priority Ra�te MontY:l.y Maa�imum Day Mcf Monthly Reqt:irements Ci2.ssi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six r�onths �icat;i_on i,Icf L'hart;e (See Note 1) each yea.r (See Note 1) P.�1 �.�q �5G 0 More than 1000 cu. ft. per :�our but less th.an � 50 Mcf p�r. day i� .1 i i�:�:�i: �:it ;�',��` r�I' II��r� �i:L less than 200 Mcf BB .�+3 �:�0.GO 200 Mef or more B .�+1 600.oo " " " " 5 00o to 9 99q.� c .39 i 400.ao }' " T' " io 00o to 1g go9,9 � .36 2 600.00 „ „ " " 20 000 to 49 99g.9 '-. �,' .32 5 900.00 " „ " " 50 00o to 199 999•9 F .305 J_0 OOO,OG P+fore than 12 C00 Mef 200 000 and more PURCF.AvFD GnS �i:��,r;'iiV':T�'T�I'1' In the event there is a change in the town border ratF� � unde:r s'J1�1C�'i V'v't��?c.r'i�% 1J"'�,�T'C::iaSf:5 �aS 5011 ilI'iC�ei 1:ilE: �,JOVB sen�dule, 'GCG�'E'. .^�.h2�1 be addecl �o o-r deducted from +he �.onthly bill computed according to the above S�r.eaui° L!:� product of the m.onthly constunption in Mcf and the amo�n� per hicf to tbe nea.rest 0.01� oy which the town border commodity charge varies from 23.1.!+� �er Mcf.. In the ezr�nt the total varia�ion is a positive amour?t, such �o�ant ti-i71i be mvltiz��.i.ec1 by 1.053. Any revision ir� the purc�ased gas adjustment due to a change in the tota�r border rate shall becor�e effective on bills based on regular meter readin�s on and ai"ter 30 da-,��s irom the effective date of the change in the town barder. rate. Tn th� event �. rcfl�nd is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas �om- pany attr�butat�l� to tLie cost of gas which has been sold by the Company ulidEx� tit�e f�re�oin� pu..rc?:�.tier g�,s adj�astmer.t clause, wu�h a+tribut�,bl.e reflins, r:��a.l.tir�?ied • , . .. . �, ~ �i`2(��J� ' . � � � � 4 / i Page 5. i � INTERRUPI'TBLE S�VICE (-can�-rr:�r}- � by the factor 1.053, togetY.er �ri.th interest thereon, received by the Company wil� be applied as a redaction in the purchased gas adjustment uriti? the amount of such attributable reflmd and interest has been exp�nded. S�.ich unit reduction wi11 '�e extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. b10Nri'HLY MINIMLTrd :�;FiARGE If in any month customer does not use tne minimiam amourt provided for 'r��rein bec�use of Company's failure to deliver �as who11; or in part, the :��ontrly zr�nimum c:har�e shall be reduced proport;ionately to the amount of curtailment 3uring such month. Where customer agrees �to discontir.u� the use of service d•,�ring the period f�om November 1 to March 31, inclusive, eacr� year, the mo�thl5- rninimum char�es hereun3er wi11 be waived dl.u•ing said period. niC'�T PAYM�T�T PRCVI5IOAT A charge of 5°fo on the first $25.00 monthly plus l� on the remainder will be aaded to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule show:, above, w�ich charge sha11 eonstitute� a discount f'rom gross bi11 for pay- ment within thQ discount p�riod. � �3'iVIT OF D��'�'_�u�cEr�ZF!VT i'l�e un�t of ineasuremen� shall be a cubic foot oi gas at an �absolute p�^essure ef 30 inches of inercury, and a temperatizre of 60 debrees F�.hrenheit. ?�A��Tr VALIIF �rom ;75 Bzu to 1025 Btu (incl.usive) per cubic foot. I�' in �.ny mo�lth, tne �ithmetic aver�.�e of hou.�ly tota.l heating values of �Yie gas is 1�ss tti'.fl,�,.:1 �j75 ��'L. �°T' Cl',�1C fGO.{',� �ti:C'. VC�.l2s1^iG Oi �3.5 :.�@3,^lli.�.C3. iiE3T'L'L'uiC�@T' i�Lli i7'i�� S:1Cii period sXi.a.l.l be decreased for billing purposes in proportion uo the decrea,�z be'low y75 Btu per cubic foot. PRIO1�Ii� CT.,�ISSIFICATION Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin wiih Cy�ssification F and progress to rlassification A.A. TE�r� OF AGR�FI�NT Service agreement shall be for a term of not less tr.a.r� ane year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until ter•mi.r.ated by at �east thirty days' written notice by either party. P3ote l: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have beer. ascer.tair,ed. 11ote 2: �'he above rate scbedules for interru.ptible service are also subj�c� to C•ornpany'.� contr.act *fri.th Northern Natural Gas Company f�om wilom the gas contem- . plated �o be sold hereu.�der will be purchased. w Page F, . LARG'r� C 01�]MERC T'-�.r, A!�tD TI`^�i7STRSAL r TFiM GAS SERVIG`E Availability hvailable to lar�e vo.lt�ne corranercial and indus�trial cus�tomers :aith reauir�men+s of 200 i�ici or more per ciay a.nd whc�se req_uirer�ents have been certif'�.ed for f'izm service by the Federal Power. Corr�.mission. Rat� ��ern�,nd Cha.r�° �3.50 per Mcf per r�onth o� Billing DeTraand -nlus- � �bzrrnociity C1iaY�ge r irst � G00 Mci per �enth c� �.4$ g�r P�c.f �rEYt 3 �oC „ �, �t � .z;2 „ „ i�text, 15 OOO " '� �� @ .3g �� ti �,Text 30 000 " '; „ @ .35 " �� �� �r n � Z n n Excess L •3., Purcha�ed. G�s ljdjustmeiit ?n the ever.* �here is a change in the town border rate under whicn Comna�.y ,-��t��cYias�s �a,s so?d t:r-der the above schedule, there shaLt be wd:zed �;o or deduc�ced i.rom tize manthly bill computed according to the above schedtzle the sim of (1) t'r.e product of the monthly billing demand and the a:;�ot2nt per �fcf te the nearest 0.'1¢ by which the town bordex demand charge varies f'rom $3.Oo�_ ane., (2) the nroduct of t.7e monthly comsumption in Mcf ard t;he arr.ourl� per N"cz to �he r.��.res�t 0.01� by which the town border corrnno3ity charge va?°iPs fr•�r,. ?_3.�4¢ per Mci. In the event the total variation is a �ositive �.�ncu.�.t; slzch :�snour_t wiL be multiplied by 1.053• Motit�l}r i�iin�TM����? ",��ax`Te 'I`he �err.ar�d Grarge � Prompt Pa.i�eni, �rrt:�;;sion A c;'�ar�;e af 5;! on the first �25.00 mor.thly plus 1.°f, on the rer^a��ider r�i:i: bE added ta net mont�?ly bill, comnuted at the rate sched.u.�..e shoti,�r_ �,bos�e, �ah�ch cha.rg� sh�.l.i �cr.sti�ute a discou��i; from gross rill Aor pay�r!ent within t�� �.is:cr,nt l;e�riod. Deter_rin.��io7= o� �il.lii.g :��man�.i. 'm:e de�r!��.� in P•'�cf for billing ?�US'pUSes sii�:.l� be t�ie ��^��.+.,e��� :�_lf ccr_st,r.:-r+,;�r ;n Mcf �±ur;n�, tY�e r.?onth for w?�i.ch bil:L as rendr�re�i, b�it �n no even: s'r.�.al.l the demand to be billed be considered as ��ess tha:n the d�.iay de�anci ir. i�ci Company agrees to deliver �s specifi.ed in the cor�.tract. be+e+een Company and Customer, nor iess than the demand previou�ly b:ill.�d. l:ereti�c�er. Hea�ir.� Va�!�,�.e Idatural gas with a nor�inal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. GAS YARD LIUHTING SERVICE Availability Available �to ar.y residential, corrnnercial or industrial cus�;omer for unme�:ered gas y�rd .lighti.ng when such customer is using gas service at the sar.ie location for other purposes. Metered gas yard lighting service will be � billed or, the applicable rate schedule. Rate �1.58 per l�p per monttii ' Sp�cial Terms and C�nd.�tions 1. C�astomer shall pay f'or the en�:�.re cost of instalsation including the F�iy�ing from the service to the ya.rd light. Cornpany shall own an�. maintain the pipin� from the service t;o �rie yard li.�ht. Customer sha11 own a..nd ma�_ntain -the yara lig��t. 2. The gas lamp may ee eith�r a single or double mantle ir..st�.11atiori. 3. 2'he orifice S,7i11 be sized to a �jl drill size. li. F`r.essure wi11 be s�t a.t l+ inch�s water co��,mn. 5. Ya.rd �ights wi�;h 1�r�e-r or.ifices or pressures tii�her than 4 inches water cotumal �ril? not; L� �es•mi.±�:.ed on ttiis ra,�:e �c?�:e�.u.��e. Orleinsf to City Clerk + . �� , . , • � � � � � �� OR �DINANCE 248�88 . • � - COUNCiI FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 7 . That the paragraph in said Section 4 reading as follows : "The foregoing rate schedules for General Service and for Interruptible Service sha11 sup�rsede the rate schedules now in effect for similar or comparable ser- vices on January 1 , 1961. " is hereby deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the fol- lowing paragraph hereby is inserted in said Section 4 : "The above General Service and Interruptible Service Ra�e Schedules are subject to the condition that in the event �the, provisions of the Federal Tax Reform Act of 1969 rel.ating to the use of normaliza- tion and flow-through methods of accounting as they pertain to rate making are held to be unenforceable in a final adjudication by the Minnasota Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit and the United States Supreme Court , the Grantee shall, in �the same manner as refunds � are passed on to its customers under the purchased gas adjustment provisions contained in said schedules of rate�� pass on to its customers an amount equal ►, to the diffe�rence between the effects resul�ting from the use- of r�ormalization aceounting as compared with flow through accountin� during the effective period of said rate schedules , but not to exeeed a period of two years prior to said final adjudica- tion o£ said .appellate court. " Seetion 2. The Grantee shall, within thirty days after 'the passage , approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the Ci�y Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and therein sha11 agree to abide by, keep and perform all the terms , limitations , condi- tions and proviffiions of this ordinance. Section 3 . This ordinance shall �ake effect and be in �force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 2 hereof. Yeas ✓Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAY 2 Q 19�0 Carlson � � Dalglish In Favor 1�Meredith '��Peterson ✓ Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Returned to the Citv CLerk's Office � Attest: on May 25� 1970, without the signature of the Mayor and therefore City Clerk Mayor ' � Form approved Corporation Counsel By pUBLISHED MAY 2 g 1970 Harry E. Marshail �1TY �F AlberF B. Olsoa City Clerk and �°� y� Counoil RecordPrr Commiaeioner of Reeistrabion o =��',:;; '' _a���, ,, �s ° ho OFPiCE OP TFIE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS �88 City Haill St.Paul,Minnesotas 55i0°l May 20, 1970 R � � �; � �� � D MA'� � 0 i970 MAYaR'S OFFI�E Hon. Thom�,s R. Byrne, 3;2 C P.M, Mayor - City of Saint P�ul. (�As Dear Sir: Attached for yaur approval is C. F. 2�8688, being an ordir�nce ameruiing Ordinance No. L1761� pres- cribing gas rates for Northern States Pawer Coffipa�r. Very t yours,_,�__.. - �-_ City C rk AO�hp (�0 _ � � 1 � ` C/ � � , f..'. (�,.n� r •��,.,_„ /� � C� � Y�N� ' A �� .,,'"" '.-.} _ � ,� f�r . . �.y� �- � � � . �. � , 11jSP � :� N O R T H E R N S T A T E S P O W E R C O M P A N Y FI�ED �� SAINT PAUL. MIIVNESOTA 55'102 j�r,a� ; �i T ;,,�� t 1�� � ��� �� Ci,�'1� �, � �,�; �.. S� �;, '�;rtr. � _ , � rr�;li� F�;i��:,'d. OFFICE OF VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGER May 1, 1970 The Honorable Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: Enclosed for filing are revised gas rate schedules for General Service and Interruptible Service in Saint Paul designed to produce an increase of revenues not in excess of $393, 910 annually based upon 1967 test year sales as shown in Amended Schedule D attached to the Order Upon Petition for Reconsideration adopted by resolution of the City Council. NSP sincerely believes the City Council was in error in not allow- ing the rate of return and the cost of 1968 wage increases as requested in Company's Petition for Reconsideration. A rate of return of 6. 35% on an original cost rate base as allowed by said Order is wholly inadequate under today's money market conditions. The adverse impact of this low rate of return is further compounded by the Council's refusal to allow in the Order the cost of 1968 wage increases presently being paid and the attachment of a refund condition in a final rate order. In lieu of ta.king further action at this time in protest of the Council's refusal to grant reasonable rates, we are filing the enclosed revised rates for the purpose of finally terminating the present gas rate proceeding which has extended over the unduly long period of nearly two years. � �,:�± . �; ;�: ,, , .`��: , . The Honorable Harry E. Marshall May 1, 1970 Page 2 It is our hope that this action will create the best possible atmos- phere for negotiations which will result in a new gas permit with improved procedures, criteria, and standards for enlightened utility rate regulation. V��y truly your, , � . � 1'. . �{��- , ��} L���I � i l� y�.. ,��. F. Owens, Jr. Vice President and Manager encls � . City of St. Pa,ul GIIVERAL SERVICE Gas AVAILABILITY Available to any residential, commercial, or industrial customer for �eneral use of natural gas service. RATE First 2 000 cu. ft. per month @ $1.85 per Mcf Next 3 000 " " " " @ .85 " " Next 5 000 " " " " @ .75 �� '� Next 390 000 " „ " " @ .74 „ " Next 400 000 " " " " @ .72 " " Next 1 200 000 " " " " @ ,69 " " Excess " „ " " @ .66 " " PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTNIEI�TT In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the produc� of the monthly consumption and the amount per Mcf to the nearest 0.1¢ by which the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf to Company, based on the number of days use of the contract demand neces- sary to serve the total General Service requirements, is more or less than the average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf computed on the same basis and on town border rates consisting of a demand charge of $3.061 per Mcf per month and a commodity charge of 23.14 cents per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.053• The average annual town border purchase cost per Mcf shall be computed with the use of the billing demand units and annual volumes of natural gas purchased from Northern Natural Gas Company for resale to General Service gas customers served by Company in its Minnesota service area, adjusted to reflect normal temperatures, for the calendax year preceding the change in the town border rate. In the event a reflznd is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold by the Company under the fore�oing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable ref�uid, multiplied by the factor 1.053, together with interest thereon received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas a.djustment until the atnount of such attributable refund and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed twelve months. MONTHLY MIlVIlKi1M CHARGE $2.00 � HEATIlVG VALUE Natural gas with a nominal heating value of 1000 Btu per cubic foot. . , � r� • ' City of St. Paul INTERRUFrIBLE SERVICE Gas AVAILABILITY Available on an interruptible basis to a commerciel or industrial customer whose maximum hourly requirements are in excess of 1000 cubic feet and who will agree (1) to curtail his use of gas whenever requested by Company, (2) to provide and maintain suitable and adequate standby facilities, and (3) to have available at all times sufficient standby f�zel to maintain continuous plant oper- ation during periods of curtailment in the delivery of gas sold hereunder. If customer agrees to confine the use of natural gas under this rate to the months of April through October in any calendar year, requirements (2) and (3) above shall not apply. CHARACTER OF SERVICE Delivery of gas hereunder sha11 be subject to curtailment whenever requested by Company, such requests to be made as far in advance as possible. RATE Priority Rate Monthly Maximum Day Mcf Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements for at least six months fication Mcf Char e (See Note 1) each year (See Note 1) AA .59 50.00 More than 1000 cu. ft. per hour but less than 50 Mcf per day A .45 150.00 50 Mcf or more but less than 200 Mcf BB .�+3 300.00 200 Mcf or more B .41 600.00 " " " " 5 00o to 9 999•9 C .39 1 400.00 " " " " lo 00o to 19 999•9 D .36 2 600.00 " " " " 20 00o to 49 999•9 E .32 5 900.00 " " " " 50 00o to i99 999•9 F .305 10 000.00 More than 12 000 Mcf 200 000 and more PURCHASED GAS ADJUSTMENT In the event there is a change in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedule, there shall be added to or deducted from the monthly bill computed according to the above schedule the product of the monthly consumption in Mcf and the amount per Mcf to the neaxest 0.01¢ by which the town border commodity charge vaxies from 23.14¢ per Mcf. In the event the total variation is a positive amount, such amount will be multiplied by 1.053• Any revision in the purchased gas ad.justment due to a change in the town border rate shall become effective on bills based on regulax meter readings on and after 30 days from the effective date of the change in the town border rate. In the event a refund is received by the Company from Northern Natural Gas Com- pany attributable to the cost of �as which has been sold by the Company under the foregoing purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied ^I . I� f • Clt�j' Of ,,St. P'dlLl INTEEiRUPI'IBLE SERVICE (Cont inued) Gas by the factor 1.053, together with interest thereon, received by the Company will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustment until the amount of such attributable reflznd and interest has been expended. Such unit reduction will be extended over a period not to exceed tw�elve months. MONTHLY MINIMLJM CHARGE If in any month customer does not use the minimum amount provided for herein because of Company's failure to deliver gas wholly or in part, the monthly minimum chaxge shall be reduced proportionately to the amount of curtailment during such month. Where customer agrees to discontinue the use of service during the period from November 1 to Maxch 31, inclusive, each year, the monthly minimum charges hereunder will be wa.ived during said period. PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISION A charge of 5°fo on the first �25.00 monthly plus 1°fo on the remainder �11 be a.dded to net monthly bill, computed at the rate schedule shown above, which chaxge sha11 constitute a discount from gross bill for pay- ment within the discount period. UNIT OF MEASUREMENT The unit of ineasurement shall be a cubic foot of gas at an absolute pressure of 30 inches of inercury, and a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit. HEATING VALUE F`rom 975 Btu to 1025 Btu (inclusive) per cubic foot. If in any month, the arithmetic average of hourly total heating values of the gas is less than 975 Btu per cubic foot, the volzame of gas measured hereunder during such period sha11 be decreased for billing purposes in proportion to the decrease below 975 Btu per cubic foot. PRIORITY CLASSIFICATION Class AA shall have first priority. Curtailment shall begin with Classification F and progress to Classification AA. TERM OF AGREEMENT Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of term, Agreement continues in force until terminated by at least thirty days' written notice by either party. Note 1: Applies to estimated requirements until actual requirements have been ascertained. Note 2: The above rate schedules for interruptible service are also subject to Company's contract with Northern Natural Gas Company f�om whom the gas contem- plated to be sold hereunder will be purchased. rTsp NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNCAPOLIB. MINNE80TA 56401 June 4, 1970 c'� �--- c: To the Honorable Mayor and �� = '�c7 c_ri Members of the City Council y�,.'�',n � c� � — r-� r Saint Paul, Minnesota `_�, � o �o � �-�r, =:i:. Gentlemen: � —.: r--: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 248688, being Ordinance No. 1�+�+91, passed by the Council on May 20, 1970 and published on May 29, 1970. NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY By ( "'l/ � Group Vice Pr i ent - Divisional M agement / .And , Assis nt Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Corporation Counsel June , 1g70 � Northern States Power Co. 36o wabasha st. St. Pa>>1, �[i�r.�sora. GentleTnen: Atte n Mr. Darrell Biatterwick Enclose�3 is a copy of a i_nan f tY t. Paul City Co��ncil, Ordinan�ce r��. Z1�t�c�1�? a ted �4�zy 2 , 19?0, and published r,�ay 2g, 1970, a^�er�din�; thc� per: 't to Northe .�, States Power Co. for eu.p- pl,yin�r �as for. a IO-ye� period fra��� and after Jan�.aary l, 19F1, a.nd prescri.bing rates w ch the Gr ee may charg,e Por such service. We ce.11 your 'on to 2 of �he ordinance requirin� the Grar�t�e to ' e, within 0 days, an acceptance of the ordina�ce in a lorM to approved b the Corporation Counsel. Very truly yo�,rs, City Clerk AO�ng Ma 5th, g7o Hon. I�obert F. Sprafka Comsr. fl� Public Utilit Building Deax Sir: The City Council rePe d to th blic Utilities Committee the attached let N�r e s Power Co. Pilin� revised �,as r�.te schedules General Serv and terruptible Service in �t. Paul to produ an increase in revenue���n excess o�" $393,910, as a.pp.rraved by resol ion of the ty Council, ' Very truly yours, City Clerk AO/ng �. � � � � '°.� � �► MAY 2 01��0 AAAYOR'S �3FFtCE ,;�';.�2d �'� (•1 A�� May 0, 1970 � Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, M�ayor - City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: Attached for yo�ar appr a is C. F. 2�8688, bein� an ardinance ame nanc o. 11761, pres- cribing gas rates fo orthern tes , er Compa�y. Very �ruly yours, City Clerk AO/hp 1 st J -� '- 2nd -� Laid over to 3rd and app -%` � —Adopted r D Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carison � Carlson Dalglish � Dalglish Meredith � lvleredith Peterson 24����eterson Sprafka /��prafka � a� Tedesco Tedeuo Mr. President Byrne Mr. President B O