248659 ORIIIINAL TO CITY CL[RK 24��:�9 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO L R L —GEI�IERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE p,r� RESOLVED� That the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of �he Board of Appeals pertaining �o the f412ow3ng lis ted properties as shown by the official minu�es of said Bpard of Appeals dated Apr3I 8� Z97o, a copy of which� marked EXHIBIT "A" 3s attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Case No. ProAertv Appellant 26-�0-B �'� Cracus Place Bernard M, Jacob 29-'�0-B Battle Creek Jr. High Independent School School - D3strict No, 625 by Bounded by North Park Raymond A. Dolen Drive� Winthrop 8c Burns 2'�-'�0-B 837 E, Case George L. Ostrand f/J��'`?�=��,_,�.:: ,(;p��°-,..,,' ..„` , R��T/� �C�� �� 11910 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeaa Nays �� 1 19�� Carlaon Dalgliah pprove� 19—_ . Meredith "� Tn Favor Peterson ` Sprafka �, Mayor ��_ A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 'I�LISHED �AY 91970 �� � , �/3//U � ��lEtetinq fJr�, ;'�:) � � ���`.°�. ��lINU7ES OF THE ��1EETING �.�� ST. PAUL B0�1RD OF APPEIILS Wecinesday, April t�, 197U Room 21U, f3ureau of Nealth Lihrary, 555 Cedar St. - 1:3U C�.ni. Menibers present: Lawrence D. Cohen, CPiairman Estyr Peake Gale Rehnaerg Norrna Somm�r�iorf Arthur Tieso Jai�es Voiqt Others present: Tnomas Anderson, �;lenn Ericksor►, Sai�i i31u�, Dan I�orrc�ran, ftr. Sutton, '1rs. Frn�ta Olson, Raymond A. Uolen, Jene Siqvertsc�n, �Tl�oivas Payne, f3ernar� Jacob, Gcor�e Ustran�l, /lrnolci Lucke Ti�e �ninutes of the meetin� of .�arch 25, 1J7�) were approvecl as rnailed. Nearings: 26-70-i3 17 Crocus Pl ace Bernard �1. JacoL, SU[3JECT: Letter dated April 1, 1970 from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistar�t City Architect, �ureau of Public Buildings to ;�Ir. �ernard Jacol�, /1I11, blol:l /lssociates re�arding a proposed structure at 17 Crocus P1acP. JIPPE/1RANCES: 8ernard ��1. Jacob PROCEEUI�dGS: F�ir. Cohen read the application for anpeal ��f '•ir. Jacol, �iatecl �larcf� 2��, 197U. '�r. Jacob explained that the proposed resicier�ce v�as to k�c a toti�n houst� ty��c wi th prefaL pa nel s. Fle sa i d the proposecl 4-s tory s truc ture wou 1 d s ta r t. a t graue level and therefore exceeci tf�e 5' nei�nt lin�itatiori for construction of tiic first lev�l above gracle. He shatved boarci members a picturr of what the fi ni sheu house ���oul d �e sir�ii 1 ar to. ACTIOiJ: ��ir. Voiqt moved to qrant a variance to Section 33.05 of the St. Paul L�gislative Code to allow construction of a four story resi:l��nc�� accnrci- ing to the request in the annlication for a���al �ated °�larci� �4, 1�37U ancl � accor�Jing to the plans as suurnitted. Seconcled by Tieso. EXHIBIT "A" , . ^/...�;« . ;��iCtC t 1 n� "i�). �'.'1 TIIE VOTE: c�y�s: Cohen, Retu�l�er{� , Sorn�nr�rd�rf, Tieso, Voi�t. Fla,yes: iior�e. ALstentions: none. t°iotion carriecl five (5) to zero (�1) . ��;-7�-� uaker, Coino Park Llem. , I)avis, �rew, Galtier, Ir�c:le��encicr�l >chc�ul Gordon, Gorrnan, liancocL:, Ol,i Il�rrison, flill , i)is'trict PJ�ii. u2'; cif �_ _.__ __ __- -—_ _- -- _ ----------- _ Lincolri, Lon�fellovr, ;1cClellan, ,iouncl Park 1innesc�t��� I�y _�� ijiii�ri�J_ 11. El�m. , Phalen Par�:, Raiidol�fi_tlei�ai�ts, _Sil.�le�, �olcri � � � Til�en, Van t;uren U Whittier Schools � SUQJCCT: Letter dated Januar,y 9, 1970 to i1r. John T. Lackner, Superintendent c�f Scnools, Inclependent School District iJo. 625 from Robert l�mes, City Archit��ct, Liur�au of Public E3uildings regardinc� I�uildinq cocle cieficiencies at �E� St. f'aul ��uulic schools. Letter ciated �-larci� 24, 1970 to P•1r. R��ymonci Uolen, Uirector of Oper�tions anci ��laintenanc�. Indepenc:ent School Uistrict PJo. 625 from Gler�n i�. Crickson, /',ssistant City Architect and Victor J. Ted�:�sco, Comrnissioner, i3ur�au of Public Quil�ings regarding the consolidated report of Schirmer Enc�inc�erinq Corp. of i�larch 13, 197C). PROCEEUI�JGS: f�r. Uolen sumn�ed up the sci�ool district's concern for tlie safet_y of school children which f�as �een rnaintained. He said that inonitors arc: use�J on school buses for safety reasons. Ne stated that tfie sci�c�ol clistrict a�orhs closc�ly ��rith the city engineer to determine what traffic ancl intersection prc�l�lems might be resolved in the concern for safety. He said state la�r ancl city ordinance require fire drills for schools on a reqular �asis, aqain in tlie interest of safety. Fle cx�lained that the custodial staff is also ir�structed as to safety ineasures within the schools. Submitted as evidence were a sectiori from t��e Principles IlanJl�ook conccrnin� fire Jrills, a m�r�tnly fire drill report us�c1 �y ti�e St. Paul Pul,lic Sc;i�oois and "The Custodial I-iandbook" of the St. Paul Sc!mis, Uistrict u25. r1r. Uolen explained additional ways in wfiich safety is maintaineci for the schools which are valued at over $100 million: a) conversion from coal to gas and oil u) 52., million spent to up�rade school electrical wiriny c) maintenance of a custodial staff in some schools until 2:00 a.m. d) patrol of some schools b.y f�lidwest Patrol I�e said that �,►hile detection is important, prevention is most essential . (�Ir. Dolen then summarized the chronolo�.y of events from Uecember 19, 1��6�1 - 2 - • - • � � � �;/`;/70 � �1cet;in�� t1u. 2�) . at r�hich ti��ie the City /�rchitect had asked the [3oard of Cducation f��r �i i�l��n ofi complianc� for 2G cocle d�ficient schools in the City. In Deccml�er �anci Jarivar�,�, ten different fire alarrn systems were clemonstrateJ to c��uc��tion persui�nel . Un January 9, 1970 orders to comply ���ere i ssued by the (�ty Archi tect. I;e�u i ts of a �3,OOU fire safety sl:udy conclucted b,y Schir�ncr Crigineerinq Corn. , ?liles , Illinois in February ��ere reported to the C3oard of Education on �i,ircl� ?_� , 1�±1O. A letter of ;larcf� 24, 1�70 to the CoarcJ of Eciucati�n from the �;urcau c�f Publ ic L'uilciinys inclicated l��hat items of the re�ort the L>ureau �lisa�rec�i r�ith. �ir. Jolen sai�l the scf�ool board unaniriously endorsecl the Scfiirm�r renort. ��r. i�olen statecf that ;6U,000 of a $100,000 Uuuqet for school fir� n►•c�tc�ction ii�iprove�nents ti�as bein� used to provicle: smol;c� detccLia�� ciev�icc�s for nine of l,ii� tt�ent;�-nine schools havin� fir� hazards. �ase� on the r�n��ineerin�� r��nnrt, hc said that ti�e �natter before t��e �oard of Anneals conccr►iin� the re,n�� inin�l 2i) �chools was a request to install either s�rii��;linn sySti�nl; dl�)�1c` or tu ir�st:<�11 smoke an�i i�cat detection devices ancJ enclose tl�e stairar�iys - cith�r of ��vhich v,�oulu be iri variance of the t�ureau of Public liuileiinq's re�ucst tc� c���cic�se the stairt��ays anu provide s�rinkl�r svste�ns for th� schools. �ene Si gvertsen, consul ti ng arcf�i�;ect for the school s sa i:l tt�a t to enc 1 os�� the stair�•�ays anJ to install ;prinklers would cost `;75,000; to install s;�rir�kl�:�rs onl,y !�roulil cost �E;�9,000 ancl to enclose the stairwa�,�s ancl install s���c�ke an�l Iieat detection devices t��ould cost approximately �372,OU0. Ne ex��lai�i;�� tl��,t a r,�onitoring system which inust �e inaintained woulci cost ��et�,re�n ';?7 - :;�',t)c��) yearly. ��1r. iJarrgran of tl�e Fire Prev�ntion Qureau stated that the Fire �en,�rt,nent fully concurs with the ;tarch 24, 1970 lettF:r of the !;uildinq �e��artment. �>1r. �ue stated that the C01110 Park Elemeritary School �•�as ir�cluJeci in ���c� order of January 9, 1970 by error. ACTIUf�: P1r. Cohen rnoved that the a�peal Ue deniecl. THE UOTE: llyes: Cohen, Pea{:e, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf, Tieso. id�►yes: ►��one. /lbstentions: Voigt. hlotion carried five (5) to zero (0) tivith one (1 ) abstention. 29-70-G I3attle Creek Jr. H��h School Independ�nt School � �i �� Uistrict No. 6?5 o� (�linnesota b,y._(taymond l�. Do fe n _______----- - SUQJECT OF APPEAL: Letter ciated April 1, 1970 to i�1r. Jene Siqvertsen, Con- sultin� Architect, Independent School District 625 from Glenn �1. Erickson, Asst. City Architect, Bureau of Public Quildings concernincl the �rovision of an automatic sprinkler sYstem for the proposed t3attle Creek Jr. Hi��}� School . - 3 - . � . �/�i/7c:� ' I`�E'C'tlllq ��0. Z� APPEARANCES: Raymond A, Uolen, ArnolcJ S. Lucke PROCEEUINGS: f�r. Dolen explained that the proposed construction wc�ulcl contain three shops. ?�Ir. Lucke said the walls of the shops in the proposecl c�nstruction would bc� of fire resistant material . He said the appeal was to limit sprinkler area to the �rorkshons only and not to the entire school as requireci by law. f�r. Erickson said he felt the worcliny of the code concerninc� this m�+tter was inadvertently misvrorded. ACTIOt�: ��1r. Cohen move� that Section 1�.02-1-L of the St. Pa�al Le��islativc Code be waivecl as requested to allow construction of tt�c Gattle Creck Jr. Hiyh School with sprinklin� systems installed in the sl�op are.�s onlv ����,1 r�c�t t��c entire school . Secon��e�i by Sommerdorf. T11E VOTE: Ayes: Cohen, Peake, Rehnber�, Somrnerdorf, Tieso, Voi���t. (Ja��cs : nonc�. 1lbster�tions: none. Piotian carried six (6) to zero (0) . 27-70-E3 �37 E. Case �aor�e L. Ostrand SUBJECT OF APPE/1L: Report on "l3uilding to f�e "�ioved and Location At iJc�ti�� SitE�" �ateJ June 26, 19G9 I�y Ron Stone, Inspector. APPEAR/1f�JCES: George L. Ostrar�d. PROCE�UIfJGS: �•1r. Ostrarid said he 4ydS r��ucstinc� a variance of the 7'6" ceiliri� ht. re�uire�nent for habita�le rooms in order to allow occupx�nc,y of t��e secon�i flaor at 337 E. Case. The building i�ad been move�l from g�4b E. `1aryl�nd, Ii� sai�l that: ne hau never statca that I�e ��dould or tivould not use the second f1oar for occun�ancy. +-1r. �lue said the cod2 re�uirement coulc! prot�a(�ly be met i�,y a�„�ing a ilor�ni�i• to ti�e seconU floor. ACTIOf�I: i�irs. Peakc moved that Section 34.O1.1G of the St. Paul L�gislativc Code requirir�g a 7'G" mini�um ceiling height f�r habitaLle roo!ns of one an�.i t��o far!�il;� clwellin�s be �,�aiveci for the i�ousc� at �337 E. Case ltve. to allo�� c�c- cupancy of the second floor at said address�which has a ceilinc� heic�ht of only , ��3��, Seconcled by Voigt. - 4 - � . 4/£;/70 . � ?�leetir�q No. 7.9 , ' _ THE VOTE: Ayes: Peake, Rehnberg, Soinmerdorf , Voigt. Nayes: Cohen, Ticsc�. Abstentions: none. ��lotion carried four (4) to two (2) . t�leeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. _�''�..�.�_____ ___---_--_- Thornas W. Andersori Executive Secretary _ 5 - . ;�;'�<`�'�:s���� DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER oATF R�SOLVF��, That the Council. hereby ratifies and approves tHe action nf �he �aard of Appeals pertainin� to the follow3ng li�ted propert3es as shown by the official m�.xautes of �aid Board af .�ppea.ls c�ated �.pril �, 19'�O, a copy of which� marked EX�IIHIT "A" is a�ttacbed hereto and rnade a part laereaf t�y refere�ce. Case No. .�rn,�ertv A�pellant 26-70-8 17 Cra�cua Place Bernard .M. Jacob 29-70-� �attle �reek Jr. Hi�h Indo,pende�at School 5chool - District I�1'o. �52,� by Bounded b}� 1�Torth P�,rk Raymond A. I:�aYen Drive, t�int�a�op �° Burn� 2'�-70-T3 8�'� E. Case �eor�e L. Ostrarad �,.,� 4 ������ .`:"rF',�' � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .,i , r : �id�130ri •': Dalglish Approved 19—_ Meredith �--^ Tn Favor Peterson � Mayor Sprafka (� A gainst .�ede�CO- Mr. President, Byrne 55