248672 Orlyinal to City Clerk � �ORDINANCE ��g���;� � /'1 COUNCIL FILE NO ('1 "_ PRESENTED BY �'� ORDINANCE NO D AN ORDINANGE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF ALFRED A. CWELOT AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability F'und 0035-421, to Alfred A. Cuvelot, the sum of �150.00, in full settlement of his claim for damages and injuries sustained by reason of a fall on a defective sidewalk at or near Minnesota Street between Fifth and Sixth Streets, Saint Paul, Minnesota, on March 16, 1970. Section 2. That said sum shall be paid to the �aid claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Gorporation Counsel, for all damages and injuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council MAY 19 1970 Carlson Dalglish ' Tn Favor Me�t e.�.h- � c� Sprafka Againet Tedesco MAY 1 9 1970 1VIr, President Byrne) Appro est: /, , C' y Clerk Ma,�Qr f �O �Fa� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ��� PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1 Daplicate to Printer '���fi.�.�����' ORDINANCE �� `�' F COUNCIL FILE NO /.� � �' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO AN O1�DTN�'lI�ICE S�`r`�'LING iHv� CLt'�Ii�� OF ��L,FI�;.I� 1�. CWi�LG`I' AG��IiV,.��`'E' 7,']EI�: CIrT'Y �F' 5AINT t�''.E1LTL �I'Fii�; �'i9Z;ivCIL `i�ri� ;II�� f;ITY t�F �AI1`I' I't1UL �'iJ�',�,i C)iIBAIN: �ection l. Th�,t the �aroper City o�ficer� are hereby authorized arid directed to ya�,y a�ut af the Tort Liability F'und 0(�35-1.��I, to �lfred A. Cuvelot, the sum of ;;>1�0.00, in full settlement o� r�is claizn tor c1�,m��;es �,nd injuries sustained �iy re�ason of �. f�l� on a tieiectave s�.c�ei�a�Ilc at oz ne�.r t�ii��nesota Street b�tween �'i�th t�nd �ixth Streets, Sr�,�a�.t 4�.ul, �Zin�issota, on March 1�, i9'�0. Section 2. Th�t said sum shall b� pt�id to the �a,id claimant upon �iis executioiz an� dc;livery of a rele�.se in �ull to tme City, ir, a fo�rn to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, far all dama�es and znjuries sustained in the manner aforesaid. �ectioz� 3. That this ordiri�.nce 5h�,�.1 t��.e ef.fect �,n� be �:� force tilirt,y days �fte� �.ts passage, approval �.nd �ublication. �� ���g �.. �� ���� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the uncil Carlson Dalglish � In Favor Meredith Peterson �� A gainst Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Bvrne) _,_ ��'R'� A ''�` ���� •--------- r r �I st _ - 2nd Laid over to � 3rd and app � �4dopted �._.��� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson Dalglish ��" �1�z�y� \Dalglish �� 0 � Meredith �Meredith Peterson � .—°-1-- Sprafka \Sprafka � Tedesco edesco Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O