248629 Orieinal to City Clsrk � ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ��� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 55 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE PERTAINING TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS PROVIDING FOR COMPENSATION OF BOARD MEMBERS. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 55.01 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amen.ded by adding a paragraph to be designated (f) to read as follows: "Each member of the Board of Appeals;� including the chairman, shall be paid for attending meetings of the Board. the sum of Twenty—five Dollars (�25 .00) per meeting, the aggregate of such pay— ments to any one member for any one year not to exceed the sum of Six Hundred Dollars (�600.00) . " Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. �2,�,�,� �'��Z� � / � MqY 15 1970 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counci� Carlaon �^ � In Favor � Meredith �e�— O b Against Sprafka Tedesco �� 1 7 ��1'�1 �x.�. :�:�� ±�::{`:! APProve Attest: • Vics 'dc erson) ity C er Mayor ' °�O Form approved Corporation Counsel By � , , PUBLISHED MAY 2 3 197a OdQinal to City Clerk � � � ORDINANCE ;��g��g COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � r�i�i ORllIil4t�iCE Ai��lENDIi�G Ct�1PTEit 55 OF '1'HE SAIidT F'lLUL LEGISL.��TIVE C011E PEitTAIAiING TO Ti�E BOf1It� OF APPE�IL5. THE COU�ICIL F TH� CII'Y Ur SNI:�T PAUL DOES Ut'tI'iAI:v: Sectian . That Section 55.01 of th� Saint �aul Ls�islative Code �� be and tne sam,� i her�bv amended nrovision thereto: "Each m b�r of th� Board of Apneals, includin� the chairma.n, shall be naid for attendin� m�etin�s �f tne Board, regular _ the sum of T��nty- fiv� Dollar (�25.00) p�r meetin�*, tne a.��reffate Q£ such paym ts to anv one m�mber for any one year n�t to exc�ed he swn of Six Hundrad Fi�fi.�� D�llars ($660.00) .�� 5ection 2. inis �rdina ce shall take effect and be in forc� thirtv (30) daYs £rom and after its na sage, approval and publication. � Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor � �. Form approved Corporation Counsel By �� '� ��"?��? ,-.— ._<:r ► ' � Daplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ���������� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � x� A1'a ��2t�II�.l1.n10E �Ai��iDTNG CiIAPT�i� 55 OF T�=� / ,� SAIi'�8 �,'�iJL LI:�;I`'LATIVl� CODF FLiZT�'.I*:IN(' "'�"�� ,� f/�^y �� l' I��� TU Tl�t: Ji;A�tU t�^ t1PF��:/1L5 �' �,' �:d`?t',�".c��'�°.,s}���.-�� �'� r�,, , ��..�''�-jr-`.,� , ,�.._ � '�r � � � 1'�!E CUUVCIL UF fl�;;: IT� )� j,;'T nAUL i�U.�b (),. 4^ , '�� ��{ :,��.t:-�� ,,. � � c: r: � '�DAI'.1: S�ctien 1. T't��t Svcti�n 55.01 of th�. k�i���C P���1 L�;islative Cad� "�.,.�" r �e and ti�e saul� is hereby am�nd�d I , i '� �.-+„�.y¢�.�'"��f r.:�- �-:'+'����t� F ,� f �, . "Each member of th� Baard of A�•a����.ls, inclucly.ng tfze c'r�ai.rrna.n, sx1r�11 be ���.i.�i for att�ndins� m�e�in^s of � tliz lioard, regular .s�-s±�t�ei:, t�ta sum o£ Tvrenty- f.iv� D�llars (�25.00) r»r. m��tia�^, th�e a�;�r�c�at� � �s� sucri ;.ay�nents to any c�n� �n�mbsr �a�r ariy on� y�ar � not to exc��d th� su;n of' Six Ilundx�d � Uc�llars / ��obt?.r��j� �►� �' j: ; Spction 2. �zi.s c�rdin�nc� st:all ta�:e �ff6;c� z.rc� b� i.n �ccxc� zh�,rty ,,' ; (30) d�ys £ron �anc� �.i�C�sr i�� �r�ass�sa�, �.�prvval an�� x�ui>lic�.tiQZ��. ,�'� ,. . ....._ ,, ���- _..._..__,_.._� ,... �,.��.,�..�����.�,., .�...M..,.,�,.,_..._ .. _._...�......�,,.._..�.....�,..,�.�,,,�...._.� . _,,. _.. ''� � •a'`��-^ (�'Mi§cG:�:�:�r��J� m�� `'�\�-�`Z� �la � J ,��.��' .•�. ' d;'Ff'� � .,� � � �' �' ����,�. � � �.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Meredith In Favor Peterson Against Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Apri� 29 970 Mr. Dani�al A. K1�8 Gbrporatian Coun�el . Building Deer Sir: Attached is a copy o n ordin� Co��ncil Fi2e No. 24862y, amer�d�.n� Ch�pter 5� of the Le ative C y pert�ining to Sr�ard of App�al�' WhfCh W81t g st t�dsy�� City Gbun�il meeting. Th� Maya ked tha� copy be tra�smitted to you �r� be re-typed �'or the purp e o�' a�lowi � a c�uple of amendmen��. Seeond ing c�P t rdinance i� ect�edu].ec3 :Por T�dn��day, i� 6th. Very truly yours, AO Gi.ty Cl.erk n� Ho�iy E. Mars6aU � c�TY ��. Albert B. Olsoe � Ctity Clerk and � c`���s` Council Recorder Commiasioner of Req�estration � I:e_��� �s �c � � � � � � �e ii✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK µj1'�°� ;� .,� j�7O CITY OF SAINT PAUL �ORPORATION COUNSEL BUREAU OF RECORDS � S86 City Hall , I � � St.Paul,Minnesota 55i0Q � L► I April 29, 1970 Mr. Daniel A. Klas Corpor�,tion Counsel Buildin� Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of an ordinance, Council File No. 248629, amending Chapter 55 of the Le�islative Code, pertaining to Board oP Appeals, which was given First Readin� at today's City Couneil meeting. The Mayor asked that a copy be transmi.tted to you to be re-typed for the purpose of allowing a couple of amendments. Second Reading of the ordinance is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6th. Very truly yours, ��� . AO City erk n ng U' � ist y �/� I r� � , 2nd`' �Laid over to �_ r,�,���1 3rd and app �4dopted �`'� Yeas ,� � Nays Yeas Nays Carlson \Carlson � ' Dalglish �Ly���� Balgtitk- .f \ �' Meredith `Meredi+h Peterson � 'P�'F�rsan- Sprafka �Sprafka Tedesco edeuo � Mr. President B ne �. President B rne Yr Y O