248647 ORj�INAL TO CITY CLBRK �L���!j� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC LU ION EN L FORM PRESENTED BY �pbert F. Peterson � COMMISSIONE F In the �atter of constrWeti�ag a PI�MP STATtON � FOttCE W1tN o� P�INT DOU6lAS RDAD: Lower �fton Road to 13��' S.E., 70-S-1377 and I�IHEREAS, the Netrepelitan Sewer Board of the Metropc>litan Cou�cil has accepted the above na�e� i�provea�ent as a l�etropolitan Facility and WHEREAS, the !letropolitan Co�ncil has apprcved a n�otion to adopt the Metropc�l itan Sewer Board Capitai Improvea�ent Program whicl� inclu�les ^ � financir�g for above referenced project, 70-5-1377 and 11�' YHEREAS, the Met�opolitaa Sewer Board has approved the plans for the project upder Metropolitan Sewer Board resoi�tion nc�ber 70-21 therefore be it RESOLVE9, that tt�� plans and spec�f ications fer the abc�ve na�ed ireprovemeAt, as sub�aitted by the Cc�rraissioaer of Publ ic Vorks are �iereby approved and be i t fc�rther RESOLYED, that the total estimated cost of $18�,300.00 i�cluding �ng i ne�r i ng and i�spect i aa be f i nanced f ron�a P.I.Ei. F und Code lio. 60U0, and such f�rnd to be reimbursed by payment fr� the Metropolitan Council and be it further RESOLVEB, tbat the Purchasi�g Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this i�provea�ent. APR 3 4 1�7:0 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �d�'f� 3 0 1�]� Carlson Dalgliah Approved 19�_ Meredith / '� Tn Favor �e�e�se� Sprafka v �j��, Mayor A gainst Tedeaee� l�f�; - .�:s•Y: .�, " PO$LISHED � ��. �«t�.�t����.��n� MAY 2 1910 0