248648 4 _ o���c:er cie� .: � �'"• -� � �- � � ORDINANCE �����4g COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B • � �\ ORDINANCE NO — A�I �RDTNANCE At�RENDING CHAPTER 257 UF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PER- TAINIi�IG TU CONNECTION OF AIR CUNDITIUNING EQUIP�IENT TO CITY WATER. 'i'�iE COUNCIL 0� TI�iE CITY UF SAINT PAUL ll0E5 URDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 257 of the Saint Paul Legi�la.tive Code, pertai.nin� to Connection of Air Conditioning Equipment to City iNater, is hereby repea.led i.n its entirety and the following adopted and inserted. in lieu thereof: 257.01. Scope. The following re�ulations shall be anplicable to all water-cooled air conditioning equipment which is cannected in any manner to the public water sunply system, but shall not apply to process coolin� which is designed to be for 65° Fahrenheit dry bulb thermometer or lower with the equipment used primarily for other than human c�mf or.t. 257.02. Definitions. "Air conditioning syst�m" shall mean an individual unit, �rou� or collection of units, or any combination of ' equi�nent installed to service one consumer, and cennected directly or indirectly to the consumer's service. r'ynstalled capacity" snall mean the total number of rated tons cax�z.city in each air conditioning system. "I2.ated capacity in tons" of each air conditioning system means tne greatest tonna�e as comnut�d by the followin� methods: 1. The manufacturer's ratin� i.n tons per 24 hours of equivalent ice making capacity. 2. The hourl,y B.T.U. ratin� af hea� remov�al canacity divided by =' 12,000. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approve Attest: City Clerk M r �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By �/ ` Oriefnal to City Clerk _. • . � - � - T � ORDINANCE 2���� COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��`�` � ` Pa�e 2. 3. The horsepower rating of the motor required to drive the r�- fri�erant compressor. 4. IJinety (90) percent of the horsenower rating vf the motor drivin� ootn tne compressor and fan. 5. iti''nere none of these ratings are av�ilable, or where a ques- tion aris�s as to the accuracy of any ratinq, the rating shall be deter- mined by measurement of tne power innut t� the compressor motor, rate of fuel consumption, or other suitable means as determined bY ths department. 257.03. Conserving a.nd Regulating Devices. All air condition- in� systems installed or replac�d and which are connected .directly or in- directly with th� �ublic tvater systems must bs equipped with water con- servinv and �aater rea.,ulatina devices as hereinafter provided for; uro- vided, h�taever, tnat all air conditionin� s,ys�ems which wera installed prior to tne �£fectiv� date of this ordinance, which are connected directly or indirectly witn, the nublic ��aater svstem, and which are of th� non-cons�rvin� tvpe and havins* ths res?ulating devices as hereinafter nr�vided shall be allowed to continue in o�eration; but sh�ll not be allowed to b� rem�ved and reinstall�d at �xiother location. 257.04. Anproved Equip:n�nt: O�er�.tion and InstallatiQn. At�- -- � proved water conservin� t}�?e air conditicsn�r shall o� o�erated �.nd in- stalled as foll�ws: A. ivith a coolin� teiver, evaporatimn condenser, spray pond, or otner equipment which shall dir�ctly or indirectiv cool th� r�fri��r�nt, and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Ori�inal to City Clerk , .. • . � � � - - � ORDINANCE 2����1� COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ' l — Pa�e 3. B. So as to use water from the uublic water system only fox make-up water tQ replac� water lost by evaporati�n or by flushina the equi�ment, and C. So as t� have a regulatin�* valve c�r device uThich limits thp averaae use mf vrater frmm the public sunply to an avera�e of less th�n and n�t to exceed a maximum of two-tenths (0.2) �allons per minute (12 �±allons pex hour7 �er ton o£ c�olina canacitv when in o�eration, �rtd D. 4tiitn�ut �. niping conr.�ctian to nermit oneration a.f. the air conditioner unit bv direct use of watsr from the nublic sunnlv either in conjunction witn or in blac� of such coolin�* tower, evaporation con- denser, st�rav nond, or oth�r recirculatin� and h�at exchan�e equip- ment during the m�nti�s of r�.y ti�rou�h September. 257.05. Ma.ximum �Vater iJse: i2e,�uulatin,� D�vices. The use Qf taater from the public water syst�m f�r an,y non-conserving air conditioning; system, regardless of siz�, sh�.11 not exceed a rate of one and ana-half (11/2) uallons per minut� per ton o£ refri.4eration under maximum summer conditions, and a water re�ulatin,� valve or device limitin� th� use o£ water to the ab�ve maximum rate shall be installed and be in operatinn within ninety (90) days after the ef��ctive date af tliis ordinar�ce. 257.06. Permits. Permits shall be required for the installation of aIl new air conditionin� systems as otherwise provided for in the Citv ordinance. All pipin� for sunplying wat�r from the public water system to Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By • OriQinal to City Clerk � �= �� - _ ' r � � ORDINANCE 2L��� 4� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � `{�� Pa�e 4. any air conditioning system and from the unit to the sewer svstem sn.all be installed as required by the Citv ordinance. All water �ipin� shall be valved at the initial point of the air conditioner or ahead of the control device for th� system. S�ction 2. This ordinanc� snall take effect and be in f_orce thi�ty (30) days from and a£ter its passaae, approval and pu�lication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �Y 1 5 19�� Carlson ��h � � in Favor � Meredith � P_ete�se� �? Sprafka Against Tedesco MAY 15 1970 `�r; P�.����' �3���:: APProved: A es : y . ce �r.9i •- t (ib� . nj � ' y Clerk May �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 1970 Dapltcate to Printer ORDINANCE ��������:��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO��'`� �` � AN ORDINANCE A1�TV�ING CHAFTEI2 257 �r T.tE SAINT PAtJL LEuI�I.�ATI�lE COT3E PER- 7't�Ii�It�IG T%;7 COiThiECTlnid �Jr E1IP, CniVDITICINING �:OiJTn,tr*1T TO GITY i':'.ATLiR. THE COUNCIL CF T:i�: CIT1' �F SAIidT �'F�LfL DOE� Gi��r.Iil: ��cticsn 1. T?��.t Cl.>.�l�t�r 'l a7 �f t�:� S�.int P�.ul Le�islative Cod�, �.�aextainin�; �o Connvcti�n �f ,�3.x C��n�itic�nz.nn =:aui��rr:�nt to Cit,y jti`at�;r, is ���r�hy �c;���.l�d i� it� �ntir�t;�� �:nc1 t;l� �c�lla�a�.�z� a�tc�jnt�;c� dnd iiis�rtrd ii�a li�u t,7ex�wc�t: 2;7.C1. �care. Tlle �allawin�; re�;ulatiens sh�ll. b� �,r�licable ta all :a:te�r-cs�sal�cl �ir condztinnzn;; c�r�uy.,�r:��r►� tali:ich is car.n�cted in �.�y ,n�»n.er tra th�: ;aulali.c sa�.t�r sua��2y syste��n, �ut s;z�11 a1�t a,r�nly' to proc�ss co�lir�� i�:z:ic�i is d�si�nud t� b� for b5° T�at�x�nJYei� �txy bulb t?ler:�oaret�r �r 3c�w;�?° ��aitlz �Yer a<.�ua.;srnwnt us�.�i �rimwril}� �cr dtsi�r tiiaii }7.i.?T'?i�3' !`n,T L'�}?'�. ?57.Q�. i1��1.)?.'��iL'T1S. t�r'17.'�" C^�.11�l1�'',.n21-i�l�r g�•7�C;:rif .,:'.,.:�� ;;:t:".�? :aIl ?!7.C�I.VIf�tlia.�. Ull<..f:y 'TY"GLl�) u2' C!31�.�?C±:"..LTTi (?�� "�,131J..�S� ti:i Fs71y CC.�T�i�)ll2ct::4.t�i: +.'S{. ",(�l'7.;ir1.`?Il.t 1I.S�:i�.1°i�. t^9 ��TV3.C�� '�',Tl>d C"JItSUi;1PY.'� i�7l�i Ct„^�1T1'�Cti:4� Ct1T'3C�IY GP �.P.t17.1:F'G��}' �� �i1.1' CLsIiStli:��l�S 5-::Y'L'I.C•".,. 'rIrls�.wll;;d. c��:,�.ci*y•" s1�i�:.11 a,.��=�. ��� *�t��1 ��u�lz::r ;.�: .�t�il t�:►s ca��..cztv isx ����.cE�. �:.�.� ce��u�itici�in�; syst�rz. ";;^t�ci c;����city in t�r.�" cf e�:ck: µir c�ndit�c.nin� systa;� iaeai.s t'}��• �7j"a��;?C� r�T11 s�?!? cZ:i C'c^.+i.�li�ltuti �)V ril`.:' �CJ�.�f36h'?.Tl'� 3il�t':lt�U':>: 1. T}i� ?�sax��.il'�«c*ux�x'� ratinz; a.n tans n�°x 24 ii�u±� �i ��uav�.l�nt 7.c� ;r.�.k inz cal��.ci'�y. 2. 'f'F!:� :h:��xrly P.T.ti. rat�.nr� cs�' i�eat r�,noval c�.nacity divid�d by 12,0OU Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Printer ORDINANCE .������.�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���'�� E� P�.s;� 2, 3. T�ze lidrs��,cswer r�.ti��� af t,i� �,�atcar r�:c�uirs�i td drive th� re- iri��r�.nt co�:lr�r�;�sar. 4. idir:�ty (JO) ���Y'Cf;T1'� d�° t}��: ;�orsa�no�•:�r rating cf tli� n�ctcr cixiv�n�, 1��t;i ta�e� cor_:��r�sscr �.nc! ian. Y S. :eltirCa IIt3I2U �i �iltii8 1'�:.t�.11+7S 87'S Ei.V21�.��1�� CT' �O�l�Z'� �£. :�U�,c,•• tion ara.s�s :�s trr t3�� accuracy �� �:ny r��tz�a�;, t:n� ratin� si�?11 t�e det�r- n�ineci 6y 7.�^��.:�ur�::r,ti�:n� o�= ttis po�a�x :iri��ut tc� t1�� c�mx�r�s���vr �ctcr, r�t�; c.�' �_a�;I CG3�J�l7il�;tic.n, cr vtl��.r suital,l�: ;1,E�.r?s �s d�tert�a.n�:u b}- th� d�,,artr,��nt. �57.J3. Ct�r.s�rvin� arc�. F�.u�ulatir�;; i�c;�v:.c�;s. �111 air c�r.cli*iatt- 1T1� S)'StE:']i15 11�,�i�ed.l.a.�G (JT Ti��;i;i13C:�a Zi1CI leTil'.Cll u.�•L' CCJIIl'1°C�f3G dirLctly E?T ir..- 4�3.2C::C�ly' S'IIVfi t'2a ':UtillV 4':r'�.�.`�x' S`�'3�:c:3;iS ItI.LlSt ' . � 1 ; ��'2' C.S , U�''° ct Lilj�;�c,C. Lt'1ti1 viz TI— � s�rvini;; �.��a c��at�r rc�;ul�t�.n�r d�vic�s ws :.�r::ina��te:� ;�r;vi.ct�ci -;'c7; ��rc- V7_r,�:=:;;.� nv^i.,,';.V`:T� t�i���: r211 c'F,1.2° COtiuit3.dI1I11�? SVS��?';tla lr'z11C�i t��lr.i:.r.8 7.T1S�r1.11:?cl �.?TI.C^1" t� �i:�; �:�'i,�ctiv�� �1ut�: o:c �ii9.s �rci.�ns�ie:�, w;�ic:i°: �:����� c�z�rj�ct•�;cl <lir�ctly cr i�idir�ctly a�a:i4�. tii� I�u��lic 1d�;..'��r :�;•s����;, �:���? �.ati�c`� :x� � e�G� t�i�: ziar-c�ns�srva.n� typ�: �.nd i��v:iri� t�l� r��ulata.s��; �1�:v�c�w� �s :z�r�::inait�r j�ravia�c� si�•all ;�� �'r.���,i�fQ;i� �d CGilw21:11� 7.21 G;^�:'u.�:LGi2� ;?Llf: S1"tii�.l T1C?� 'l.r;: ;�.�.1�ir1��t1 tC3 v' ._�;�!�V�:C'1 unci r�i�st�;=�1I�c: ut �.r��t�a�x Ioc�tinn. 257.G4. "��,��,ruv�-1 i;c�ui�*��:���: t��:��.L�.tian �:�:� I.:st�113ti�n. ::��- i.Y'�^.V.-'.tL �v+aY.�:"."Y' C�Iii�'`:'iV?i1�i; t��'L- :'3.�' CC]"t�71�ICSY:�T �t1�:a�.Z i}:. �1�;�'�;L..'�.�„`�.i ;zT1CL ?_P� ;it�.1�.f:C� .?.�- :i'`.TZIC':15; �• s'+']t�: i� CC��'1i14� tG::t:"l."� 1Tc:;'rCbz'cE�:1.�"`..'i G0�7'tt�?�i1S��:' Si'7'"'V j;€:ii::l� CY' �t:�ex �c�uir7:ri�:nt ��r.l.�.;cli si9µ.11 ciir�ctly ox ir�dir�ctly coc�l �ii� �:-u��:i,;�x:���t, �nd Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka. Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE �`��`���`�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ` � � Page 3. B. Sa a� to use w�tex from the public water system only for z�ake'uP wat�r tcr xeplac� water lost by �vapor�ti.on or by £lushin�; the ec�ui�n�ent, and C. So as to }rRVe � re,�ulatinn valve or devi.ce �.vi�ich liMits the average us� cif irater from th� �uvlic su�ply ta an av�ra�� ox less th3n and nat to exc�ed a m�ximum of two-t�nths (�.2) gallons per m3.nute (12 gallons per haux) ��r Lan a� c��lir��- ca�saci�y w?l�n in QY,eratian, �nd U. F+�ithout � nfpinR con��:cti.�an ta ner�it oner�.±i�:t oi' the sir conditianPr LLP.7.'f' �V G].T'�Ct US^. C.9f ld,^:�.�E"X' fT`Ca?"1 �'i.R;.^_: rl,t�t13C SU??}�I� L�2.�j'1�?r i.n conjunction witll ar i.n ��l�c� �; suci� c4�slin� t�e,r��� �y��,�.rs.tion ccsia.- Cjf'IIS�T� 5?)TZV I7tJl'lca� P32' OtF1L'Z' r�circial�t9.n� .:.I1(� ;�1?�..� a'}:C':NT!�7,� !��J�tl??)— J *nt�nt t�uz'1.ns; the ��°..��th,s �£ �.r�,�, thrcu��t� �:�P��:;t���i�:�x. �rJ7�n5• i`�!$X:117211T!! �1A�v'Z' :�SP: +�c`;?ll�.atT.lif� �)��V'�.Ccs:i. T'l: LlS�? (Y'i 1�a.1;('.y' �2`�T+1 't�1� �1!1�7�.1C V.'3tG�T SyS'tCTii :rP;l' <211�1 7��T!—t:OT?,:`,:i�'1,11?��r ��,,.:i2- CG:1C�1�1.�11�.;>2n SYS't8i[!� r�,'�;�Z'C�].@gS �1 S�ZL'� �!1?I�. :?C4't tXCt?�!� ,^.. x'u�;? Q':" ^vTl€.' �.Y1C� GTTO-�j1::.�.7: (11/L) ;,�.11o;is r,cr r�iinutc ;��:� te�n �_F r�fxif;;;raticn und°r �n�.xi.r.ra��� su�mnr COI1C��.t.i.f3T1,�'�� e^2i1f� 3,' 6'7t1t°I' r��-ul.atin;; v�.�.V� OT (.�.'_"V7.CF; �.7.'•''1J.t1]1''c �}�av �uc�e> f3f w�.ter ta trp ��a�ve: rn�.xi�nu�� r���� s?��<^. 11 is:: i.:cstwllsci �iFZr.I ���= in ��,���a.*i<�n W1.��1J.B'! ?1!].T!°tY �;.-sCJ� 4a'�'S �;rtcT �;1t`s �'rl;,:�t].Vv: Cl�t�' C,';' �':':�S ar�ii:2arrc�. 2:i7.i)C). n+�T?Fi1�5. 'J��Y'2,,7.'CS Si.,i.11 �� r�:-naa.r�c?. _�cr �':i�' I21S*3Z18t1.+:yn � Q�" i?�.,�. Ti2W a.1Z' C411C�..].t1v1:17't^ L;jFgl��.'?,�:'. 3...5' G'±�1?T;N�S� ':'!:'CiVl.C1,�Cj. :ti:1�2` 1T1 t1�Gs �l.fiY �ra�.��.��r.�. All pi��in;; :�or su,�Ialyinrr w�t�r .£ron t���; �,ut�lic b�a�ti:� s}'St�1?l ta Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Dnplicate to Pdnter ORDINANCE ����(��, �� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- �� '� !� �_ P�•.� �} '�1 .'�lY' Cf�l"iCi7.t:2t;^7:7.i1i:" S,/S��.Fifl ,:.;^C� r �l 't:;., Ulli ''..a �'ii:; Ss6v'vi' .`+� �:e:.,,. Y , _rc.� 't �� � r� ,,,, 5il?_ll. G w :I.I?.5���.�'!.'::i�. c`E�:i :4 �.'t�111Tt3Ci i.)1' til� �il.t`•}' iii!�i3.TA:.I%Cp ��1 ��� cr �• � . �'��'�' T)3,p1dY,., �:ili�..l� :J:. 1!'s",.1V�'4:l ;L'C, �,i.'i.e: ].111�?_u1 �.,iiZ7�� .^.�� �'�lcs. M7.?^ CC57�i�].�;LQ`t:�.C` (;":'` iz.ii�Ei:i ! f1�' 'C�li'a CC'11�Z°C37 !��".t✓AC+' :�Ct�J:` $.�]F SY�;�c35:`�'i• aE'.C��011 ..',•.• 2?'13.� �;i.`C�1.f:c'§.I'tC� S;ic^;�1 �'.�.i::: C::t::�?�C� �1'Ll� u� :R➢1 t�G'";.'Ct;° ttl:].��'V �;SJ? C�,�?.t�?�,i �:«'E'.+7;1 3I3C: c^..'rt��' 1.�;� �7aSS2.f?G� c^u�iI�ICOVE�.1. !�t"1C1 �iI�L711.Cut1.G�1'!• Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii °���3 � � �"��� Carlson �s� � Meredith In Favor �etersvn C� Sprafka - Against Tedesco < <°� Mr. Fresident `(Byrne) , �, , : -', �j Attest ��. ;;, s.'� � c _r.._.�.«..1 Approved: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2208 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMMESS ONER Da�g�-lsh DATE APril 30� 197� _ �E�, l�a� �1 Dat�d ot i�t�r �ir�N � 1�r Cs�► t�r��l t�► a�4 �r ai�t�d ��r �� � � o�" � l�i� !�Z L�'�sl�tt►v l�alr �a��� twr t� e+�s1�a a�t �r f���l+�la� �a� t�r �r3,1� �1+�e, aacld !�r �3�naii� �ot +� Dw�i�t �. � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays ,� Dal lish �� , —� 19 —L� g ; � Peterson +�.._...-. President Sprafka � � _ 0 '_�, � In favor�— Opposed � _ ASST. SECY. �� ' ! i� !' ✓ if , �— I st L' ' � 2nd Laid over to 3rd end app `�' �Adopted � /� Yeas Nays ees Nays Carlson arlson Dalglish �`-BelgNsfr, Meredith �t"��� <�� Meredith ,� Peterson � 'Pet�rsarr—' Sprafka \Sprafka � Tedesco \Tedesco � Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O