03-851� Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, Lifetime Fitness would like to donate used, discarded exercise equipment to the 2 St. Paui Police Department valued up to $20,000; and 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEIiEAS, The St. Paul Police Department would like to accept this donation from Lifetime Fitness; and WHEREAS, this equipment will be used to enhance the physical fitness of St. Paul police officers; and WHEREAS, the public purpose of this donation is to provide assistance to the City of St. Paul and its residents in ensuring the physiological readiness of its police department; and BE IT RESOLVED, Yhat the City Council accepts this generous donation and extends its sinceree thanks to Lifetime Fitness. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adopted by Council: Date: � ��U3 Adop•-_� ..__��.-_� �__.._____� �____.__-- By: APpr � RESOLUTI4N CTTY O�' SAIlVT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # �3• g5� 205073 �Z Requested by Department of: Police B � , � Form roved by i Attorney: By: _ Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gre n Shee�t � � DepartrnenVofficeJcouncil: Datelnfiated: pD -P�li«n��x I 2�.��� Green Sheet NO: 205073 Co�rtact Person & Phone: Chief Willram K finney 2923588 Must Be on Council Agenda by 27-SEP-03 Total # of Signature Deoarh�enY SeMTOPerso���� ln � 0 olice Deuar�ent �_— t A55ign 1 ofice Deparlwen Deparhnent Director I p Number 2 ' Attomev _�__{_'� For ROUt1Og 3 avor'sOfSce Mayor/ASSistant I Order 4 om�c4t 5 ' C7erk ' Clerk (Clip All �ocations for Signature) Signatures reques[ed on the attached council resolurion accepting used, discazded exercise equipment up to a value of $20,000 from Lifetime Fitness. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciwl Service Commission Personal Service ContracLs Must Answer the Pollowing Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Lifetime Fitness updates its exercise equipment on a regular basis. Consequently, their used equipment is discazded or available for donation. They tiave offered their used equipment to us as it becomes available. The purpose of this donation is to provide assistance to the City of St. Paul and St. Paul police officers in ensuring a physically fit police department which is able to respond to the needs of its citizens. AdvanWgeslfApproved: The St. Paul Police Department will be able to accept this generous donaUon of used exercise equipment from Lifetime Fitness. Disadvantages If Approved: None. �� `,�� l', �Ls� Disadvantages If Not Approved: The SPPD will not be able to accept this exercise equipment. Transaction: 20000 Funainy source: Lifetime Fitness CosN2evenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 04303 e� �' � . � , 1 tek'� Fi nancial Information: (Explain� Council File # 03-�51 Green Sheet # ���U CITY Presented By Referred to INNESOTA Committee: Date 13 1 WHEREAS, the North High Bridge Park Neighborhood Group has developed and actively 2 maintained the gardens and projects of North High Bridge Park since the late 1980's; and 3 WHEREAS, as part of the ongoing enhancement of the park, the neighborhood with the 4 support of the Fort Road Federation/District 9 Community Council has offered to provide a 5 Community Gate Sculpture in the pazk at no cost to the City; and 6 WHEREAS, the Community Gate Sculpture will include the Historic Baptismal Gate from St. 7 Stanislans Kostka Catholic Church, salvaged by Joe Landsberger and donated to the park with the 8 support of Father John Clay, Pastor of St. Stan's, to commemorate the contriUution to the 9 neighborhood from Czech and Slovak immigrants; and 10 WHEREAS, the installation will be done by West Side artist Craig David and will be located 11 according to the High Bridge Pazk Site Plan, created by Mr. David and approved by the City of Saint 12 Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation; and 13 WI�REAS, installation details of the granite columns adjacent to the gate, will be approved by 14 a registered professional engineer and the Artist, Craig David, will provide a certificate of insurance to 15 the City of Saint Paul; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks and Recreation will monitor the sculptuze installation and provide a final inspection upon completion of the work; 18 NOW THEREFORE BE Tl' RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby 19 accepts the generous donation of materials and labor from the neighborhood to create the Community 2 0 Gate Sculpture at the North High Bridge Park. Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation : !� -' - i,/ f�._, j • l , . ,. Adopted by CounCil: Date '�/ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By By: Mayorr Date•� Form Approved by City Attorney By: Mayor° By: Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Shee�� � PR — Parks ana xecreafion Contact Person & Phone: Tim Agness 266-6423 03SEP-03 �/ /luign Number For Routing Order 0 i 2 3 4 5 Green Sheet NO: 205660 Sent To Person ' A or's Oftice Ma odA " t mcil ' Cle k ' Clerk ?otal # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve Council Resolution accepting donauon of Community Gate Sculpture in North High Bridge Pazk. or Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Planning Commission 1. Has this personitirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personffirm possess a ski11 not nortnally possessed by any currenT city employee? Yes No Euplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): North High Bridge neighborhood, with support from the Fort Road Federation, wants to donate and install a new sculpture in North High Bridge Park. Advaniages If Approved: �� �` ;` .�� ' � � Ciry will be able to have a new sculpture installed in the North High Bridge Pazk at no wst to the City: g �' �� "� `` �'" ��'� „ E�v� �rzo � � Disadvanta�es If Approvetl: None Disadvantages if Not Approved: Sculpture would not be installed. ld�',�f'� � .P Total Amount of � Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (ExpFain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activitv Number: ` � .: ���''. ROTITRJG ORDER: %�eiow are correct routings f� the six most freqvent types ofdocmnertfs: CONTRACTS (a4sumes autharized budget exisrs) 1. Outside Agency 2. DeparlmentDirector 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor/Assistant (for c�nfracts ova 525,000) , 5. HmnenRights (for contreds over 550,000) 6. Office ofFinenciat Secvices - Rccounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) L. Activity Manager ar Department Acxoimtant' 2. DepmimentDicector 3. Office ofFinancial Savices D'uector 4. CityClerlc' 5. O�ce ofFinenciai Services - Accountin8 ADMINISTRATiVE,ORDERS (all othas) , I. DeparhmenYD'uector 2. CityAuomey 3. C1�ce ofFinancial Savices Director 4. City Claic ` COUNCII. RESOLiJTION (amend budgets/aocept grants), I. DepaztmentDirector 2. Office of Financiai Se�vices D"uector 3. City Attorney 4: Maybr/Assistant 5. CityCoimcil 6. Q�ce ofFinanciat ScKVices - AccoimtSng COi3NCII. RESOLiITION (all others aod Ordinmces) , 1. DepartmentDirector 2. City Attomay 3. MayoifAssistant ' 4. City Conncil , EJ�E�CUTIVE ORUIIt 1. DeQmimenfDaecEa� , 2. Cily Atioroey ' , 3.'MagodAs�t , 4. City Cterk ' TOTAL NfIMBER OF SIGISATURE PAGES indicate the # of pages on wLich signaNres �e required and pnperclip or Aag each of t6ese pages. ACTIONREQUESTED Descnbe what the projec.T/request seeks to eccomplish in eitfier chroaologicat order or orda of importance whichever is m�t ePPropriate for the issoe. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item m yois lic[ with'a verb. RECOMI�'1�IDATIONS Complete if the issue m q�estianhas been presented before anybodY Pnblic or privste. , PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informati� will he used to deteimine the city's liability for workers compeusation claims taxes and proper civil savice hiriag cules. INITIATINC�PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITX ', � � � Expiam the situehon or con@itions tbat creaEed a need f�Y�'P�1� � re4uesf. ADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED ' Tndicate whether this is simply en'annual budget procedwe required by law/chscter or whether there, are specific ways in wLich the City nf Saint P�ut snd it4 citizens witt benefit from dus projecr/actiaa DISADVANTAGES 3F APPROVID What negatiqe effects a majce chsnges to e:cisting � pastprocesses might.this projecUr� pcoduce if it is pacsed � Ce-& tre�c deleys, noise, taz inaeases or assessments)P ' To wli�Y W�en7Forfiow Pong?, ' � DISADVANTAGESIF230TAPPROVED ' > ' What wili be tLe negative consequences if the promised action is not appcoved? Inability to deliver service? ContinIIe lugh traffic, noise, accident rate? L�s ofrevenue? FINANCIAL,IMPACT ' Althw�gh you mnst tailor the informetion you provide here to the issne you ere sddressing in geaeral you must enswer two questions: FIow mucfi is it goingto cost? Who is goinB m, PaS? � � � . � � � � � � � ' ' �„